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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. These will serve as both my "before" pics and what I'm aiming for:
  2. Ok, even I have to admit Koala Britai is just plain cute...
  3. Hey, that seems to be a weird thing---from other threads at TFW, I am not the only person that "every other TF painted was fine, but Prime was eaten alive". There's something weird about Movie Prime's plastic. Also, not using that paticular paint--it just doesn't seem to like recent TFs. My Titanium Magnus *still* hasn't dried--gave up and wiped it off recently. And I'll be testing first anyways. Finally, MP TC has a "barrier coat" anyways, it won't be over raw plastic. (MP TC is basically covered in Future from the factory)
  4. MP Thundercracker has awesome red chrome accents--on the BACKSIDE of his missile covers. I tried my darndest to remove them and flip them around, but it's impossible. They're super-super-glued in. The chest will snap in half before they let go. Darn. Plain black chest fans are boring, while chrome red is awesome and one of TC's accent colors. Still experimenting with what can and can't be taken apart/masked for painting. Have already done the "clearance for the screw in the armpit" mod. Debating repainting his missile chest covers--I could probably mask off the blue striping already painted to preserve it. (one of the chest covers has pretty poor paint, the only real QC issue on mine---and I don't like the gunmetal anyways, I want SILVER paint on my TC) (when I'm all done, my MP TC will be very G1, though not quite as much as the ones that are 100% custom repaints from a Starscream)
  5. Fine. A more correct expression may be "expect to be belittled and/or mocked if you complain to Roy about frankly minor name-calling". Also it's Xmas and most mods are kinda absent and/or not really caring what happens today.
  6. Still rearranging stuff in my room to accomodate PS3. I had my PStwo on top of my DVD player, but PS3 is replacing DVD player and I can't stack PStwo on top any more. Pretty sure I have to put my Dreamcast into storage, and only have PS3/PStwo/360/GC hooked up.
  7. Well, Bandai often does like to use their purple-white instead of "white-white". The Alto kit is purple-white, wouldn't be surprised if the DX one is the exact same shade.
  8. Thanks. PS--I posted this in the MP-07 thread at TFW as well, but looking at the molding of the area just behind the intakes, it seems that the "swapped chest parts" actually are the intended way--for TC at least. The area they fold up into in jet mode is clearly molded to accomodate them that way. I'm wondering if they were swapped around intentionally and that area was re-molded to accept them that way, or if that area was always like that, and it wasn't until now that the chest parts were assembled right. (still, it's counter to the G1 toy and toon appearance how MP TC is)
  9. Yeah, we had it once or twice, and only ever had one or two people at a time.
  10. Bumping again. (I was kinda hoping Polidread might have an Xmas present for us)
  11. Thundercats would have been cheaper and better than Speedracer though...
  12. The original Suikoden is coming out for the PSP and PS3 via PSN. 6 bucks. Few better RPGs out there. And has a *good* direct sequel in Suikoden 2, which is pretty rare for an RPG.
  13. I may snag Beachhead/Baroness, since it's my 2 faves in a single pack.
  14. Heh heh, I'll interpret that as a "yes" and that you didn't expect any model railroaders in a thread about anime transforming jets.
  15. Was going to start this earlier but had some delays. Anyways---go ahead and post pics of your gifts, opened or unopened, even if they happen to be recent birthday gifts. (I knew a girl in elementary school whose birthday was Christmas--I always thought that must suck gift-wise because there's no way they'd ever get double the amount to "make up for" their 2 main gift-receiving days being combined) I like matching paper/bows to the gift, but sometimes that's very hard and it's easier to just use whatever. Left is a gunmetal PS3 (I've never found gunmetal or steel paper), right is Masterpiece Thundercracker. (metallic blue's hard to find too). (MP TC isn't an Xmas gift, it just happened to arrive this week so I had it wrapped anyways and will wait to open it) I still have the purplish-fuscia paper from my Sv-51 Nora, don't know what I'll use it for. It'd be great for a VF-27 Brera, but if they ever make a VF-27 I'm buying a Grace green one. ::edit:: Hmmn, the blue bow photographed funny--it's actually embossed all over with fine lines making it seem to glitter, and it's actually a much brighter blue than the paper---but it looks smooth and dark in the pic. (best I could do to match the metallic blue of Thundercracker)
  16. Tried to post this yesterday but MW was down or something when I clicked: There will be no more DLC, the next thing to come out will be ME2, whenever that is. Short version is--the company making the ME statues have cancelled all future releases for that reason. (the exact wording makes me think there may possibly be more DLC *just* before ME2 comes out, to hype up interest--but there won't be the "filling the gap" stuff like was promised)
  17. Yeah, but I never do. I never make accounts anywhere for just one post/edit/thing.
  18. ::staying up late going through the TF wiki:: Why does Octane's page STILL say he's a 707? That is just so wrong. He's a two-engined 747. Trust me on this. (never mind the fact that he has absolutely none of the 707's features--might as well say he's a DC-10 or some other equally random non-747esque airliners) (for a while I saw him called a 767--which is quite understandable---but a 707? C'mon, that's like saying the VF-1 is based on the F-16--no, not at all, no matter how much leeway you give)
  19. Yeah, I'm surprised Gubaba's avatar hasn't changed already. It's been a couple hours since that pic went up...
  20. Technically, a robotic Grace doll would be very realistic...
  21. YF-19 high speed mode has always been there, and is used near the end of Plus right when the YF-21 does it (never up close though, always in the background). If we ever get it in HD I could make better screen caps. Just after this scene, you can actually see the YF-19 sweep its wings forward again while it's rolling, and it's bigger/closer at that moment.
  22. Gah, I'm wishing for anything BUT Gurren Lagann. Overall problem with Kaiyodo IMHO: Doing way too many of each series before switching to a new one. Can you imagine if the Fraulein was STILL doing NGE? With Ibuki, Misato, Ritsuko, and more, and having never gotten to any other series? That's kind of what the main line is doing. They've done very few series IMHO despite how many figs are out. There's a ton of animes/games I'd buy figs from---most of which are quite popular. Yet I have very few Revoltechs overall.
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