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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. A few planes have shot themselves down, but it generally requires a ballistic-trajectory dive immediately after firing to intercept their bullets---it's never because they were shot AS they fired.
  2. Oh, it's BOOBY trap, not BOBBY trap. I was expecting something totally different. You gotta admit, the typo would probably be the funnier shirt.
  3. It's just that they came so close yet so far to being "perfect right out of the box". MP TC doesn't have ANY black when he should have lots. Navy blue has never been a TC color. (I'm going to experiment some with paint stripping today and see what I can do) (since I'm doing the big hip-kibble mod, that actually affects things paint-wise, as the paint on the booms now lines up with the lower leg paint---looks weird in most cases, so it has to either be all gone or all the same color)
  4. That's because those are the only things worth discussing in that approaching train-wreck.
  5. Trying to think of how to paint my TC yet again. (you know, if they'd simply painted the accents BLACK to start with, he'd be done now) I mean, Skywarp's primary accent is purple, that never changes. TC's primary accent color is black, yet both Hasbro and Takara like to seem to **** around with that a lot, and often give us gunmetal or grey. Those aren't black. And this time they gave us navy blue. Also not BLACK. Repainting *everything* is impossible, mainly due to the forearms/fists. Luckily, those are the dullest and least-blue parts of him, and look OK as-is. I've thought about painting only the nosecone and tailfins black, so that he'd look right in jetmode--the nose and fins are mostly hidden in bot-mode, so he'd simply "change colors" when transforming. But then his bot-mode would still be mostly wrong, in being two-tone blue, instead of blue and black. Repainting almost everything would be a lot of work and chances for screwing up, and repainting dark dark blue into black almost seems a waste. Especially when even after all that the fists etc still wouldn't be right nor match. But G1 toon TC's fists didn't match the rest of him either. Then again, every other incarnation of TC has "matching" fists. Won't even get into lower rear fuselage/leg painting...
  6. They may be a bit cliche and over the top, but I always felt the comics that made the most direct "CC to Hitler" comparisons were the best portrayal of CC and how he keeps himself in power and gathers followers.
  7. Just a note---F-2s have always looked a little "bluer" to me than Intermediate Blue. I'd start with Intermediate Blue, and add a few drops of a pure, bright blue. (same with the other blue--none of the 3 blues I listed are an exact match IMHO) Kind of ironic that a Japanese company making a model of a Japanese plane is trying to match to US paints... (but the basic fact that the US makes most fighter jets nowadays means they have US paint and that's what the model paint companies make---the F-2 is kind of an oddity in having Japanese paint and construction---though I am surprised Gunze seems to have never made a dedicated "F-2 blues" set of colors---there's many aircraft-specific paints out there----and a zillion sets just for specific Gundams)
  8. Plot convenience. She also unmasked them in the order she needed. Just as conveniently, HRG is now a (co)pilot, and on THAT plane! And I must say I thought it ironic (and disappointing) that we saw Sylar only 5-10 mins into the show, and I immediately thought back to what DA wrote.
  9. Which greyish blue? Anyways, the lighter one (accoding to Hasegawa) is Intermediate Blue (ofter mis-translated, especially on Gundams, as Medium Blue---Medium and Intermediate have totally different meanings when it comes to American paint colors). FS 35164. The darker blue--well, that comes out as "Navy" blue. However that's not a standard FS color, and they should mean an FS color based on where that is in Gunze's charts. It's either 35042 sea blue, or 35044 insignia blue. However, just looking at it--I think it looks more like actual non-FS Navy blue. Which is 5-N. Harder to find, but it exists---check ship colors. Real actual Navy blue (as used by the Navy) is not the color found in clothing. It's less blue, less intense.
  10. At least they recognize it for what it is---in the UK, a batt'leth is a truly feared and dangerous weapon, and should be banned:
  11. Like any 80's show--there's "stupid, throw-away, toy-selling eps" and ones that really do tell a good story. This is one of the latter. (pretty much--it's not the best, but it's definitely above average)
  12. Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmfa2v8zSAw&fmt=18 Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EZnEdmTN48...feature=related
  13. Actually, nose-sanding went very well last night. I may do more. ::late update:: Now I'm trying to decide how I'm going to do the lower rear fuselage. Strip it and hope I can match the gloss blue? Black? Silver? (I'd like to make it blue, but that's probably the hardest due to it already being painted there)
  14. City 7 sure had "charge time/energy reserves" issues for folding--it was a plot point during the "City 7 is hijacked" arc.
  15. Watching old eps on Youtube, found one that's a goldmine of neat (IMHO) repaints/remold opportunities. "Spell of the Siren". Every female character ever basically. In order of appearance: Wetsuit Lady Jaye (dark blue) Wetsuit Baroness (half grey, half red, huge Cobra logo) Female Cobra lackeys (many) Covergirl Female Televiper (never ever knew that existed before) A silver Firebat
  16. Was that the one where the casting director apparently thought "Beach Head" meant something quite different and he was a "gnarly surfer dude" voice-wise?
  17. I've started doing a bit on my MP TC painting again---despite my not liking them much, the "no steps" etc are going to have to stay----any attempt at removal with thinners, alcohols etc removes the gloss coat first, and he'll look horrible if I continue. I'm only really annoyed at this for the nose, as the markings aren't aligned (the parts clearly weren't quite transformed right when the tampo was applied, so when you do transform him correctly, the markings don't fit together) I may try sanding part of the nose markings off, that actually worked the best to avoid damaging the clear-coat. SS doesn't have this problem, as none of his versions are glossed. I assume SW is the same as TC. Through raw experimentation I came across my "inner intake" marking pattern--as close to G1 toy as can be managed. (IMHO the MP seeker mold IS Thundercracker due to the intakes---SS and SW do not have intake markings at all like that---the MP seeker is a hybrid of G1 TC and a real F-15 there) Futuring the un-glossed parts matches the factory parts EXACTLY, so I'm doing it wherever possible. The "super-dull" parts though just plain don't work---they're like Future-proof. Going to have to remain dull. Honestly, I wonder if they DID use Future. I mean it's EXACTLY the same, even the factory feathering and runs match how Future dries. (plus how it reacts to alcohol and sanding) I will post pics when I finish, if it looks decent. No in-progress ones unless a particular parts comes out very well. And I'll post it to TFW 2005 if it looks really good. (of course, I need some stickers from Reprolabels, or it'll never be done)
  18. Yeah, I know Rachel Nichols is curvy/hot/more so than Sienna Miller. However, I don't think she's AS nice as the costume's molding implies. (even Jeri Ryan doesn't quite have 7 of 9's shape--ever seen what she had to wear underneath?) (honestly I think it'd have been better if Sienna and Rachel swapped roles--Baroness has more of a need of curves than Scarlett IMHO--if you're going to dye both of them and are going with totally fakey red, then it doesn't matter what their natural color is--so might as well try to match physique)
  19. I've heard of that commercial but never found it, even when it was "new" and actively discussed. Anyone got a copy/link? And I might interject a comment---with Scarlett's armor, it's so "molded and padded" that frankly, they could stick an anoxeric chick inside, and you wouldn't know---the silhouette would be the same. So really, the shape you're seeing is just as fake as the hair. (from some angles) (it's along the lines of all those armored cosplayers you see with D-cup molded breast plates, when you know they are NOT filling it out inside their costume) At least with the Baroness---what you see is real, pretty much.
  20. I'll chime in and say thanks for finding it---I missed its absence too. I love finding KOs in stores. (Island of Bootleg Toys had a better name though) ::reads blog:: Hey, Cutie Honey Buffy. That's kinda cool.
  21. Hey, I had that kit. But being able to 'transform' just killed it. If it was simply "normal" it would have been pretty good. And I just built Altron.
  22. Thrust people, BM Thrust. Unicycle-bot (in bot-mode) that kicked ass.
  23. I have many issues with the casting, I just like to mention one more than the others. (wanna guess my opinion on the Baroness having dark brown hair instead of black?) Some men are ass-men, some are breast-men, and some are even foot-men. I like hair. PS--" For those whose main concern is (still) the dye in Scarlett's hair, what a marvelously sheltered little world you must live in. It must be nice to view the world through those child-like eyes, and not having to worry about grown-up things like story, acting, editing, etc" Yes, because all the actresses in this movie were clearly chosen for their multiple Oscar-winning roles, and not their sheer appearance, and the script is obviously among the greatest works of mankind. If they were aiming for anything other than childish and purile interests, they wouldn't have chicks in skin-tight outfits firing laserguns.
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