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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I'm going to see the movie, and read the book, period. The question is which first.
  2. Only the chief didn't know what was in the trunk. (just clarifying for people)
  3. The first half I was thinking "not much is happening for being so close to the end, when every minute counts" but it all came together at the end---and was better for having built up so gradually.
  4. Half of Australia's Super Hornets are to be modified on the production line to allow for future conversion to E/A-18Gs. They'll basically be F/A-18Fs with lots of extra wiring/software inside.
  5. I dare not venture into that thread for even a second, for fear of being spoiled. (there's pretty much no spoiler-rule for something 20+ years old)
  6. Mai *rocked* in KOF '97. Nerfed ever since then. (97's still my overall fave in the series)
  7. I've been debating whether to get the full/real story first, or "have no clue what's going to happen in the theater". I'm certain the novel's better and will read it at some point, but it will take away 90% of the "surprise" factor for any plot point in the movie.
  8. I think the point is more to show how inferior the F-35 is as a fighter, than to bolster the F-22's status. (less money for the F-35 means more for the Raptor) I think the most praise the F-35's got so far is that it's "comparable to" the F-16 in a dogfight. That's not what I'd expect a brand-new plane that's supposed to replace the F-16 for the next 30+ years to be.
  9. Also, since you need multiple perfects, that implies several first attacks anyways.
  10. If there were, I'm sure they'd have spread across the various anime forums pretty quickly. Same as if there were any Grace flightsuit cosplay.
  11. Everywhere here seems to have skipped the Copperhead comic pack. I saw like 3 at one Target (all with awful paint) and never again anywhere else---but lots of later ones like Beachhead/Mainframe in various stores. PS---my local TRU still had the F-22 just a few days ago.
  12. Don't forget the missiles. If it's an AA-11 vs an AIM-9M...
  13. Have you been to the Challenger forums? There's tons of posts/dealers dedicated to "getting people a Challenger without a hassle or paying sticker". It's rare that a car in my family comes from a local dealer.
  14. First Attacks seems to be the "little thing no one knows about because so many people do it anyways without realizing".
  15. Minor note: her right shoulder seems to be a mirror of the left, and says "ZMZ" instead of SMS.
  16. Interesting notes on the F-22's performance vs contract requirements: http://www.f-16.net/news_article3275.html Most interesting, is the "vs a Mig-29/Su-27"----the F-22 is apparently worth (in a fight) 10 F-35s. So much for the JSF being "90% of the performance for half the cost". (and now costs 1/3 more than the F-22) (of course, this is one of those press releases that's really more of an ad, so...)
  17. I'll have to say I noticed that too.
  18. Wow, when our resident valkgirl-artist says OMG, you know it's good.
  19. hobbes--that's because the kit has a 1/100 pilot or so. If the pilot was correctly scaled, he'd easily see above the frame.
  20. Ooooh, the repro-Me262 has J85s. Rather ingenious, about the easiest to support military-grade engine around.
  21. Blurr rocks, maybe my fave in the line. I'm not very impressed with Swindle.
  22. I'd sell the F-22 to the UK and Australia for sure, if I was POTUS/congress/SECDEF. Anyways---want a brand-new Fw190A? You can buy a kit. http://www.lanedesign.com.br/fw190.htm Seriously, that'd get more attention at any airshow than a "real" P-51 etc. (Well, more attention from the real enthusiasts, maybe not so much from those who the P-51 is the ONLY warbird they can name)
  23. It's still "after I beat arcade mode". If I am using someone I normally don't, and it takes me a LONG time to beat arcade mode---I have normal sound all that while, until I win and get back to the title screen. If I take Ken on easy, then I only have 5 mins of "normal sound"--after I win, sound's messed up. It MAY be the TV, my TV model has been known to have audio issues--but AFAIK it's only ever been echoes/distotions, not "weird delays related to beating Seth". (and I've never had an issue until this week) I wish there was a way to end the game without resetting the system. (selecting quit game will effectively reboot the system--it seems restting the signal itself is the solution--whether it's the TV or system that "interrupts" the signal) I'm going to try just training/challenges for a while, and see how long I can go---then try arcade just to "prove" that's it. PS----HDMI, monoprice. Blue. 6ft.
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