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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Does Rin's waist fit in the valk's upper chest? That's always been my problem trying to make a decent revoltech valk-girl.
  2. Hikaru+Rei+Rin+Revy+????
  3. Yup, Playmates---that's all you need to know. Still making toys like it was the 80's...
  4. WTF is with Starscream's paint scheme? I've only seen 1 pic of ROTF SS, and I thought he was in standard F-22 camo. Anyways--better, but still not good enough. PS--if the answer to my question is at all spoilery, please just PM me.
  5. That's part of the problem---I don't know any BLC with an intake. Well, technically, the original air source would be the engine's intake. IMHO, what is being described as a "BLC" is not, and would be better served by the "active air flow control" terms we've seen before. Still, I've never liked any of the extra slits Kawamori likes to put near the intakes, ESPECIALLY when they're said to involve control and not be merely a simple intake for some cooling etc.
  6. When did they start making basic Cobra troopers with red masks and insignia on basic single cards? Found and bought one tonight.
  7. Every BLC exhaust slot I can think of is right ahead of the flap's leading edge---and they can be SMALL. I think some slots are only 2mm thick (MiG-21)----basically impossible to tell a BLC-equipped flap from a normal one.
  8. You're right, I do know better. Just not at that moment when I posted. (though I'm still trying to determine if the F-14's are perfectly vertical or canted--I could swear they were angled like 2 degrees but everything I can find looks vertical--I'll have to go through my DACO book tomorrow)
  9. Any discussion of boundary-layer control should segue into the Coanda effect. (no, not the Canada effect)
  10. Which brings up the question---is the variable Glaug absolutely gigantic? If it's designed for macro Zentradi in the cockpit...
  11. ::looks at link: "Yarna Dal Gargan". So that's the name----all-time greatest pegwarmer of any toy ever from what I can tell. I saw fewer Ric Olies laying around in '99... Female figs? Don't sell well to kids as a rule. Old females? Worse. Fat and old? Fat and old and ugly? C'mon.
  12. My main concern is the boosters--are they going to utterly ruin the wing decals when attached? If they simply "press fit" by being slid over them... I figure they're going to have to be permanently mounted, otherwise your VF-25 will look pretty awful when they're removed.
  13. BLC needs exhaust slits more than an intake. What seems to be described for the VF-25 is more like a ram-air BLC system, than a truly "blown" system. As for fighters---lots of MiG-21s have it, as do some variants of the F-8 and all F-104s. If you really wanted you could probably duct the air to the rudder/elevators but I've only known it to be used on trailing-edge flaps.
  14. Ventral fins don't cant outward? That IS lame. (and aerodynamically incorrect for every plane I know of that has twin ventral fins--both real and Macross)
  15. Sorry, a bit late here and I don't often check this thread--- There was a Mylene valk page? Anything new? Sketches, drawings etc?
  16. Whoa, good thing I took a multi-week break from building mine! I still only have the forward fuselage finished. Guess I'll finish up the painting and leave the remaining parts as-is, and wait for the super pack to be released.
  17. To fighter mode, yes. To battroid mode, it gets easier every time.
  18. Super Mario 3, Punch Out for the virtual console. (seriously, it's what's demoing at the local BB, and they catch my eye more than anything else I see) Oh, and Castlevania III and ActRaiser just came out for it. If I ever get a Wii, I'm going to have Metroid Prime 3, Mario Galaxy, and a TON of virtual console games.
  19. Yeah, but remember--Grace can alter her appearance---and not just her despair and nightmares. NOW we have to get back on topic.
  20. It's a launch-batch (but only recently opened and used) PS2 controller. I bought it because the one that came with my PStwo felt inferior to my launch PS2's. So I hunted around until I found some OLD stock controllers. Have used it since. My launch PS2 controller never wore out, but I sold it with my launch PS2. I didn't know newer ones weren't as good. (mainly it's the buttons, not the D-pad that's different---was very evident playing Ace Combat)
  21. Umm, most of the last few posts probably should be in the movie thread...
  22. OK, why would a PS2 d-pad fail other than wear? My PS2's D-pad lost up and left, and trying to fiddle with it, now it doesn't work in any direction. The controller is only 2 or 3 years old, and didn't see much use as I got my 360 soon afterwards---really, Ace Combat Zero and VP 2 are about the only games it's seen. It's got FAR less hours etc than the old pad, and never saw 2D fighters or anything. Heck, the D-pad itself is almost brand-new.
  23. Ironically, my local Target just dropped dlx prices. Wal-mart here was still 7.77 a week ago, don't know about now.
  24. If there is, it'll go in this thread. The current idea is to separate the threads by pilots.
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