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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Yup. Every female I know that's seen the trailer or magazine pics of the new Kirk always ask "who's that good-looking guy?"
  2. Hey, when a character is defined by their coloring and little else, when that's screwed up--what's left? (this affects Transformers more than GI Joe though)
  3. Yes, Blurr rocks. Much better fig than Swindle, even though I'm a Swindle fan. (I love the Combaticons)
  4. IMHO, anything revealed in the trailer is kinda non-spoiler now. But even an alt-mode etc discussion if it's not shown is a spoiler. (as are little things hidden in the background of 2 frames)
  5. Baroness looks better, Scarlett looks worse. (I can only handle so much blatantly fake red--when it starts getting into the pinkish-maroon-utterly-impossible category it really irks me, especially when the character's supposed to be a natural redhead) (it's also pretty darn inconsistent from scene to scene--which happens with intense fakey red dye as it's reapplied every week during filming---real red doesn't have that problem)
  6. There's provisions for wing-mounted ECM pods and the SHRIKE/HARM in the basic F-15 for Wild Weasel roles, but it's been 30 years and we've yet to see that in service. (and up until the E model, the hardpoints for them were still easily visible)
  7. You can find them easily for $10, too. Check the more "crafty" stores (Hobby Lobby, Michael's, Ben Franklin) as opposed to kit/model stores.
  8. http://ngeekhiong.blogspot.com/ March: - 1/72 Transformable VF-25G Michael's Unit - 4,500 Yen - 1/72 Transformable VF-25S with Super Pack - 6,500 Yen
  9. The magenta (it's not purple IMHO, nor is Nora's) VF-27 does look more evil IMHO, but I of course am awaiting Grace's green one. (Kit, 1/60, or 1/100, I don't care---whichever comes out first in green in the one I'm buying)
  10. Real no-steps are supposed to be kinda subtle (and there's regs for what color on what background)---they mess up the camoflage otherwise. Of course, the vast majority of valks have anything BUT subtle camoflage so I doubt it's much of a concern...
  11. If they have an actual redhead for Teela, and a hot chick for Evil-Lyn, I'll go see it...
  12. Hey, the last thing I read about the F-22's paint was that: A. It's made by Dupont B. It makes it less visible to IR seekers Thanks for the new/update info.
  13. I always thought Arcee was more like "R/C----radio control".
  14. Sorry for being a bit late, but along the lines of "lifting body"---almost any shape can produce lift if the angle of attack is right. (though you only get USEFUL lift if the lift/drag ratio is greater than 1:1) Anyways, the B-1 is well-known for deriving a lot of its lift from a "non-recognized" cross section. In other words---its fuselage/gloves are not by definition aerodynamically lifting and don't conform to any standard airfoil shape---but they make lift nonetheless! Possibly the VF-25 takes that to an extreme, and manages to make a LOT of lift, enough that it doesn't need the wings, even without technically being a "lifting body" (which usually means a clearly-defined wing shape/flying wing).
  15. Most Flankers keep their drag chute in the tailboom ("stinger"). I'm not even sure any are certain to have a rear radar--even the rearwards-firing missile is still speculation I think, much less a separate radar for it. As for the F-22: Its shiny silvery paint is IR-absorbent. It's not just radar stealthy, it's heat stealthy. (as much as can be done) It is designed for total air dominance in all categories---long range, medium range, and knife-fight.
  16. First off, do NOT read the comments for this vid. Completely, totally wrong. It'd be like reading a review of Frontier's final ep written by a Robotechie. This is not a bird strike/ingestion test, and there aren't any used nor are they trying to simulate one. Now then---a turbofan blade-failure containment test, pretty cool:
  17. Exactly. Cyclonus sounds cool, and makes you think of wind--thus, a good name for a plane. It's an indirect reference. Tracks---tire tracks=car. Sideswipe---not a car from Road Warriors, but references the right things.
  18. This art came out too late for Polidread to reference, but this would have worked great for the VF-27: (and you have to admit, the outfit works SO much better on Sheryl)
  19. Kind of a "Brera-girl" valk-girl.
  20. Vostok---I'm very jealous and what color are you getting?
  21. That sucks--the new avatar clothing is 2 dozen variations of the same T-shirt. (European soccer) I saw an avatar which had what I thought were new green tights (perfect for both my avatar and what I plan to make someday if I get the right parts) but it turns out they're actually "skinny jeans" for guys from the last batch---but they look EXACTLY like tights for a girl. The choices just really suck, you know? Can't go 5 mins without seeing an avatar which shares clothing, because 90% of it sucks and everyone just uses the same 5 pieces.
  22. I've seen legends at my Target, several waves.
  23. I'm of course wondering what Grace will sound like.
  24. I love Mylene's voice---it's just always tempered by Basara singing too... (and often, only Basara---the few times you get to hear Mylene-only, it's great)
  25. I figure my PS2 surpassed my SNES, and presume nothing will top the PS2 for "hours played".
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