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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Thinned with what? I tried a "very thinned paint" before but didn't work well---though it was a Testor's acrylic purple for that, not Tamiya. I'd appreciate a pic or two to see how it turned out--honestly a lot of "successful" VF-25 purple canopies don't look at all how I want mine to. I'm this close to ordering some Vallejo clear---getting the green too for my future armored Ozma, as I don't like how Tamiya green came out on Alto---too dark. (tamiya green is always streaky/uneven unless laid on heavily---and I used my shinest chrome paint to back-coat it, and it's still quite dark)
  2. I really don't want to spend ANOTHER 10 bucks on ordering paints for the canopy, but may have to get some Vallejo then. (I think I have now spent more on red/blue/clear/purple things than I did on the kit)
  3. Yeah, but I admit when I'm wrong. (just had to do it today on another board)
  4. About the 4th time I've typed this: Red and blue food color makes brown Clear red and clear blue paint makes clear brown paint Most purple paints and inks don't like being mixed with Future. At all. Yes, it violates everything you've learned about colors in your whole life, but that's what happens with every brand I've tried. I even tried like 20 parts blue to 1 part red---instantly turns totally brown. Very few things actually make a "clear purple" and even fewer dry smoothly/evenly, without specks or streaks. One of my little "experiments" seems to mix better as time goes by---I've had a cup of it sitting on the shelf for weeks now. Plan to try it after the next airbrushing attempt. (my current airbrush mix works, but is so finicky I've only gotten 2 of the 3 clear parts done now---I've come so frustratingly close with the biggest piece, only to have one run/bubble/hair screw it up)
  5. More like female and male human powermasters, who powered a large combiner Decepticon. Overlord is male despite his powermasters, much like Arcee is female, despite (sometimes) having a male headmaster.
  6. Yeah, I was talking about the one about 3 or 4 posts earlier----I'm pretty sure I can tell Nanase and Grace apart. Hmmmn, now I'm thinking about the "limited color palette" theory. I wonder if it's to give a "consistent look" to Frontier. I'm thinking the blue accents on SMS stuff (helmets, flight suits, etc) may be the same shade as well. It's like there's only one shade of blue in the entire series--and it's a purplish-blue. (only exception being Mikhail's valk)
  7. Hey, they actually included Grace in that group shot. Doesn't make up for the other 99% of the "entire cast except Grace" art they've made... Anyways---I just now realized her hair is the exact color of Sheryl's and Brera's outfits. Made in her self-image? Hmmmmmn.
  8. Yeah, but clear red/green/yellow/blue are easy to do--I've even had people comment on how well I do clear blue. But clear purple is just 1000x harder for some reason. It just doesn't work/react right. I could have several Lucas built in the time I've spent on my Alto canopy.
  9. #%^@%$!^%&! The Super Packs have transparent purple parts in them! Why the **** couldn't they do that for the canopy? Do you know how much time/effort/money I'd have saved if they'd molded the canopy parts in the same color they used for the lights(?) on the Super Packs? (and I *still* don't have one canopy piece done--the biggest one---still have to make another attempt) (mine just arrived today, via SAL) PS--as I mod, I can swear all I want. I just intentionally mask it to leave it open to interpretation.
  10. OK, that's just cool---SF4 style hadoken shirt from Penny-Arcade: http://pennyarcademerch.com/pat090021.html
  11. Pilot callsigns and plane numbers don't mix/relate. Alto is Skull Four, his plane is 007. Mikhail is Skull Two, plane 003. For DYRL---don't ignore the 0. US Navy planes have 3 digits, and is yet one more aspect of "US carrier aviation" Macross seems to follow. Of course, the lowest number in the Navy is 100... However, in the US Navy a callsign given over the radio will often be the plane's, not the pilot's AFAIK. I.E., they'll report in as Gypsy 106 or Victory 202, not Maverick and Goose.
  12. Never saw Wheelie, but saw a few Cosmos and Warpath at the "non-Super WalMart that usually gets nothing and/or is last". Same store that got the black Leader Ani Megs repaint----they may ship together or something.
  13. Pigma Micron pens can be found at most any craft store. Hobby Lobby, Michael's, Ben Franklin. Also, college/university bookstores will usually have them in the art supplies section.
  14. Darn it, just got majorly spoiled for TF:A season 3. And it's mostly my fault. (I thought it was the spoiler I already knew, but it was a different, maybe even bigger one).
  15. It's the obvious choice----as famous and popular as a character gets, after Prime and Megs. Also---nearly impossible to screw up the paint scheme! No "too light" or "too dark" complaints here----he's metallic. Almost any shade in any combination will work well, from silver-white to gunmetal. Pale gold to dark bronze.
  16. Dang, we might need to sticky a warning. "Don't use name-brand Gundam Markers on a v2 VF-1".
  17. Nail polish remover is certainly "stronger", but I don't think it'd be as effective as rubbing alcohol on Gundam Marker. Kind of like using lacquer thinner with acrylic paint---they just aren't designed to do anything to each other. I'm betting rubbing alcohol would have worked much better, without doing a thing to the plastic. Question---did you let the gundam marker dry before you tried to remove it? If so, that'd explain a lot. It removes easily when "wet", harder when dry. (and sometimes it'll never totally dry---I recently removed 8-year-old ink from my PG Wing Zero with just spit, and you'd never know I'd applied any) Note: GM02 does seem "tougher" than any other thing I use, and it tends to "soak in more" to anything even SLIGHTLY porous. I personally rarely use name-brand Gundam Markers, preferring Sakura brand Pigma Micron pens. (they are much more forgiving, and cheap/easy to find in the US) I haven't tried inking a V2.0 VF-1. Maybe the plastic changed, and it reacts differently than other Yamato/Bandai plastics?
  18. Could you be more specific, EXACTLY what did you buy? Also---rubbing alcohol affects few plastics---I've soaked many pieces for days with no effect. (black plastic gets a sort of haze sometimes, but that's about it) I'm surprised by everything you wrote.
  19. Chun-Li's trials suck. I think her 2nd hard one is considered one of the toughest in the game. (annoying since apparently the 3rd one's pretty easy). I pretty much just looked at her 2nd hard and said "yeah, that's never going to happen". Easiest trials I found so far are Bison (Dictator). Took like 5 mins for all the normals. (I haven't gotten 2nd hard trial on anyone, just a couple 1st hard so far) Re-rant: Trials are pointless. They don't teach/help at all. All the combos are complicated, difficult, and frankly useless due to how rarely an opponent will be set up properly to get them off. Why do a nigh-impossible 5-hitter, when I can do MP-HP-special for greater damage? It's purely to show what CAN be done, and not what'll actually be useful/helpful. If they had made some trials that actually show useful, "not insanely picking about just-frame timing with FA dash-cancel" combos that do decent damage, that'd be useful, THEN I'd spend a lot of time trying them out and learning them---then use them against people. As it is----it's just a waste of time. 20 mins in practice or arcade mode "teaches" me far better.
  20. IIRC the F-15 failures were due to being manufactured incorrectly, with undersize stringers. Every one that was built correctly is fine. It had nothing to do with "not fully understanding the nature of the materials used".
  21. And presumably saved hundreds (or even thousands, depending on how often they reused that same exploding VF-11 footage) of M7 pilot's lives.
  22. It briefly hit 6%, but seems to be holding at 5%.
  23. David Hingtgen

    SCOOP thread!

    New 1/60 VF-11 pics, showing how heatshield works etc: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=724406
  24. Heatshield's kinda like I thought it'd have to be, didn't think of the Z-fold hinge though. Interesting. Still haven't seen any pics of the back of battroid mode. (the one we've seen has the boosters on it, which hide what I want to see)
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