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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Azrael--that's way too high-end. CPU, GFX, and PSU are all beyond what *I* have now, much less for a new PC that's supposed to be significantly cheaper than mine. I'm looking for well under a grand total including the case and OS. There is no need for Blu-Ray at all. Needs to browse web, run MS Office, play Starcraft once in a while. If Starcraft II will have such high specs that even my PC can't play it, then the new PC simply won't be playing Starcraft II. I'm thinking more along the lines of an 9600GT, and a E7300 or something. Or even E5300 (cheaper, newer).
  2. The G1 series is pretty hard to get---it hasn't been re-released since the first box sets, and isn't planned to any time soon AFAIK. Honestly, if there's an ep you really wanna see, check youtube. (I've been watching a lot of eps that way lately)
  3. Have a "PC build request" for you guys. Fairly simple one. Need to build a general use PC from utter scratch, and the only real requirements are that it can play Starcraft II well (not necessarily amazingly), be long-lived/reliable, and as cheap as possible. If it can be made massively better for an additional 100 bucks, then do so. PS--will be using Vista. (since you can't buy XP any more AFAIK) (would prefer 7, but the PC it's replacing is so old it'll probably die before 7's out in full) This PC will probably serve many years, thus the previous requirement---and probably excludes really cheap parts----need decent quality stuff inside.
  4. It's just that she's Luca's girl, but she's wearing Alto's valk...
  5. I never would have guessed she'd be the VF-25 girl, but it's a great choice. And Gubaba should be happy. Hmmn, coloring the armor "Luca green" might be more appropriate.
  6. It's not so much the COLORS as the PATTERN. It's a Sailor Moon outfit...
  7. ??? Your comments seem kind of self-contradictory, considering how planes fly vs your complaints.
  8. Gah, I tried to close this last night but the site screwed up. See if I can close it this time...
  9. I found Beachhead/Mainframe yesterday, but Beachhead had grey paint dribbled all over his vest, so I passed. (still hunting down a Copperhead)
  10. Shawn etc may be able to dig deeper, but what I can access only shows IPs matching what you always use, and the new one today.
  11. Sure you used the right neck piece when you built it? I think 2 out of 3 VF-25*S* problems here have been related to that.
  12. The carrier is now what the battleship was 50 years ago---whenever there's a "minor" conflict in the world starting or about to start---send one in the region. Things'll usually quiet down. Their mere presence is a big part of diplomacy.
  13. Because they are THE symbol of America to much of the world. Certainly our power. (getting darn close to politics here). And the biggest/newest ones get the most attention.
  14. Enterprise always was longest, and they made it longer. (same time they completely redid the superstructure). Enterprise is the fastest, partly due to its length. (length=sleekness for a ship). I consider the JFK fully Kitty Hawk class. (if the JFK isn't Kitty Hawk, then the Bush isn't Nimitz) Enterprise is her own class, but clearly "Kitty Hawk esque". (kind of like Ticonderoga vs Spruance)
  15. Yup. The Kitty Hawk was supposed to be decom'd years ago--it's the oldest---but it turned out all the others were in worse condition. The JFK was in godawful condition--it was the one originally scheduled to go to Japan to replace Independence, being the newest and most advanced conventional carrier---but it was so bad it was decom'd, and Kitty Hawk was sent in its place. (the JFK had catapults that couldn't launch, it was that bad) The Kitty Hawk has only survived so long due to literally decades of care. I think 20 years ago it was reported to be "better than expected for its age" and got out of drydock months earlier than originally planned.(a major refit for a carrier can be a good 2 years) Seems the Kitty Hawk just got lucky for a long time with the people onboard really taking good care.
  16. Because every mod's different, and there is no formal mod rule book to follow. I close stuff that EXO lets go, Azrael closes stuff that I let go, Roy closes everything, etc.
  17. Kitty Hawk is the last conventional carrier, when it's officially gone the fleet will be all-nuclear. Enterprise is basically "a Kitty Hawk with reactors" and is far less efficient (by several definitions) than Nimitz class, and is just plain old, which is why that's going too, when Ford arrives.
  18. Several zillion, it's been under construction for years, and wasn't shrouded or anything (unlike submarines). Just google "CVN-77".
  19. Can we go 3 posts without mentioning war/politics? Might as well just close this thread... Anyways, this carrier will replace the Kitty Hawk. Ford will replace the Enterprise.
  20. They keep decommissioning squadrons, and making existing squadrons smaller. Yeah, that would make it harder to give a wing a 'full load' of planes... One could argue multi-role effectiveness---60 craft that can do anything and so you could use many for any given mission, rather than 85 that are highly specialized so only a few at a time are used.
  21. Mod comment: Current POTUS has nothing to do with carriers.
  22. Current carriers have nowhere near the max draught nor beam listed for the Suez though. Plenty of room.
  23. Nothing in that article mentions length limitations though.
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