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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Ah, The Onion. Awesome for just about everyone here I imagine, but quite NSFW (F-word, a LOT) http://www.theonion.com/content/video/sony...stupid_piece_of
  2. I love reissues/encore, I just hate the cost! 3-4x the original price for some, yet Hasbro seems able to reissue Joe and SW figures for only a bit more than the original... Seriously, there's been times that I could find minty-minty loose G1 originals, for the same price as a TRU re-issue. (never mind the safety-changed parts) It's sheer gouging---re-issue Hot Rod at TRU was way cheaper than Jazz/Tracks/Bluestreak. I doubt he cost a lot less to make. They just continually raised the prices, until it was cheaper to import them from Japan. Then you know you're being gouged----when you can import Japanese stuff cheaper (including shipping) than buying it locally. I still want a nice new Sideswipe and Thundercracker, just not at the prices I'd have to pay. (I'm still willing to split a TC/SW 2-pack with someone, though they're not on sale any more)
  3. I just assume the YF-19 is the same. Darkreaper---that view is obviously exaggerated forced-perspective. The individual close-ups should be "correct" though.
  4. In addition to "that's a crap-load of processes and that PC will never boot or run quickly period with all that stuff running"--- "Stuff I just plain don't like" from that scan: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\KodakCCS.exe Every "program that comes with a camera" is an INCREDIBLE resource hog, and they like to run themselves at boot. And hard to get rid of. I know of PCs that have been running/booting slow for years, and a lot of the time "right after we got our new camera"... C:\Program Files\Kodak\Kodak EasyShare software\bin\EasyShare.exe C:\Program Files\Kodak\KODAK Software Updater\7288971\Program\backWeb-7288971.exe See above. C:\Program Files\Lexmark 1200 Series\lxczbmon.exe O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Lexmark 1200 Series] "C:\Program Files\Lexmark 1200 Series\lxczbmgr.exe" All lexmark things are evil, they are forever banned from my PC based on the last 2 things plugged into it. No Lexmark product shall ever be hooked up to my PC, not even simple USB things. If this is a NECESSARY file---make him buy a different printer or whatever. I also see that AOL has formed its typical viral-symbiotic integration into that PC...
  5. David Hingtgen

    SCOOP thread!

    Good pics of the new 1/60 VF-11's gimmicks/details: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=714969
  6. Well, really it's only done to make skinnier fighter modes. The new YF-21 especially would be a lot fatter or just plain wrong without the folding gear. (the YF-19 doesn't need it at all, so no toy will likely ever do it, even though the line-art says it should)
  7. Every valk ever has been designed that way---it just took until recently for a toy company to engineer them to match the line-art. (and quite few real fighters do it too) As for VG wings---it's part of the transformation, it kind of HAS to have them.
  8. Just FYI, the VF-11 does have short rear landing gear, as valks go. As for bay/gear size---I'd assume it's the same reason as the last toy--the tailfin gets in the way in battroid mode. The bay is twice as long as the gear---but note that the half of the bay where the gear isn't, is half as deep--presumably to allow the tailfin to fold in closer there or something. The front half of the bay only exists to have an anime-accurate forward door there, not to allow for larger gear. The bay would have to be deepened there to fit a longer gear strut, and then the tailfins wouldn't fit inside. (they don't fit as it is---they only fold like 95% away, leaving a bit hanging outside--but it's obviously worth it as it lets them be like 2mm bigger)
  9. I haven't see the new movie one. If the actual movie prop/render/whatever has those same proportions/shape---then whoever designed it is obviously not an aviation enthusiast.
  10. Pointless update IMHO---so similar to the original, yet worse in every way. If you're going to go through the time/expense of an all-new mold that close to the original---just re-make the original! It was perfect. Now it just looks "toy-istic". The original was far more realistic, and that's what made it cool. Plus the original was HUGE. This looks Rattler/Conquest sized. GI Joe vehicles (IMHO) all about "plausible realism"---like, 'what we could have in 10-20 years'--or even what we could have now, had things gone differently. It's half-way to being a chibi/SD Night Raven.
  11. Best (IMHO) Frontier music tribute so far: ::edited for better link:: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VAmXWljWTU&fmt=18
  12. F-22 intake separation line---never easy to see, but look here: http://www.airliners.net/photo/USA---Air/L...-22A/1423535/L/ http://www.airliners.net/photo/USA---Air/L...-22A/1384596/L/ http://www.airliners.net/photo/USA---Air/L...-22A/1313059/L/ Look at the bottom corner, easier to see. It's pretty deep in. Also, I think the separation line is angled to match the intake lip. ::edit:: Ooh, this is probably the best shot: http://www.airliners.net/photo/USA---Air/L...-22A/1327080/L/
  13. F-22 intakes are like the F-15, in that they're grey for the first couple of feet, then go to white. Walk-around (useful for everything but the intake interiors) http://data3.primeportal.net/hangar/michae...k/f-22a_04-066/ More 747 stuff to celebrate its birthday-----something never before photographed, and rarely even seen----a 747's bow-wave: http://www.jetphotos.net/viewphoto.php?id=6472254 PS--787 and A380 are nothing compared to the A400M. THAT is a screwed-up program. It will set the record for longest gap between initial construction/roll-out/first flight/service entry.
  14. Today's the 40th anniversary of the 747's first flight.
  15. The F-14 is notable for having its first kill be itself: "The day I shot myself down": http://www.ejectionsite.com/F-14%20SHOOTDOWN.pdf
  16. Seconded---when they spend 30 secs arguing about how critical it is to be fast and accurate in this situation--she holds her guns gangsta-style and crossed-over? Ghost Train--you didn't miss anything. As for the engine room---I'm annoyed that I of all people didn't understand what it was until I came here. I thought they looked more like leaks or something--so "dark and streaky". Honestly at very first I thought there were more "relics of the past etched on the wall" for Tyrol, like on Earth. (hey, that'd be a twist, he used to serve on a previous Galactica...)
  17. Googling around, the more I find, the more it seems the *PS3* is amazingly universal/tolerant---to the point that its internal power supply is actually a converter--if you can physically give it electricity, it'll do what it needs to do. HDMI seems to be the best bet for connecting, it seems to "not care" about ATSC, PAL, etc. I'd say you have good odds of being able to play games and watch Blu-Rays from a US PS3 on a euro HDTV.
  18. HDTV universal---nope, instead of NTSC and PAL etc, now you have ATSC and DVB.
  19. Can you move and merge as a single action? (merging is hard enough, as it's backwards IMHO---Thread A + Thread B means new thread has name of Thread B)
  20. That sounds like a way better movie. Be sure to get Frank Welker to do the voice.
  21. I moved this over here, though really it should probably be merged with the Transformers thread.
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