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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Hmmmn. I believed the fact that the "production" version of the YF-24 seems to be the VF-25, indicated the YF-24 never went beyond prototype stage, and the VF-24 was skipped. Just like the YF-17 became the F-18 with no production F-17. The changes from YF-24 to VF-25 are similar.
  2. Never mind the fact that most planes I'm familiar with have a cruise speed, max cruise speed, and max speed... Eg, 747-100: Cruises Mach .86, Max cruise Mach .92, Max speed Mach .98.
  3. I definitely see some red in that sprue shot of the super packs. My guess is that the first batch at least is molded in red (and includes stickers for all colors), to satisfy all the people who bought the first Alto release.
  4. Assuming it's built with roughly the same armor/transformation mechanics/material as valks are, it'd make sense to be half as dense as a real ship----valks are half as dense as real fighters. Replying to a few other comments: Re: Jet engines needing subsonic air. True, but the main design issue in modern jets is not merely making it subsonic (that's easy), but how "nicely" you do so. F-14 and F-15 are well-known for having multiple variable ramps to "let the air down easy"--multiple small shockwaves, vs the F-16 and F-18 having "one large shockwave". (exactly the same principle as a sonic boom----and a boom inside the intakes is generally bad--but a lot of planes deal with it anyways---easier/simpler than designing around it) The more gradually the air is converted to subsonic speeds, the more power the engine makes. If the F-14 lost its ramps, it'd be slower due to less engine power. If the F-16 added ramps, it'd be faster. Or, as is often the case---forget the ramps, and just install inherently more powerful engines. Assume: Engine X makes 20,000lbs and can go Mach 2 at high speed/alt with a super-fancy set of 4 moving ramps. To save money, some versions of the plane have no ramps, so the same engine/airframe combo can only make 17,000lbs of thrust and goes Mach 1.8. Or, you can have the rampless version of the plane, but install an inherently more powerful engine, that can make 20,000lbs of thrust and go Mach 2 without ramps. (or even better, install that engine with ramps, and get 24,000lbs thrust or whatever and go Mach 2.2) Normally, it's not THAT big of a difference, and few planes today have multiple or even variable ramps, and many have them disabled.
  5. Just a quick note--there is no VF-24, only the YF-24. And we see it very briefly in ep 15. (first half I think).
  6. When Ace Combat's more realistic, you've got problems...
  7. It's going to take a while to check 100+ pages again. I've only read about a dozen so far.
  8. I've noticed an audio problem, and I'm trying to figure out if it's the TV, PS3, or game itself. After a while playing (usually after winning arcade mode), the sound effects will start being 1/2 or 1 second "behind". Most noticeable with menu selections. Anyone else experienced this? I can't really tell if it's just the effects or ALL sound, since it's very hard to tell if the background music "starts" later than it should. Resetting either game or TV seems to fix it, so that doesn't help narrow it down.
  9. Those could almost be CIWS too, surrounding the upper part.
  10. Remind me NOT to play you online... BTW to everyone--my first 20 or so attempts at a PSN name were taken, so I'm stuck with "Alpha Weltall". Though I may still appear as Xenogears Id---SF IV seems to go more by the sign-in name, than the PSN name.
  11. It's that time again----the chronicles of Hoser. http://www.tomcat-sunset.org/forums/index.php?topic=2441 Don't know Hoser? You should. No fictional pilot could ever come close to this real-life F-8 and F-14 pilot. One of many stories: "If memory serves, when he was a nugget in the squadron flying Crusaders, he was flying wing on his CO while on a training flight along hte California coast; the CO flamed out and ejected. After the CO was clear, this guy decided, what the heck, armed his guns, and shot the doomed plane to pieces!!! He was called before a disciplinary board of some sort, who tried to be very stern and angry looking. Supposedly the only answer he kept giving was, "It was going down anyway!" After he was dismissed, he left the room and closed the door....then through the closed door he heard the entire room erupt in hysterical laughter."
  12. Re: Blanka elec spamming. Sigh, all I seem to do lately is spam Chun's lightning kick---it activates WAY easier than ever before, thus it happens accidently a lot while just attempting to combo NORMAL kicks. Hit medium kick twice and it'll start going and almost every one of her moves will cancel into it. With the loss of any non-charge spinning kick, it's one of the few good moves she has left. (plus, it's much better than it was before--I used to almost NEVER use it--now it and EX bird kick are my 2 mains). (EX bird kick is very different from standard, and WAY more useful) Going to try Claw later, and Rose as soon as I unlock her. Then Cammy, Fei-Long, and Dhalsim.
  13. I just played for the first time a bit tonight. Ken makes everything embarassingly easy. Actually TOO easy to get dragon punches--I get them when going for fireballs. Chun-Li seems nerfed, she gave me my worst initial impression of her ever. I mean, they change her a lot in each new game, but this time she just seems "lacking"---no GOOD basic combos (all variations of the same), everything requires a charge, her vertical spinning kick can't be done by itself, and her super/ultra is WEAK (and needs to be charged--good luck doing that against teleporting Seth). (I really don't like the <+K, K, D/U+K quasi combo---99% of the time I end up getting a lightning kick instead unless I start from a totally neutral situation---plus again, D/U+K can't be done alone, when it ROCKED in Alpha as a D,F,DF+K) And Chun-Li trial 4-3 seems impossible. Can do heavy punch cancelled into s.bird kick a hundred times in a row, but after a fully charged focus attack? No way. (and I'm not the only one--it was one of the first topics I found at Gamefaqs) Of course, I doubt Capcom would "screw up" one of the main characters, so I'm guessing there's a lot of stuff I have to learn. (still, Alpha 2 was my fave Chun, followed by Third Strike)
  14. There is NO reason to compare the VF-19 and VF-25 "at Mach 5". Top speed is never, ever, anywhere near where max G, best turn rate, or corner velocity is. Look at F-15 vs F-16. Very different top speeds, very different corner velocities, same G-rating. And very different overall turn capabilities. VF-19 and VF-25 both max out at Mach 5? Big whoop. The F-16, MiG-23, F-104, and Tornado all max out around Mach 2, yet have VERY different manueverability. Heck, most jets from 1960 to today are right around Mach 2. Anything slower than 1.9 or faster than 2.1 is uncommon. "Mach 5" seems to be the valk equivalent of today's Mach 2---"the speed most fighters can go, with only a few being notably faster or slower". Top speed and handling have NOTHING to do with each other. It's just stupid to try to base a comparison using Mach 5 as some sort of basis for G's, turn rate, etc on achieving their best at that speed. PS---missiles do not need to match a turn radius to intercept, they must match the rate of turn in degrees. (same as dogfighting--you do not need to turn TIGHTER, you need to turn FASTER to draw lead or get behind them to fire) You can have a pretty big turn radius, but if your "degrees per second" is better, you will come around first. For a plane, G is a measure of how much stress it'll take before its damaged--or really, how much it can take without voiding the warranty. Did you know G-rating is adjustable? Increase it, and you can either pay more to the manufacturer for the increased warranty/service costs, or you can not pay them extra and void any "stress-induced" warranty claims. Engines work the same way. As does max weight. It's mostly paperwork and software, not inherent to the design. Only when planes get old :coughF-14cough: do the limits start really becoming "physically based". F-16s have pulled 12-13Gs several times, sustained for several seconds, and are fine. Heck, the 707, 727, and 747 have all done 6Gs (double their rating) and lived to tell the tale. Boeing basically disowned the planes after that, but they were all checked/repaired and flew many more years.
  15. Hmmn. Always seems to be on the right side, where the screw hole is. I just checked mine and it's OK, but I'm going to take it apart and smear some superglue around inside to reinforce the area if possible.
  16. How good is Inferno's transformation? (I.E., how many parts to move around?)
  17. ME 2 teaser trailer: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/45798.html Also, ME 1 will have at least 1 more DLC, and will be combat-focused. (arena/colosseum style seems likely)
  18. Point: They don't specify with what loading the G-limits are for. Maybe the VF-25's limit is set so as to take into account the frequent use of super packs and full armor. Second point: A "G" is a measurement of force/stress. Not turning. Many modern day missiles can do well over 30Gs. Yet 6+G turns often "out-turn" them. Speed increases effective G's, yet also increases turn radius. Few modern military jets can make a circle quicker or smaller than an A-10, but it sure can't pull 9+Gs. And a WWII Zero pulling 4.5Gs will out-turn them all... Or hey---a modern Corvette can do a "mere" 1G lateral turn that'll be quicker and tighter than any plane will ever dream of. (what we really need for valks are "sustained rate of turn" and "instantaneous rate of turn"---those are much better measurements, as those define how rapidly direction changes, not how much stress is on the frame)
  19. My controller should be here Monday. I won't be going online for a few days though---I need to get back into the groove. While I do use Ken quite a bit, I'm an even bigger Chun-Li/Vega player. You'll also see me use Rose for sure, maybe Dhalsim. Cammy and Fei Long will be cameos.
  20. I posted that a week ago and nobody said a word... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=714694
  21. Hey, I love Mylene's valk--I own two of that kit. (one built, one to build again but better) Also---battroid's curved, valk's curved--it works decently. The only real issue are the shoulders---there's INSANE anime magic for the shoulders, but everything else works pretty well IMHO. (MAXL shoulders are no worse than YF-19 hips)
  22. Could anyone give me the kanji or katakana to type in for "Grace in flightsuit at end of ep 22" for the specific favorite scene comment box? (I'm serious)
  23. Military warns of Terminator-style robot revolts: http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/ne...icle5741334.ece
  24. Transmetals were supposed to be "inside-out". Though actually, more like swapped. Look at them----robotic/cyber beast modes---very sleek and smooth. Organic robot modes---full of hair, scales, and muscles. Best examples are probably Primal and Cheetor. Transmetal 2--I'm not sure if there really was a theme, it blurred the lines----each mode was partly cyber and partly organic. Overall, both TM lines were very good IMHO, and the best of the BW. (the only good Fuzor was Silverbolt, he rocked). Mutants are all fugly and stupid except for Poison Bite, who rocks. Most "normal" BW toys sucked, excluding the combiners, Megatron, and Inferno. It helped that TM1 Megs and Primal were both very well done-----good toys of the 2 main characters is always a bonus to a line---TM1 Megs is what got me into BW. (he seemed so much like Grimlock--even the packaging made me think G1)
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