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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. IMHO, very few "flat" model paints are truly flat. Almost all have some gloss. Some more than others. Gunship grey is among the "glossiest" flat paints. If you want DEAD flat, you need Floquil or Pollyscale model railroad paint--most of that stuff is so dead flat it's scary. So in short---just use "flat" paint. It won't be totally flat, and will have just enough shine IMHO to replicate the slight sheen on most stuff.
  2. I haven't done anything for a few weeks---still waiting for the weather to warm up! *everything* is on hold until I get the feet and wings clear-coated. Then I need to do the canopy. I have the forward fuselage, wings, shield, upper legs, gun, and arms done---I just can't put them together. Also need to finish the tailfins. Maybe I'll take a pic of the parts pile and post it.
  3. Nothing in particular to note, just that a LOT of stuff* is coming out on Blu-Ray in the next month or two. Just go to blu-ray.com and have a look around. *As in stuff people have wanted for a while.
  4. He's already hinted/previewed several, we're all just waiting for him to finish them up. ::cough, Mylene, cough::
  5. Definitely one of the best I've seen so far. (looks a lot like mine actually!)
  6. The pic's originally from the Air Force, I saw it at ARC.
  7. I said (well, at least THOUGHT) this when I first heard about the show. I *love* the concept---but when I saw her name, I knew it wouldn't work. At least for me it wouldn't work---I just can't see her as anybody else, because she can't act like anybody else! Heck, continue the show, but without her! Or kill her off and get just about any other actress as Echo #2.
  8. Virtual On:OT can be hard (partly because it is just plain unbalanced---some matches are nigh-unwinnable). But 2 people of roughly equal skill fighting each other is utter gaming bliss.
  9. Awesome F-22 pic: http://www.af.mil/shared/media/photodb/pho...F-9497Y-902.jpg
  10. Gyah! Want pics WITHOUT FAST packs! (fighter and battroid)
  11. The Squadron Tri-Grit is superior to all other tri-grit-like-things IMHO.
  12. And off he goes making everyone else's tailfins look bad in comparison...
  13. I'll make a quick comment: He initially had a 3-day ban. That's pretty darn short as bans/punishment go---people have been punished more for doing less. But he didn't even "accept" that and simply be quiet for 3 days---he created a new account and started post-spamming again within a *day*. "Blatant disregard" of bans/punishment/moderation will annoy all the mods real quick. That's just outright thumbing your nose at us (and Shawn and Graham). (and no, I didn't do any of the banning)
  14. IMHO this should go in the "movies and TV" forum as it refers to the actual valks, but I don't know where it was to start with. Anyways---few valks are *white*, most are very pale grey. Most pale grey military stuff is flat. But if you go for airliners, their pale grey areas are always glossed. Now, on military planes, white is always gloss---never seen flat white on a military plane.
  15. Pic request! I want to see the back of the battroid, between the shoulder blades, without FAST packs. Been waiting months for a good pic of that area. I also want to see the gunpod attachment area in fighter mode. (this could very well be the same part, depending on how the toy is designed)
  16. Non-stealthy mod-edit: I changed the title. I hate thread titles that are non-descriptive. We need something other than a half-dozen threads titled "surprise". (and it's one of MW's rules, too)
  17. Ok, I've totally ignored LCD monitors for many years as I like my CRT. Well, I just got the first indication tonight that my CRT monitor is going out. It's a 15in CRT. (yes, it's old, but I like it--and I inherently much prefer CRT for PCs at night). Is there anywhere I can get a monitor that is either CRT or that size? Smallest thing BestBuy has is a 17in LCD, and that may be too big (my computer desk is quirky and I can't put the monitor very far behind the keyboard, so I need small monitors for that reason---but an LCD is thinner, so I could move it a few inches further back than my current CRT)
  18. wm cheng used "50:50 Tamiya gloss white and flat white, with a few drops of XF-59 Desert yellow".
  19. They also make a "unofficial Baroness", as seen a few posts above. At least a few people have added some field gear and a Cobra insignia.
  20. While I love Milia valks, I just can't afford "another YF-21" to get her -22, even if it's made. I may hold off on buying any -11s for a while, in case a Milia -11 is made. I'd like a VF-0D above all else of the "likely to be made soon" valks. Followed by VF-5000.
  21. Darn. Hmmmn. Wonder if it leaves a little round hole or a big square hole when forcibly removed. (or is it actually molded to the torso?)
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