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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Grey plastic yellows just as badly as white plastic. See LEGO and SNES grey.
  2. Lolicon, could you post again how you did the purple canopy? (I know you said it before, but it's now buried in the archived thread)
  3. I still need to play the original Ico. Anyways, I have two hopes/requests: 1. SotC's composer. 2. At some point, way off in the distance, you see "the bridge" from SotC.
  4. Hmmmn. *Acrylic* purple ink. I think I've bought every purple ink in town, none strike me as acrylic. They all reacted very differently with Future, but none left a nice tint. As for the white head striping---darn, you got yours to work? I've ruined 2 decals so far and still don't have it right. It's the seam/cracks! Anyone here got a spare head decal for Alto?
  5. The 777 is still selling well, as is the 737. As for 787---in addition to Boeing admitting it, everyone already knew it based on supplier problems etc. If the parts going into the plane aren't right, the finished plane's not going to be right.
  6. You're mis-reading. The first 6 *787s* are not up to par, to the point of airlines not wanting them. Most airliners are to full-spec from the very first one. First 777 ever built currently flies for Cathay Pacific. First MD-11 is with FedEx. Actually, the Concorde has an above-average number of prototypes and pre-production examples (those are 2 different things when talking about the Concorde) and percentage-wise has an insanely-high number of "not delivered to the airlines" examples built. Also, static-test airframes are never counted in any category/total, they aren't even assigned line numbers and don't count as part of the production run. (especially since they're never finished, sometimes never getting past the 55% mark or so)
  7. Saw the HotWheels Reliant today. Worse than I expected. Main complaint: lack of paint. Anyone who's actually researched the paint scheme in order to build a model (cough cough) knows that the Reliant has more accent/color paint on it than just about any other Federation ship. There's a LOT of blue/blue-grey/grey-blue. And not little stripes or a subtle aztec pattern, but big, obvious areas. The Ent-A etc does have a lot of colored areas, but they're all very subtle. Reliant's are as obvious as it gets, even more distinct than most of an Excelsior-class's markings. They're ALL missing on the toy. Except for one stripe around the bridge. (gaps and bendy nacelles are par for the course--I expect gaps on all toys where rubbery plastic is mated to diecast, and bendy nacelles are just inherent to any Trek toy with solid nacelles)
  8. $10 concept BB is more accurate and slimmer than Ult BB. I will not even begin to think positive until I see pics of leader SS.
  9. Yeah, but that's not an aerodynamic reason/effect.
  10. Angled tailfins are mainly for retaining control/stability at high-alpha-----a vertical fin will be operating in the wake of the fuselage at high-alpha, while ones canted outwards will get clean air.
  11. Man it took me a while to identify that airliner. It's a DC-8-61, but the engines are wrong. Are they just mock-ups to replace the originals? (I first thought it was a DC-8 wing, but the more I looked, the more the engines looked wrong). Then I found it: http://www.airliners.net/photo/McDonnell-D...8-61/0890926/L/ But those are NOT DC-8 engines hanging off the wing!
  12. Here's the latest on early 787 deliveries: http://www.flightglobal.com/blogs/flightbl...ke-most-of.html The short version: the first ones built are going to be overweight.
  13. AFAIK, LCD image persistance will go away eventually. Burn in is permanent.
  14. Hmmn. Based on how PG Gundam eyes etc are molded, they very well could mold the clear canopy and the black frames together as a single part. Now, the question is if they'll actually make them purple this time around...
  15. ANA is the 787 launch customer. That particular one won't go to them though, they (along with most other airlines) have refused to accept any delivery from the first half-dozen built. (they won't be up to par)
  16. Direct-download of THORA subs from anywhere seems nigh-impossible for the past few months. I found most of the eps up to 13, but 14 was taken down almost the moment it went up (my fave ep of course) and haven't been able to find it since.
  17. First 787 in airline colors: http://www.flightglobal.com/blogs/asian-sk...ana-livery.html
  18. Jeez. "Stealth bomber photographed breaking sound barrier" "A stealth bomber is frozen in time as it breaks the sound barrier during a test flight above the Californian desert" Bad enough for the headline to be wrong, even worse for the byline to repeat it!
  19. Reprolabels just made stickers for MP Thundercracker! http://www.reprolabels.com/Binaltech/
  20. I meant, looks the best of all *movie* Devastator toys.
  21. Am I nuts, or, excluding his right arm---that looks the best of all Devastator toys? And it's got 7, not 6 components...
  22. I read about the Borg upgrades too, in summary of the comic prequels. Borg weapons vs Constitution-era federation ships... (though in the theater, I just figured raw power of Romulan disruptors combined with the sheer size of the Narada gave it enough advantage)
  23. Honestly I'm kind of surprised mine sold at my asking price a few months ago.
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