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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Sigh. Left hinge cracked all the way through. Was FLAWLESS, not even a stress crack, last time. And the right one's got a slight stress mark now. Theory: it's time, not transformations. I've only transformed mine like 6 times---once a month to change poses. It's sat for a few weeks since the last transformation. And trust me, nobody here is slower, more paranoid, or more careful than me when transforming a V2 VF-1.
  2. Actually, Grace appeared as "mysterious purple-haired informant guy" twice. Or two different guys 1 time each. (the second appearance looked quite different, or was simply drawn much more detailed---or they actually showed Grace mid-transformation, as the second appearance looked much younger and less masculine, and 3 seconds later was the Grace we all know and love)
  3. The VF-11MAXL looks awfully small, even compared to a normal VF-11.
  4. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/transformers...tml#post3419701
  5. Wow, they're STILL making new posts at TFW2005 saying my scale comparison between Jetfire and Prime is wrong.
  6. Huh. Maybe they added them back in or something. Though, the actual plane mocked up is the first F-15E, so maybe it still had them. (the first F-14D didn't even have GE engines)
  7. How about you two just moderate each other?
  8. Actually, Grace could compete for Mr Macross, too.
  9. Ironically, the ECM/HARM hardpoint was finally removed on the E-model Eagle... Anyways---why the US would win WWIII due to airpower alone: http://www.airliners.net/photo/USA---Air/L...laxy/1499256/L/
  10. A few questions sorta answered: http://www.tvguide.com/News/Battlestar-Gal...on-1004256.aspx
  11. I still think I learned more about mitochondria from "A Wrinkle in Time" than from school...
  12. Wow, Adama adressing the UN: Also, if Hera then doesn't that mean that
  13. Silverbolt doesn't strike me as XB-70-ish enough to use it as a reference. Other recent TF's have been much closer to real planes while still avoiding licensing etc. It's just plain a sucky toy design IMHO. An actual XB-70 would make an excellent masterpiece figure. Could be as "robotkibble-free" as an MP seeker. Have to be a skinny bot for sure, but it'd sure have a great alt mode.
  14. I was accounting for time zones---you still seemed to post about the ending before the ending had ended! Mustang----ok, so who are they really? (I don't feel like thinking at the moment) ::edit:: OK, now I get it, duh.
  15. BIG planes: (I'd like to see the C-5, 747-100, and An-124 in there too though)
  16. How'd you post at 10:01 PM? It wasn't even over! Edit: So who/what IS Kara? I guess I got all the answers I'll ever get about Head-Six, and am satisified enough about that. But Kara--c'mon!
  17. I only have Nora's, but it's my fave valk of all that I own.
  18. OK, I definitely have to get some Vallejo transparent paint, that's the second time now I've seen "really nice results" from it on a VF-25.
  19. The thing is--we all expected Devastator to have a horrendously complex transformation/combination sequence. One that we'd all go "wow, there's no way you could have that both combine and have individual bot modes". Something like 6 Leader Primes all shifting around their combined 300 parts... But it's not. At all. It's little more than 6 vehicles glued together. Their transformations are about as complex as minicons. You'd probably only need to add 1 or 2 joints to the non-combining ones, to get their "combiner part mode", if that. There seems to be no reason that Hasbro couldn't make one that did "everything".
  20. Mikhail's looks a lot better to me for some reason. Maybe the blue color alters how the proportions look? If they really do fix Ozma's, I may pick up an armored Ozma. (1mm more neck won't be enough--it needs to REALLY be fixed)
  21. The video makes (slightly) more sense if you read the article: http://www.flightglobal.com/blogs/the-dewl...-bollywood.html
  22. Rafael (not Rafale) music video. WTF and OMG combined. And this is an actual company-produced production.
  23. LOL, the last thing I heard about that crash was Iran's denial that it had happened.
  24. What'd you use to paint the green visor? That's the lightest green visor I've seen yet---mine came out much darker than I wanted.
  25. Here: http://www.allspark.com/index.php?set_albu...=view_album.php Or here: http://www.otca.com.au/boards/showthread.p...88913#post88913
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