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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I always took it as Shin was being an uber-ace and fired the AIM-9 solely to distract the MiG-29 and make him evade and deploy flares, while Shin was preparing his "real" attack with the AIM-120----and the MiG-29 fell for it/flew right into it. Basically, Shin baited the MiG into position.
  2. Because it's a fake, intentionally nonsense designation that somehow eventually became the official designation. In short, it's a mistake, and that shouldn't be the official number but they're not going to change it now. (much like the JSF should be F-24, not F-35)
  3. ???? More info please, never heard anything about that. (and very confused as to what could possibly use a CFM56 in a fighter jet etc application---did they totally redo the entire fan section and make it into a low-bypass engine or something?---the core alone is still far larger than any fighter engine though)
  4. Just a little note, but aircraft piston-engines have been twin supercharged, turbo-supercharged, super-turbocharged, and every other possible combination since before WWII. (you can do some pretty extreme compressing without detonation on 155 octane)
  5. I was on vacation or I would have posted thanks for the Grace pics sooner.
  6. To me, the definitive Flint is toon colors. Still waiting.
  7. Because G1-deep-blue TC is the coolest color ever for a TF. 1 dark blue TC is worth 10 light blue ones. (I haven't worked on mine in weeks--but it'll be done some day)
  8. Didn't expect an Xmas episode today! Anyways--most homage-filled episode ever? I think so.
  9. How'd I miss this? Anyways, it really should go in the "Other" forum.
  10. If anything, I'd figure they'd be a vortex dissipator, due to the extremely visible vortices the YF-23 tended to make in turns. PS---anything unclassified you can tell me? Send a PM. YF-23's my all-time fave plane and any tidbits are much appreciated.
  11. Yeah, but adding parts usually found on airliners and Cessna Citations onto a fighter jet isn't very "cool". It'd be like adding schoolbus or minivan parts onto a Ferrari. Same general type of transport, but you're adding mass-transit/civilian parts onto ultra-high-end equipment. That's the point I'm trying to make.
  12. Winglets on a fighter jet are REALLY pointless. (actually, I'd go so far as to say they're detrimental)
  13. Quick note: first Camaro has been delivered to its owner. (as in, normal everyday guy who just ordered one, not some special/corporate/charity delivery or something)
  14. Maybe they'll get a real redhead for Jean Grey this time.
  15. Which one? Polidred posted pics of 2 different cosplayers. Either way, if you want more pics of the 2nd one (mainly construction) go here: http://www.cosplay.com/gallery/a45364/p1
  16. http://translate.google.com/translate?prev...history_state0= And to see how it was built over the years, click on the "project" link on the left menu. Special treat at the end of the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yRifXI7sYQ&fmt=18
  17. The best M7 song is Holy Lonely Light, and it's best as a duet. Big missed opportunity there.
  18. I only know Deadpool from internet meme posters, honestly.
  19. Does Grace count as a mecha design? If so, I agree.
  20. Any updates? Word on if it's awesome, good, meh, crap? Honestly, I'm not getting a good vibe from the trailers---looks more style over substance. Being so close to release there should be some indications.
  21. With both the dialog and the super-obvious The Fly homage, I really expected to see Wasp's "cybertronian" bits stripped out and used to "re-technify" BA. Or something along those lines. Or that BA would try to eliminate her organic side by putting it into Wasp---that also could have created Waspinator. Instead we more or less got BA's first trial experiment.
  22. My thought are that if the poll is scrapped, not everyone's going to vote again. And we'll certainly get like 99% "it broke" votes since the people who WOULD vote again are probably the people who had one break after they voted it was fine.
  23. When I see posts like that I try to edit the polls to reflect. It's not perfectly accurate, but it's better than nothing.
  24. Note that "no politics" is one of the few rules at MW that's in bolded RED letters. And it's the very first one listed above all others. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=23944
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