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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Dang. Same as a Charger/Challenger though---the SRT costs WAY more than the R/T, but doesn't give you THAT much more performance IMHO. PS--what color? IMHO, the G8 looks best in white, and I'm not a fan of white. But on that car, it looks good. PPS----hey, an Xmas avatar! There's a lot fewer of those net-wide this year for some reason.
  2. Was thinking more about future Masterpieces---I think most people agree than MP Grimlock is kinda "pointless". (and I'm a big Grimlock fan). Frankly, it's simply a very large gimmick-filled version of the G1 toy. It's not THAT much better looking in either mode. He always was one of the more "perfect" toys. So, my question is--what toys really could USE a Masterpiece treatment? As in, not because they're a fan-fave character, but because their G1 toy really didn't do them justice at all? I'm currently leaning towards the triple-changers. IMHO Blitzwing and Astrotrain had pretty good alt-modes, but robot mode suffered (especially Blitzwing). And Springer is just sad in all 3 modes. (never had one, but I've seen pics). Octane's in-between, in being fairly decent in all 3, but good in none. (truck mode's probably the worst though) I'd say Astrotrain was the best of the G1 triple-changers. (yes, I'm leaving out Broadside--good luck doing a good-looking carrier/F-14 hybrid at ANY price-point) Finally, any of the cities, especially Trypticon. Imagine how many skyscrapers and roads etc could be incorporated into a Masterpiece version. (I'd remove the walking ability in favor of appearance and transformation) For a city, it's all in the details/sense of scale, and a larger toy with tons of intricate sculpting could really "sell" the look of a mechanical city-scape. (kind of like the newer Unicron/Primus toys--but even more so)
  3. Except that HG seems to have the mechandising rights at least for DYRL, which is "derivative" and not part of Robotech. So they have rights to more than just the "core animation used for Robotech". Perhaps it's a time thing? DYRL existed prior to Robotech's first airing AFAIK.
  4. Tiger Rat box artist sure likes flames, even where very inappropriate. Also--gotta wonder about an ugly repaint exclusive. If Target had a clue, they'd order another run of Rattlers, and nothing but, in the original color. Conquests don't sell! (not nearly as well as the Rattler, at least). Now we'll have Conquests, repaint Conquests, and repaint Rattlers clogging the shelves, and still no(or very few) original Cobra Rattlers. "Case assortment theory" really needs to be a required course at business college. (and it's the manufacturer's fault, not the retailer's) Even grocery stores fall prey to it----"Nummy Snack A" comes in strawberry, and green apple. Nobody wants artificial green apple flavor. But it ships 50/50 with strawberry in the case. Strawberry always sells out immediately, and there's always a bunch of green apple clogging the shelves. People ask the manager etc to order in more strawberry, but he can't/won't as he knows he'll just get MORE green apple ones too, to the point that the entire shelf is green apple, and not a single spot for anything else, and he'll be stuck with 4 dozen boxes nobody will buy even on sale. Later, that entire product is cancelled due to low sales----because the manufacturer never altered the case assortment so no store ever ordered more, knowing they'd be stuck with flavors that don't sell. If they made it like a 80/20 strawberry/apple split, then it'd consistently sell. (I've seen this personally happen several times with some stuff I really like)
  5. Well, I can add +1 permanent "man points". I changed my own brake pads for the first time. (I also confirmed my front calipers are dual-piston).
  6. IMHO, 99% of the "regular DVD sucks on an HDTV" comments come from people who have their TV set to "ultra-contrast mega-bright dynamic-super-awesome mode!!!!". That will make anything that's not 1080p60 look like crap, as it makes even slight flaws 100x worse. But simply turning everything "off" and watching things "normally"---most DVD looks just fine on a HD set. Too many people don't seem to realize that "making the grass look THAT green" is screwing things up---grass isn't really that green in the real world! Even the fake ultra-green better-than-real grass at Disney World isn't that green. If it's THAT green on your TV, then you've screwed with the image. But it sells sets, which is why every demo at BestBuy etc has football featured, with ULTRA GREEN grass...
  7. Just a little side-point: It's much easier/better to downscale, than upscale. (a small but notable reason I have a 720p TV rather than 1080p----you can downscale 1080p to 720p nigh-flawlessly, but the reverse is not true. Conversely, upscaling 480 to 720 is not as hard as 480 to 1080) Most programs etc have a much easier time "filling in" 50%, than trying to double. Think about resizing a JPEG---if it's 600x600, you can shrink it down to 400x400 and it'll still look "perfect". But if you resize it to 1000x1000, even the best graphics program on a high-end PC will make it blurry/grainy/pixelated in areas even when given several secs of processing time for a single image--so don't expect greatness from a DVD player doing dozens per second .
  8. BBTS must sell a LOT of Voltrons to make Toynami "worth more to them" than Yamato. I mean, if it's one or the other, I'm surprised that Toynami sells more apparently. (maybe there's just that many hardcore Robotech fans that really want Rick and Miriya toys, despite the availability of far superior Hikaru and Milia options...) PS---since this is page 50 of a resurrected thread, who's in favor of splitting off the new posts into a new thread?
  9. Nah, I'm the type that gets depressed going to ARC, as they're all far better than mine will ever be. I like to stop for a LONG time when I get depressed modeling. And buy LEGOs. Really, LEGOs are great building fun. Already colored, no glue required, and they look "perfect" when you're done. You know they just brought back the Pirates theme, go buy the big new ship...
  10. It's been doing better the past 24 hours for me at least. PS---I notice MW's mini website icon (the one that shows up next to the URL) has been missing for a while. (though I also know my PC is always the last to have it show up when it's changed)
  11. Yeah, but we're only looking for a subtle difference...
  12. Ok, that's the worst Ozma's has ever looked. If it was human, his hips would be right under his nipples...
  13. Oh I like those boots. (now if she'd just wear a purplish-blue wig and glasses...)
  14. I wasn't going to say that, but you know I was thinking it.
  15. Found all(I think) the Resolute figs. Meh, I have no interest in them at the moment. I'm still looking for Trakker, Para-viper, etc. And still need Copperhead.
  16. Official video posted-- a bit of interviews, a decent amount of gameplay footage (almost entirely lightsaber duels though). Sure "looks like KOTOR". (I notice all the music is from KOTOR 2, none from KOTOR 1) http://www.swtor.com/media/vidcasts/viddoc...sourceid=ea2829
  17. Hip/leg position compared to the crotch piece: (or you can use the nosecone as a fixed reference point)
  18. Yeah, but few people want to do a full clearing of everything---then you have to re-type your passwords for 20 other sites again... (I know MSIE likes to "hide" a lot of web temp files in other folders you can't see, and you can only ever delete them via a FULL clearing---from past experience I know MW usually has 2 cookies, and deleting just 1 won't fix the login problem--but my web cache is only bringing up 1, so I suspect the other is in a "hidden" folder, so I can't delete it, so I can't fix the problem--unless I feel like deleting everything then re-typing my login info for every site I go to--which is a lot)
  19. Can't let this thread fall down to the 2nd page...
  20. Yup, tampo-printed insignia is decently common with the "Encore" reissues. And it's done to best effect on the seekers, since they have the huge ones on their wings.
  21. BTW--is Wild Bill the ultimate peg-warmer? Some figs may have greater raw numbers, but those figs were also PRODUCED in much greater numbers. But Wild Bill---I think like 1 per city sold, and every other one ever just sits there. There may be 20 basic Cobra Troopers at times, but that's because the other 40 sold...
  22. Just in case, I'll try one last time: The Skywarp/Thundercracker G1 "reissue but with the Decepticon insignia painted on instead of stickers" (which I think is an AWESOME change) 2-pack is now only 55 bucks at TFsource. Anyone want to split a pack? I want Thundercracker. http://tfsource.com/products/view/product_id/161/
  23. Sigh--went over to the SWtOR forums again. I think the majority of people there "still don't get it". Half the threads are dedicated to features that I suspect won't be in the game at all--but were there in Galaxies. (I never played Galaxies, but it's so talked about that I know the basics--kind of like Pokemon and Harry Potter)
  24. The best thread I've found about it is this: http://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?p=458725#post458725 I still say there's no etching/removal of plastic, from what I can see. Toys etc sure wouldn't stay shiny and glossy if there was any of that going on.
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