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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Recast, then use CGI to make her look more like a young ScarJo? (maintaining continuity in a very weird way) It'd still probably be cheaper than actually hiring her as lead+sequels... PS---sorry for the zombie-quote-reply
  2. This is slightly OT, but I figure it's about the best place to ask: I'm looking for a figure, to 'sit in the driver's seat of a large model car'. (and look cool/techy while doing so) 1/8 scale. Sports car, so a 6ft person wouldn't fit well if exactly 1/8 scale. Looking for something along the lines of a mecha-pilot flight-suit figure. Rei/Asuka plugsuit figures would work well style-wise, but are super-common and cliche. Would like something of a roughly similar look, though. And needs to have enough articulation to look like she can actually "drive" the car while sitting in it, if possible. Suggestions? Most (early?)Revoltechs seem a smidge too small to look right in the seat, but I haven't bought any in years and years. Figuarts are generally a bit larger, and may work---but I only own one and it doesn't work due to the rubbery parts of the clothing interfering with sitting down.
  3. Best bang for your buck is an old airliner---way bigger for the money. But the transportation fees go WAY up, and few people could fit one in their yard.
  4. Trek III had Scotty rig up the Enterprise Refit to run with only a half-dozen people or so. (yeah, it's Scotty, but still, it shows it can be automated that much, to at least "run", even if tacticial/science/mission capabilities are minimal, and even while still battle-damaged)
  5. I did own the original, and I don't know what's so great about those pics.
  6. Two spots good for a bathroom break: 1. About an hour in----incredibly tiny spoiler, only spoils "the location of a place that some people in the movie travel to that we all saw in the trailer anyways, though it wasn't labeled/super-obvious to everyone where it was": 2. About an hour and a half in, or a bit more, like 1:45----pretty minor/vague spoiler, and you'll miss a smidge of the plot, but far better than picking a place at random and missing a critical moment: Don't dare go during the last hour. But you can get up and go the second the credits start rolling, no mid/post-credit scenes.
  7. I stayed to the utter end, and there is no post-credit scene. There is literally "a sound" they play for a few secs, but I'm going to have to google if it's a hint at something, but I can't come up with anything off the top of my head. It's a distinct sound, it's obvious what it is, I just don't immediately associate it with any major Marvel character/event. The sound is (only a vague little spoiler) ::edit:: Ok, I just thought of something-----super hyper mega spoiler ahead, ruins the whole movie:
  8. Watch Solo instead of Delta. Quicker and better. (not that either's good, but if you're going to waste time watching inferior parts of a franchise, try to waste as little time as possible)
  9. That thing is such a high percentage of ex-United 747-400 parts, I take issue with saying this is the first flight.
  10. Hmmn, same here--just pure blank blue. (tried both IE and Chrome)
  11. I didn't know there WAS a Playstation version---only ever played the Saturn version. (think I still have it)
  12. Yup. I have xacto blades that are less skin-piercing...
  13. It'd be even better if it was as big as the Creator F40, but a Countach is always welcome: https://ideas.lego.com/projects/8e64e16f-ec3b-41ea-9e72-3ebc01114cf9 (I imagine if it actually gets made, we could get pearl-gold wheels---LEGO has done wheels in that color before, just not these particular ones). A printed tile on the rear could also help with getting the "triple-taillights in a hexagon" effect.
  14. DYRL Max 1A, SFDM Max 1A, SFDM Max 1J, DYRL Max 1S, Hikaru DYRL 1A, Hikaru SFDM 1J, Hikaru DYRL 1S....I don't think we should do "a thread per release" for this.
  15. Yeah, I have a TON of issues with that Ent-D. For its size, it should have a much more accurate sculpt/detailing (I have issues with the overall hull shape, mainly the saucer, but not liking the pylons either, nor impulse housings, deflector, shuttlebays, nor nacelle-pylon fairings), and MUCH better lighting. Eaglemoss seems to be "lower-tier" among the parts-work-model companies. I'd subscribe to a build-your-own-Enterprise in a second, if a GOOD one comes out. But not some thick-square-rimmed, "engines lit worse than the Playmates toy" Ten-forward-less version. Yeesh, like half the episodes were practically written around dialogue in Ten-forward. Is Picard's ready room also missing? $1100 is a lot for "not that great" an Ent-D. The only thing it has going for it is raw size, and maybe lit windows... (but not Ten-forward's windows)
  16. David Hingtgen

    Hi-Metal R

    Navy planes never have their bureau/serial numbers on the tailfins. It's low/rear, ahead of the exhausts usually, on the sides. (it'd be right behind "UN SPACY" on most valks) Anyways---it's got "SDF-018" roughly where the TV VF-1's say "Prometheus" or "ARMD-01". So I think it's just showing what "carrier" it's assigned to---a nameless SDF, that is simply hull number 18. Having the carrier name on the tailfins isn't super-common in the real US Navy, but it's not rare, either. (Were any VF-0's marked "CVN-99" or did they say Asuka? I thought some were marked with their carrier) Photo credit: Me
  17. Hmmn. I've had many bad experiences with rubbing alcohol and clear plastic. Even just the fumes/vapors, have damaged parts that were sitting nearby. I hate the -31's dark-tint canopies, but fear trying to strip it off, would probably hurt more than help. (-29 canopies are fine though, to strip with rubbing alcohol, my Ozma -29 looks so much better)
  18. That's like, the last 3 games in a row that people have bought, that I have mint copies of ready to sell. Seriously, just PM me if there's a retro PS1/PS2/360/Xbox/SNES/Dreamcast/Saturn game you want---I guarantee my copy will be minty-er, and cheaper, than getting it from ebay. I focus on import fighters and RPG's. (and anything truly good/classic)
  19. Minor thing I noticed that bugged me-----caught my eye in one of the later scenes in the theater, and now I notice it's in the trailers for an earlier scene: When she has her helmet on, she gets "Batman-style black eyeshadow all around, filling in the area between the mask-edge and her eyeball". It mysteriously comes and goes with the helmet, and gives an odd effect when she blinks, because it's there one second and gone the next, with how frequently she "turns the helmet off and on". (it's not really TAKEN off or PUT on like normal). ::edit:: It's more obvious with the brighter, red suit, but here:
  20. Thanks will check out the Vallejo----and what Draken kit is that?
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