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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I saw my first orange Challenger today---didn't like the color at all. Granted, it was almost dusk when I saw it, but it wasn't at all like I thought it'd be. I expected an incredibly reddish orange. This was----orange. Simply "not saturated enough" IMHO. Orange was one of my top choices if I get one some day, but not any more---unless I see more in other lighting and it looks way better. In real life it just did not match the photos at all. Pics make it look awesome--"almost red".
  2. Dang, I should have bought out the store if they're going for that much. On the other hand, PS3 ones are hard enough to find that I had to order online. (I read the manual and don't even plan to try to play with a 4-face-button controller--you really can't pick just 4 to focus on like most other iterations)
  3. 1/2 mod-warning, and 1/2 comment: Sorry but I have to take Saint's side when it comes to T-80. That means T-80, not "russian tank". F-14 means F-14, not "fighter jet".
  4. Basically--yeah. Frankly---everybody shut up unless you're posting a scoop. I like the idea of this thread as do some other mods. And it solves/addresses a lot of complaints better than most other things we've tried.
  5. Nothing here, will check again tomorrow. (I hate wasting time/gas like that--from all the reports online I figured at least ONE store here would have either the pads or game out today)
  6. This was already brought up in a thread at TFW, but the new movie line is really setting a record for "difference between official pics and the real thing". Check out the F-35-ish guy: http://www.tfw2005.com/resources/transform...breakaway-3489/ From bronze and steel to tan and green.
  7. Bumping back up to the first page.
  8. Eh, I like the -19, just not any of the canon schemes. (except maybe the blue/white test scheme, but that's a YF-19, and I already have a YF-----I can't think of any VF-19F/S scheme I like) I'd like to see the VF-4 most of all, of the "likely, older" valks. (I really want a VF-27 or VF-11MAXL, but the first is new and the second isn't very popular---Mylene's valk will probably be the very last one they make, if ever)
  9. Just look at Ranka--she's only 1/4 Zentradi, yet has higher tolerances for being exposed to space. Full Zentradi should be significantly "superior".
  10. From how it's intended to be held, it's clearly a jet-shaped gun. The whole cockpit section is like the grip for a pump-action shotgun. I wouldn't be surprised if you can actually "collapse" the forward fuselage in that manner.
  11. On the A-10's best mission in Desert Storm, 2 guys got at least 4 between them with the gun. (tallying at least 2 each on the first 2 sorties, don't know how many on the third). I'd assume quite a few more occurred with other missions/days/sorties through the war.
  12. It's also used for ferry-flights-----best way to move missiles to the war zone is to have the fighters carry their own! (otherwise you've got a bunch of F-22's somewhere, waiting for a slow C-5 to bring their ammo)
  13. I tried to get it, but it's Gold-only. Or is there a PS3 demo too?
  14. I'd say we are way OT and this should be in the mecha/tech thread.
  15. 360 pads everywhere it seems, PS3 ones much harder to find--"just Blanka" seems to be the mantra. (and that's my result too). Debating ordering online. (most places just give you a random one, few places allow you to pick)
  16. Nowhere near 2 feet tall. He's 2 feet tall the same way Unicron is... Anyways--I don't like Breakaway. Face in cockpit is fine--but he's got half a jet sticking out above it! Kind of like Blackout, but 10x worse. It's like they forgot to transform the other half of the plane downwards, making it back kibble--but it pretty much looks like that's how it is. And he's not an F-35. I don't think he's anything. They clearly have the Lockheed license due to the F-22, but he's pretty much an F-2 with an F-35's nosecone, engine and v.stabs. As for Devastator--I'd be fine with "no robot mods" IF it was the most amazing combiner ever, with much transformation required to assemble, to the point that you think "there's no way to make a robot too, as the individual vehicles use every single part they have to make limbs". But look at the head, torso, arms---they don't even transform. Their combiner mode is vehicle mode with one panel flipped out. You could make a perfect clone of Hasbro's toy by buying some small construction toys, adding a joint or two for articulation, and gluing them together. The legs "straighten out" but that's about all the transformation there is. It's like Hasbro's designers just lost all their talent in making that. For not having robot modes, Devastator should be WAY more complex/accurate. The cement truck could at least have ONE transformation joint in it, to fold the cab down or something.
  17. It's there. Which means there's a big boxy part of the plane molded in for it to retract into. Also means it's big and boxy overall because it's full of electronic bits and automated firing mechanisms. Hasbro is like the opposite of a cell phone company---they need a 3x3in box of electronic gizmos to make 2 tiny lights and beep...
  18. Yeah, Animated Arcee is impressive. Best female TF ever I think. (and Animated BA used to be #1). And the Soundwave repaint is VERY cool. Here's hoping for cool Cyclonus and Rodimus toys...
  19. Or a cement truck that transforms---into a cement truck. (seriously, get a sideview of Devastator--I think there's 1 single moving piece on that component, to reveal the face) PS---biggest dissapointment? It seems there are prominent movie characters who I've never heard of, or are MINOR G1 etc characters. Mudflap (WTF?) and Skids? Where's Tracks/Sunstreaker/Hound/Wheeljack/Bluestreak/Prowl/Gears/Cliffjumper?
  20. Ooh, there's hope for a kick-ass new toy: "DELUXE includes 24 characters, VOYAGER will offer 11 characters, and LEADER will feature three, including OPTIMUS PRIME and JETFIRE." Leader Jetfire. Problem is--the Blackbird is super-skinny in cross-section. I don't see any way they could do it. A Leader Starscream could be amazing, but to do Jetfire with an accurate jet mode would be nigh-impossible, even for Yamato IMHO. (and I don't even know what Jetfire's robot mode looks like--I'm just assuming based on how thin the plane is) Dare we hope the 3rd leader is Starscream? (Probably Megs or Galvatron--that's not a spoiler as I do not know if either or both are going to be in the movie at all--I just assume they won't let Starscream be THE head Decepticon, because that'd be too awesome and too much character motivation and development) (man, we're going to have to re-think and clarify the definition of a spoiler once Toyfair's over---there's no way this thread can remain movie-info-free) I try to avoid as much as possible, but things like Devastator---he's probably going to be on the front page of USA Today come June. Unless we make a third thread: "Movie toy info that only talks about the stuff EVERYONE knows, unlike the super-spoiler-filled main movie thread".
  21. I was kinda hoping Devastator would be at least 1/2 green. If they're only going to make 1 vehicle green---couldn't they have picked NOT THE SMALLEST ONE? Is his torso split left/right or top/bottom? One of those being green would help a lot. As it is, he's mostly orange and yellow.
  22. New Night Raven sucks. Has "gigantic handle" syndrome. http://i.toynewsi.com/g/index.php?dispsize...amp;pic=052.jpg On a more positive note---armored Scarlett fig: http://i.toynewsi.com/g/index.php?mode=vie...600&start=0 (actually I'm thinking Mara Jade custom---or maybe Commander Shepard)
  23. I was worried from the start---"assist" mode and "normal" mode seemed to have camera views "keyed" to their modes---and they were the opposite of what I wanted (and the opposite of Ace Combat). And every time people asked the developers refused to answer if the camera views were locked like that. Seems they are. That is an absolute utter deal-killer.
  24. Seems the new figs are in 7-packs: http://toynewsi.com/news.php?catid=9&itemid=14092 Yeah, I'll definitely take the Night Creeper/Strato/Alley Viper/Lamprey/BAT/Mindbender pack. THAT is a pack. (I'd be interested in trading Mindbender for another Strato Viper--or Copperhead! Still looking for a decently-painted Copperhead) Now if we could only get a female Strato Viper... (hey, they rock--show up several times, and you NEED 2 at a time anyways, so might as well make them look different--you sure can't use different face sculpts) Hmmmn. Maybe Pilot Scarlett+Strato Viper lower legs+harness+helmet....
  25. Hey, another neat repaint possibility--- http://www.joetoonarchive.com/albums/World...nd%202/0042.gif Worlds Without End, part 2. It's the Baroness outfit, but in blue, worn by one of her personal lackeys/guards. (she has some in that ep) Of course, we'd need a toon-accurate Baroness mold first. (which we've NEVER gotten, annoyingly) (interesting that the toon seems to make a lot more female "repaint characters" than male---of course that's probably because there's already a zillion established male characters/model sheets, so they just literally "repaint" the few existing female ones as needed)
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