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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I would guess the length max is due to existings berths, dry dock, etc.
  2. Next carrier is Ford, but AFAIK it was hoped to be the America, not Enterprise. I don't mind Ford much as an individual ship name, but as CLASS name? That sucks. America-class would rock, and it'd be the effective flagship for a while. But the Ford as class leader and flagship?
  3. Tampo artwork is always one of the last things they finalize---rarely will you see them until the actual toy is released and someone posts pics of it. Many "final" and official pics from all sorts of model/toy companies are still hand-painted with stickers, instead of molded in color with tampo-printed markings.
  4. They're interpreting CNV-77 too literally. It may be number 77, but it's not the 77th. There's always some gaps. Most of the 50's are missing when it comes to carriers.
  5. I hear ya on the ankle circle detail. I ended up just doing it "inside the groove". I tried doing it "properly" (with the curved outer ring white too) but it was impossible for me to mask. There's really nothing TO mask---the "not white" section surrounding the outer edge is less than .5mm wide for about 1/2 the circumference (the right side on the pics), and every masking tape type/size I had ALWAYS just "fell off" the edge and lifted up off the part in that area. (I am loathe to cut tape directly on a part to make a mask---I always try the "ultra-thin-strips wrapped around" method) PS---if you freeze-frame the show, you'll find LOTS of minor inconsistencies for how small details like this are painted. How Bandai did it is "only correct for 1 particular scene", if that. I don't worry too much about it being "correct" when there's obviously multiple models/texture maps used, and they're not identical.
  6. Crappy HP power supplies can die instantly with no warning for no reason. It wasn't because it was in the garage. It just died.
  7. I plan to wait for the red repaint of silver car man. (no repaint=no purchase)
  8. Hope they fixed up the mold. I've got Ruination, and he's not nearly as nice as my G2 Bruticus. Sigh---I don't really want to buy a THIRD copy of the mold, just to get the best colors... Maybe if he goes on clearance. (thing is, G1 Bruticus is the best version by far, colors are great IMHO)
  9. I buy small things from IA though--Revoltechs and the like---they are often the first place to get things in the US, and I'll pay 5 bucks more on a 20-25 dollar item to get it 3-4 weeks sooner.
  10. Well they're about 2 days late, should have clarified that immediately, or after the numerous calls they got.
  11. Pics later. Just FYI, case assortment seemed to be 2-2-2 (repaint Lockdown's the other). (if they come 8 to a case I don't know what was missing)
  12. I think ebay's legal team will be working overtime...
  13. As a mod, I'd like to repeat those two. PS--and Zardoz. No Zardoz. If you don't know what it is---THIS IS NOT THE PLACE TO ASK or to tell/show others. Just google it, you'll have your answer on the first page, guaranteed.
  14. Found Swindle/Blurr etc. Bought those two, but only because they're still only $7.77 at Wal-Mart. Blurr's instructions suck, they're missing an important step in that the TOP AND BOTTOM HALVES OF THE CAR SPLIT APART. His rear wheels are hollow, I forget the motive term for that. Swindle's cool, but on the card he has awesome Decepticon bluish-purple clear parts, but the real thing is pink-red purple. Also, the clear purple plastic looks cool, but is godawful for transforming parts and joints--it should only be used for windows, light-piping, etc. It's incredibly hard and stiff.
  15. Gah. I think I'm the only person here who doesn't like Klan. (I don't DIS-like her, I just really don't see the appeal--in either form) More Grace, please. (of course, being the main villian, she has to have a decent-sized presence anyways)
  16. I'm still waiting on Copperhead comic packs... (only seen 3, all had godawful paint)
  17. I saw a Rattler today. 3rd ever. Also, the non-local Target has the battle pack clearanced at 38 bucks. A pile of them. Local Target has a much bigger pile at 54 bucks.
  18. I'm pretty sure I found a site like this a while ago, but my bookmark is LONG gone: I need a site that details what figures come with what weapons, and/or what's out there. (mainly Dragon, Elite Force, 21st Century etc) I'm looking for a 1:6 P228. I know they exist, I almost bought one knowing I'd want it later---but now I can't find them, and I don't know what figure or what weapons set includes one---googling seems fruitless. (part of the problem is, it's not a military weapon really---pistols are a LOT less common than rifles and machine guns in 1:6--unless it's a Luger)
  19. It'd add to the irony of Klan's "genetic defect" if she's an Amazon among Meltrandi when macronized. That's my theory.
  20. Could someone scan the Grace page? If it's just a single page on her I really don't want to buy the whole book. PS---love this pic: Don't see Grace though, and Ranka's covered up in the corner! I think she's cosplaying as Macro Klan. Anyone have a "full" version of it? And Brera's outfit works 100x better on Sheryl. I'd buy a figure of that...
  21. I will ask the question everyone expects me to ask: Does the red book have flightsuit Grace?
  22. Dihedral=bad for a fighter jet. As for the "tabs" the shield clips into--aren't those actually the GERWALK mode thrusters?
  23. Anyone know of a screen size calculator that can handle viewing distance? As in, if I have a 32in screen 8ft away, what size screen do I need to "look the same size" at 12ft away?
  24. V2 vs V1? No question, it's worth every penny. The only "debate" is V2 vs 1/48. (for which I say, V2)
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