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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Countach?!?!? (still my all-time fave car appearance-wise, no car will ever look as cool)
  2. Honestly---took a long time to really get going (really just the last 2 issues), so that there wasn't much left to see after the characters/motives were established. All character, no plot.
  3. ::gasp:: You're saying people judge cars by appearance and sound, not quality and performance? (though if the real DeLorean actually sounded like it did onscreen, it'd have helped a little)
  4. Figured people might want to know, I just finished reading the book. Will see movie soon.
  5. I recognized the term from one of azrael's episode polls.
  6. There's no way it actually lights up THAT bright. (if it did, I'd buy it) Based on their description, it sounds like there's other versions, but the BTTF2 version is the exclusive. So who's got the one from the first movie?
  7. Composites have one huge disadvantage----when you have to repair them.
  8. Cool "super gauge". (I'm real sick of retro black and white simple ones---what I really want are mid-80's digital dashes, but this'll do)
  9. I'm going to have to airbrush some SP scarlet I think---I am so not using stickers for the missile hatches. (SP scarlet seems to be the closest match to the kit decals)
  10. Dang, no posts for 2 weeks? Last week was much better than most. (More HRG=better ep). Anyone else get weird audio for first half of this week's ep? Couldn't hear dialogue over music.
  11. I would bet that all "S" valkyrie variants have the engines at max trim, while other models have the engines in a more typical trim.
  12. Is that an official term, or are you just re-using the term MRCA? To me, MRCA=Tornado, and nothing else.
  13. The DYRL has better colors, but I just plain like the shape/design of the TV better.
  14. Ahh, got it, thanks. Now I have to develop a grudge against azrael or something.
  15. I'll admit that's how I play the computer too. I have better things to do than spend 10 more hours trying to unlock more colors with Rose, than simply blowing through CPU opponents with simple shoryuken-based combos. (I have color 8 and 10, 7 is giving me issues--the CPU just instantly JUMPS up in how smart it is around round 5----it's like a semi-turtle, and plays very much like the DOA CPU does---it never goes on the offense, it only ever "does the perfect reactionary counter to your move"--I think I'll try Chun or Cammy and rely on speed instead of a shoryuken's invincibility frames) But I so far have never used Ken online, and if I ever do it'll be "different".
  16. I would say 120 seconds per flight, based on other "rules" for fighters.
  17. That doesn't quite match up with my experience---yes, rival theme occurs when fighting rival in arcade mode. But there's also times when I get "the theme" but that character isn't my rival--but it is "their" stage. I'm going to try to experiment more and pin it down.
  18. Seriously (pun intended)---now I know you have owned both Lost Planet and Mass Effect, yet not played either. Is getting two uber-hard achievements really better than playing 2 whole new games?
  19. Anti-slip stuff for when you're walking on top of the intakes.
  20. This may be a stupid question or two, but is there any way to "force" the game to play a character's music? I never heard Ryu's theme until last night--and I've had the game a week! It seems that when you fight a character in "their" stage you get their music instead of the stage's "generic" music---well with all the characters and stages, I figure it might be months before I hear them all at this rate. It just seems stupid to make "the really good songs" occur so rarely and randomly. And no music test in the options sucks too. (I noticed that one of the time/survival trials seemed to intentionally match up characters/stages, but ironically they were all the ones I'd already managed to hear except for one) Related note: anyone got a list of whose stage is who's? Some are fairly easy to assume, but some I don't have a clue.
  21. Does the head come off easily? Ken/Ryu swaps would make "instant repaints for free" if you owned several figs.
  22. I think he simply expected her to go "home to the fleet" with no ulterior motives. His goal was to save her life by getting her off the ship, nothing more. And dressing up as Athena would make it a lot easier to sneak her onto a Raptor so he thought nothing of that.
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