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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. FYI, many modern "different" jet engines are physically identical, it's only the controlling software that makes them run at certain thrust levels. (many modern large diesel engines in trucks and locomotives are the same--the 3900hp, 4000hp, and 4400hp versions are all the same--and they can be reprogrammed as needed) In fact, one of the common early 777 engines no longer exists---every single one has gotten the "ver 1.6" software or whatever that effectively makes it a different, more powerful engine--the original version has even been removed from the FAA's type certificate. Swissair converted every one of their 60,000lb thrust MD-11 engines to the 62,000lb version--just by changing "a little black box" on them. I wouldn't be surprised if something similar exists for valks. (really, the difference in software is mainly for warranty/maintenance/reliability/fuel efficiency---restricting its max output makes everything else better) Even the F-15 has a small "limiter" built in, an F-15 can normally never achieve 100% thrust, and isn't even trimmed to do so. They're usually "2 steps down" from maximum, to make them more reliable. I would imagine they're re-trimmed when possible in times of war, but even that may be too time-consuming unless it's a prolonged (6 months+) operation. And there's some pretty major conversions you can do to an engine---best example is the 707. Converting turbojets to turbofans. The early 707's were NOT re-engined as commonly believed--that'd cost too much. They actually converted the engines themselves. The original 13,000lb JT3C's became 18,000lb JT3D's---just need one more turbine stage, a compressor fan added up front, and a new nacelle to house it all. HUGE boost in power.
  2. For the 360? (since this is the 360 thread, though SF2HD's being discussed in all 3 threads) I can wait---I'd just buy SF2 and play it now, and get the controller when it comes out.
  3. I just went and found the closed thread---I'm betting it was closed due to looking like (frankly) every other 1-post thread about the kit. There's no indication of it going to be eventually be a review, build, or anything else. It's just a fairly random post saying "hey guys, I just ordered it". And nothing more. If you'd put what you just posted here in that thread (about it going to be a straight-build, etc, with tips) it probably wouldn't have been locked.
  4. Sorry, but that's the one thing contrary to my generally "hardcore old-school gamer" preferences--I hate joysticks, it's the reason I never play 2D (or 3D) fighters at arcades. I like my D-pad. (I grew up with NES/Genesis, not arcades)
  5. I'm getting a PS3 for Xmas, and will probably get SF2HD for that, due to the D-pad if for no other reason. So I can't join in on any 360 matches... (I also plan to get MM9 for the PS3 for the D-pad) ::edit:: Are there any 6-button fighting pads for either system? That would make a big difference.
  6. Umm, 200 man-hours service doesn't mean 200 hours of time--it could mean 2 guys working 100 hours, 20 guys working 10 hours, or 400 guys working 30 mins. Just assume there's a LOT of mechanics on board.
  7. Yeah, gotta ask about the canopy! (though I do now have 1 more part of it done, and I have to continue my current method with the final part until that one is successful, otherwise the parts will be mis-matched)
  8. Graham--can you tell WHAT was done to make the hip-guns fit better? (so that we can attempt to modify Alto's to be the same)
  9. Tons of new pics came out right as the forum was taken off-line, but I haven't found any big copies of them. Alto: http://tamashii.jp-network.co.jp/item/item...amp;sukesuke=01 Ozma: http://tamashii.jp-network.co.jp/item/item...amp;sukesuke=01
  10. Chun-Li makes an amazingly good valk-girl. The thighs help! Also, every combination of arm/hand/shoulder parts work for mix-and-matching. Here's 2 pics, sorry for the terrible quality, was photographing at night at close range while crouching:
  11. The *super* pack (not armor pack) is going to have most of the "brightly colored parts" molded in color, clearly. I doubt they'll include multiple copies of the sprues.
  12. I was just looking at it wrong, seems there's "gold foil with black printed" stickers, and yellow transfers/stickers/decals (hard to tell). I honestly think my "black stickers over yellow/gold parts" would work the best, for non-painting methods.
  13. I'll probably buy SFII for the PS3 (when I get a PS3) due to the D-pad. (Same reason I'm getting MM9 for the PS3)
  14. Odds are good someone here has a spare sheet, since most people are using the stickers.
  15. I'm seriously considering it.
  16. Wait, are there two types of stickers? One set of black to apply over yellow parts, and one set of gold to apply over black? So you can do whichever way you think is better? (based on curves/edges, I'd go for black stickers over yellow)
  17. If light was the main cause of yellowing, then I wouldn't own stuff where the permanently-in-shadow bottom yellowed while the exposed-to-constant-sun parts stayed white... Some plastic yellows. Regardless. (and not just white plastic, though it's the most prone to---anyone who owns an original SNES probably has a very interesting pattern of yellowing on it that makes little sense)
  18. The IPS driver error is WHY the site's being taken offline---this will be a MAJOR upgrade to the site, and will hopefully resolve the IPS issue for a long time.
  19. Seeing as how I'm a big Beach Head fan (though I do consider the first 25th fig nigh-perfect) and I do like Mainframe----is the "red goggles" Firefly the best one? (I only saw that pack for sale once ever)
  20. It still all depends on if the ornate yellow trim is molded separately somehow, or if it's going to require significant painting skill. (yellow over black cannot be done in one, or even three coats---hand-painting it opaquely and crisply will not be easy)
  21. I still don't have a Firefly, mainly because they are too close to Beachhead---but this new one looks to be even more Beachhead than the others! Seriously, could they make a Firefly that has at least 10% unique molding? Look at the Blowtorch fig--he has plenty of new parts for a far less popular character. (unless those legs are used somewhere else)
  22. Super pack separately? Hmmn. Of course, the big question is--how? Perhaps it'll include a few "replacement" parts? If you just snap-fit it together it may be quite possible to remove parts and use the new ones with armor attachment points, but people who glued and puttied will have problems.
  23. Nit-pick since people keep saying it: There is no white on Ozma's valk. There is however, very light grey.
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