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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Finally found an Eel. Also, found a Snow Serpent painted much better than I've seen before, so picked one up. Pilot Scarlett seems to be a pegwarmer, which is good for me, as I decided I want one (only for parts for customizing) but they all suffer from the most common of 25th Joe problems---flashing around the jaw. And you can't trim it off, as it'll reveal the base plastic color. Just gotta keep hunting for one with a "smooth jawline". (far more important on female figs than guys). When/if I find a really good one, I'll buy it. (paint around the knees is also very sloppy on many, as is the white on the harness)
  2. You seem to have an amazingly "good" YF-19, compared to mine and all the others I've seen pics of. Count yourself lucky.
  3. I hated that episode. Plus, the Technobots are the lamest of G1 gestalts. Way too much info: When I got G1 Grimlock for Christmas back in 86(?), I was so excited I threw up. Luckily, he was still MISB at that moment, so he was fine.
  4. SF2HD----silver members can play online for free for a month: http://majornelson.com/archive/2008/12/04/...ee-program.aspx I'll download the trial tonight, see if the 360 d-pad is at all acceptable. If so, I'll buy it and go online (after a bit of practicing--I am SO out of practice, I don't think I've really played much since 3rd strike)
  5. That's the biggest version I've ever seen. Might have been better to ask this in the big all-purpose Transformers thread that's pinned at the top of the forum, though.
  6. It doesn't even have a conjectural fan-made nickname AFAIK. I've never heard anything about a name for the -51. I do like Comorant a lot though. (goes with the Su-27 Crane)
  7. Lacquer over acrylic is almost guaranteed problems. Panel lining with enamel over acrylic? Could be ok. Enamel is much "weaker" than lacquer generally, and the enamel and acrylic versions of the same brand/line usually tolerate each other fairly well. You just don't want to actually coat enamel over acrylic. If water is 0, I'd say acrylic is 1, enamel is 3, and lacquer is a 10...
  8. Did you ever try contacting a mod/admin? A year? Ouch, I was locked out for a week and it sucked...
  9. I'd buy figma--if I knew/cared about any character they've done. Yeesh--not only are Revoltech and Figma spending 60% of their releases on partial remolds and repaints, most of that are copying each other! There's a billion characters from a billion games and series I'd buy, yet I only own a few. No Gundam? No Macross? No Tekken? No Soul Calibur? They are WAY too focused on 'stuff from the last year' and not "all-time popular stuff".
  10. Basically, it's how "hot" each type of paint is. And you can go by smell and common sense. Lacquer is the hottest. It will dissolve/eat anything, even plastic. Nothing else will affect it. Enamel is in the middle--lacquer will eat it, it will eat acrylic. Acrylic is the "weakest"--it won't eat anything, and will be eaten by all other paints. Note that lacquer will smell strongly for hours, while you can brush-paint acrylic for hours with almost no smell. Another basic rule---enamels and lacquers will re-liquify when exposed to their own proper thinner/solvent, acrylics will not. (this is important for bottles--if some dry or almost dry enamel paint falls back into the bottle--it'll reliquify in a little while, no problem. But a dry clump of acrylic--will remain a clump floating around forever)
  11. Sheryl doesn't look like Sheryl...
  12. And in ep 3 (I think) there's a notable scene in the elevator where Michael has clearly human ears. (was this fixed?)
  13. May be hard to describe, but I think the issue is more the size of the area the pin ends are stuck into. Here, I'll just sketch a bad pic. "A" is how it is, "B" is how I think it'd be better. Frankly--the hinge isn't "even" at all---90% of the plastic is on one side (and the center of the pin), 10% is on the other side (the pin ends)--and the pin is breaking the ends.
  14. ::grumble grumble:: Where's the 25cm PVC *Grace* in flightsuit? She has blue hair and a big chest too...
  15. And it needs to be repeated--the Saturn D-pad is the best ever. Probably has the best buttons, too. I think the main thing the Saturn D-pad has going for it is how it rolls.
  16. Well, OK, insanely popular and/or owned by Namco-Bandai. (of course, Bandai partly owns/sponsors Frontier too...) (doesn't explain the severe lack of other Bandai-Namco brands though, especially video games)
  17. Maybe Frontier may become popular enough to get Revoltech. (doubt it though--it seems only the absolute most insanely-popular ones are getting Fraulein figs)
  18. OT, but I don't think Terradactyl was ever a word. Though "Terradactyl" gets a lot of hits in google--it's always referring to the Pterodactyl, with half the results telling people to learn how to spell.
  19. Just FYI, I have quite the collection of Saturn games willing to sell, US and JP, including some highly sought after stuff (US version of PD Saga anyone?)
  20. For the Saturn----X-Men vs Street Fighter. Trust me. Most fun 2D fighting game ever. Awesome music, even by Capcom standards. Also, Darkstalkers 2. (if you have the 4MB RAM expansion card) As for SF2 controllers--PS3 d-pad is better by far, but the 360 now brings promise of a future 6-button controller. (of course, it's likely the PS3 will get one by then as well)
  21. OK people, convince me which version of SF2HD to get. (I'm a Chun-Li/Vega/Ken player, used to play Dhalsim WAY back when--and a tiny bit of Cammy) I never even took my headset out of the wrapper for my 360, the few times I've played online via "free months" I did so in silence. Of course, I'd never want to speak to or listen to 99% of online gamers frankly, but it could be fun chatting with fellow MW people.
  22. Yeah, but I was thinking more like Thundercracker girl, since they'd both be metallic blue---color-matching FTW.
  23. Annoyingly, Cammy is unlikely, since it seems they're ONLY doing the ones from the new mouse-controlled game, and not simply "classic SF characters". And Cammy's not in the new game. Of course, it's such a fan-desired character they may later expand the line, but I wouldn't count on it. (and I'd buy 2 or even 3 Cammy figs, just to have different color parts for swapping--her costume design is actually quite "generic" but that makes it great for mix and matching) Thought/comment---where's the Revoltech Thundercracker and Skywarp? I haven't heard even a hint at these obvious repaints, and Starscream's been out for months and months. Question---how is Starscream sized compared to the VF-1? (I ask because I get a lot of fun from "Frankensteining" my Revoltechs, and if the Starscream mold is similar to the VF-1, then it'll work well for Chun-Li) (I plan on buying the bunny costume Haruhi, and basically throwing away the head--I just want the parts---plan to wait for the inevitable repaints though, not fond of the black)
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