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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Haven't tried it yet. But I did try Sharpie, and it didn't work at all. Maybe Sharpie+Future was bad, while plain Sharpie works better. ron5864---did you use a VF-1 cockpit sticker?
  2. It's sad--I didn't realize how much better the new one was until I saw side-by-side comparison pics. As for Starscream--seconded. That mold can't be salvaged or re-molded. We need an all-new SS, preferably leader class. Heck, *Brawl* got a leader class mold last time around?!?! (his dx toy is quite good IMHO). SS really, really needs a better toy. Heck, every comic artist and fan artist has already worked out how to make an F-22 transform nigh-perfectly. (of course, that's going for a G1-esque robot mode, not a cyber-ape)
  3. Movie Leader Prime: http://www.seibertron.com/energonpub/viewtopic.php?t=48354 (that is so NOT a spoiler--we all know he's in the movie and he looks 99% the same) Hmmn. Hood goes onto his forearms, don't know how the drive wheels work now. Kinda BW kibble-y in appearance now--little bits hanging off everywhere. Maybe when he's half off. (like I just saw Premium Leader Movie Prime for yesterday) Of course I'll be waiting for a JP/chomed version... (grey plastic just will NOT do for an American semi) PS---Just IMHO, Prime, Starscream, and BB are about the only characters/toys that could be discussed in this thread--just about everything else is a spoiler and should go in the movie thread. At least until like June or something, when all the toys are on the shelves.
  4. Did you just go across it randomly, or any particular technique? I'm pretty sure I tried the Sharpie method, but couldn't get it to look good at all.
  5. Fiddling with MP TC airbrake section again. The problem is actually the metal bar, not the plastic. It's just that sanding down the plastic seems the only option, as the metal bar doesn't really seem "adjustable" in any way. I'm going to try to remove its pins, see if something can be done. (Really, sanding out the plastic just underneath its hinge points should work, you just can't get to them with it in the way) Alternatively--see if a hair dryer can do anything.
  6. The car looks "sleepy" due to the headlights in the first pic. Don't know if it's the angle or what.
  7. Green and red are way easier than purple, trust me. (strangely, almost any color is easy--except purple)
  8. Maybe if they painted it right. The paint and plane are about 30 years apart... (plus, the Jolly Rogers never use LEMON YELLOW on their planes) Plus the scheme itself is wrong. Not enough white. Kinda looks like the retro-attempt F-14D's. And they're obviously using one of many infamous pics of AJ 201 after its nosecone replacement, so that doesn't match up either. Yeah, it's an F-14A. But not the type the Jolly Rogers had. Nor is it wearing the right camoflage. Nor is the yellow right. "Jolly Rogers yellow" has a specific name---"chrome yellow-orange". It's not pure yellow, it's not bright. It's deep, rich, golden orange-yellow. It's basically construction equipment yellow.
  9. Does Seibertron.com photoshop their gallery pics, or do they buy like a dozen of each and only photograph the most perfect one? Going through their MP seekers, every one they have is FLAWLESS, with no gaps or paint smudges or anything, even their Thundercracker is flawless---amazing, considering every other one I've seen, and my own. Even the airbrake section is flush--and I've spent WAY too much time tonight sanding it down with minimal improvement. Are they super-lucky, have a dozen to go through, or have some super-secret knowledge that no one else does to get an MP seeker to lock together perfectly in jet mode?
  10. Don't tell me you're going for a transparent effect on the visor...
  11. Spending New Year's day working on my MP TC. Have closed up 2 gaps, working on the third (right behind the canopy--biggest of them all). Have done my first color alteration (very minor, more of a test)---colored the two molded triangles on the underside of the intakes red with a Sharpie. Almost perfectly matches the factory red knee paint. (which is good, as I plan to use that color for all the bot mode red accents) Debating if I should try to match the pelvis gunmetal color and fully paint the hinged bits---Takara only sprayed the very front edge, and you can see blue from all angles still. (I'd really like to repaint all the gunmetal into silver, but can't since the chest/shoulders can't be disassembled--and the paint would chip off instantly anyways there) Also thinking about painting the vent at the bottom of the shin piece silver. Non-canon, but seems appropriate and adds a highlight there. (if anything, it'd make the shins have the G1 foot colors---since G1 seeker foot colors and patterns just DON'T work on the MP mold)
  12. Not mine, but every modeler should get a kick out of this: http://www.arcair.com/Gal9/8301-8400/gal83...g-Large/00.shtm It's a Lightning (F6, not P-38) built *exactly* how the instructions show---done so well, Airfix bought the kit back from the guy who made it!
  13. Wait, you're the guy who did THIS: http://cwmodels.deviantart.com/art/Decepti...p-Shot-86279011 ?!?! I only just now made the connection. That's probably my all-time fave fan-art.
  14. Also, Boeing's new radar doesn't work...
  15. Re: Night Raven. Meh. Sounds means it'll cost a lot more but not be bigger. And probably big and bulky to accomodate said sound. See Ultimate Bumblebee for current Hasbro thinking of "high-end" toys.
  16. More Animated season 3 spoiler character art: http://www.52toys.com/?p=376 Spoiler comments:
  17. Found this on the LS1 forums and don't think it's photoshopped: (and just a few days ago I saw a '97 or so Camaro---which is VERY unusual for our weather, I see only 1 or 2 F-bodies a year in those conditions--strangely, the plate was something like "DOUGSRS", but it wasn't an RS---that, or he'd had all the fairings removed which I've never heard of)
  18. Nice, but I'm waiting for repaints etc. I intend to buy several versions of that figure purely for parts. (black is boring)
  19. I missed #1, or I would have deleted it when I came across it. (honestly, there's just too much in that pic to notice everything--especially when scrolling rapidly through a dozen screens to try to find the Macross-y part claimed to be within)
  20. I hope the "exclusive DLC" is simply exclusive to being LE, not exclusive to each system like the figures are. It'd really suck if "your favorite character has new colors---only for the system you don't own". PS---I only just now found out that Rose is going to be in it. Rose rocks.
  21. Cartoon colors MP TC would suck. Hard. I also doubt Hasbro would do "wonderfully G1 toy accurate"---that seems to be a Japanese thing. And I'd rather repaint the intakes and tailfins, then spend hours rubbing off "black soot from the coal-fueled airbrake fire". (I plan on/hope for Reprolabels to provide G1-style stickers and markings--I've already emailed Deltastar, but he says he needs a MP TC before he can make them--I can wait) Plus Hasbro seems slightly color-blind lately. White Starscreams and pink Primes... (and a SILVER-PAINTED nosecone on MP SS, when it was already molded in toy and toon-accurate blue? WTF? What would they do to MP TC's nose, green?)
  22. Hmmmn. My first attempt at removing pins didn't go well---couldn't budge a single one on any toy I attempted. I've gotta be doing something wrong. (maybe I need a harder block of wood). (I'm practicing on old, cheap TFs that I can sacrifice)
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