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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. It's apparently a custom repaint of the Cy Girl Luna. Source: https://www.triadestore.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1692 ::googles:: Yup, definitely the head from this one: http://l.6scalehobby.home.att.net/03-005_K...s_Luna_0005.jpg
  2. Wow, sounds worse than I thought. (and I was expecting pretty bad)
  3. Sorry, but when the mods close a thread due to violating the rules, we get to decide when it'll re-open or be re-born. It won't be long. Please note that the "no political discussions" rule is the FIRST rule listed and is in BIG RED LETTERS. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...mp;#entry524361
  4. Hmmn. That may work, but I think would be too thin.
  5. Think that's the nicest officer's jacket I've ever seen.
  6. I didn't see it until you said it, but that's a very good description of the face.
  7. I love the "VF-1 swimsuit" for Misa. Something similar for Milia (or Grace) would rock.
  8. Yeah, this thread became very political in just an hour or two...
  9. If she won't do Sheryl, see if you can convince her to do Grace.
  10. If she can make a Klan flightsuit, she could make a Grace flightsuit...
  11. This pic: http://www.sukhoi.org/img/gallery/wallpape...7_04_09_848.JPG Yet another new Su-35 pic, but just due to where it's flying and the colors, it really looks amazingly like an Ace Combat 6 promo shot or something. And everything's so monochrome you'd think the pic was black and white--but it's not. You have to admit, that's VERY effective camo over snow. My current PC wallpaper.
  12. Every purple ink is different. Some form blobs in Future like purple Tamiya does, some look like they dissolve but really just make much smaller blobs that will become evident when it dries.
  13. I'd join in on MGO occasionally, but I only have the "basic" stuff that came with MGS4. (honestly, I'd like to buy just the newest stuff (Haven Troopers rock), but each new release builds on the last--to get the 3rd DLC, you need to buy both the 1st and 2nd)
  14. I can't think of a charcoal with black NASA Hornet. Kinda sounds like the HARV one, but that has so much white and gold I'd figure those'd been mentioned. Got a pic?
  15. Doesn't anyone ever find Grace art at 4chan or Danbooru?
  16. Strange that the better the ep, the less we seem to discuss it!
  17. Ehh, in my experience most thinners will eat/melt/soften a canopy pretty quicker, clear plastic always reacts differently. I'd be surprised if a "dunked in thinner" canopy can be salvaged. eyesonme---you'll probably have to buy the entire sprue, not just the canopy. If that happens, I'd buy a piece or two from you---one of my leg parts on that sprue is "stained" in a weird way. And I'd like to re-do the head visor if I could get another.
  18. No, but every bit helps. Even a 20 mile increase in combat radius is considered "worth mentioning/doing".
  19. Went to Target around lunch and got my $5 Shockwave. Is "floppy neck" a common problem in Shockwave mode? He'll hold his head up, but if you look at it funny it'll flop forward, and he stares at the floor. Lots of pins in the chest/neck, not sure how/if it can be opened up to do the nail polish fix. ::edit:: Figure's fine, I just hadn't figured out how the neck joints work yet. (plus the instructions don't talk about it AT ALL--neither the neck collapsing feature, nor how the head/jaw interaction works) Just an arrow pointing up. If your Shockwave has a floppy neck in Shockwave mode---move the base of the neck forward, kind of "over and on top of the collar", and rotate it (pivoting at base of neck) back just a bit. This will make the neck stretched out, with the face being nice and vertical. Neck will overall be "forwardly mounted".
  20. Oh c'mon, then I would have already had my answer by now, and not have to make this post! (I haven't modeled for 2 weeks since it's STILL SNOWING IN APRIL) It was warmer in March...
  21. I'd guess fuel---practically a Russian tradition to put fuel in enlarged spines.
  22. Never heard of it, but now I have to go check it out.
  23. Yeah, I was wondering about that too (singing vs singing as Grace). Just comparing English voice actors (there's a lot more that I've heard do multiple characters---I actually watch very little anime)----while many can keep fairly in-character through multiple emotions etc, when they flat-out scream or yell, their "normal" voice often creeps in--or they start to sound like another one of their characters.
  24. I figure the angle helps the Tomcat--you can't walk RIGHT in front of the intake---the lip forces you a bit away. Every foot makes a difference. Anyways---the "new" Su-35 seems to have eliminated its dorsal airbrake in favor of a digital one--check the rudder deflection: http://www.sukhoi.org/img/gallery/wallpape...35/_SPS1828.jpg Strange there's no other deflection though---I don't think rudders alone would equal the dorsal brake. The Shornet and Raptor have 2 movable surfaces on each wing, and can thus balance each other out--the Flanker only has one per wing, so that may be an issue. And just a really cool belly pic of it: http://www.sukhoi.org/img/gallery/wallpape...35/_SPS1805.jpg
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