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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Generally, no. But the exact image you posted was an "event", and a plot point. I mean, it's not even hinted at on the packaging of the first wave or two of toys--therefore, they're trying to keep it secret. Thus, it's a spoiler. IMHO, almost anything that is "newly revealed" from now until release day is going to be a spoiler---there's only a month to go. Pretty much every major toy and character has been revealed. However, not all ASPECTS of every toy/character have been revealed--spoilers can still be had from characters we already know about. PS---I consider the ice cream truck a spoiler.
  2. Typhoon: Superior to the Super Flanker and Raptor in gourmet mustard delivery. Seriously, they flew a jar of mustard over at great taxpayer expense. http://www.croatiantimes.com/index.php?id=4059
  3. Maybe someday I'll try to edit out the lower arms (and railing), but that's probably beyond my ability.
  4. Fine, here, best I could do at the time (they actually changed the lighting as it panned too--talk about making it hard to stitch screencaps together): (PM me if you want the bigger version)
  5. If they want the female demographic, why not Meryl? Established, liked character with little actual screen time so far. (plus, it'd make all the "beauty" face camo work a whole lot better if they include stuff like that in the next game)
  6. You know there are no really good pics, just the one screen cap everyone already has. (and the one composite I tried to make as the camera panned, but since she moved her arms during the scene, it's kind of a 4-armed composite)
  7. David Hingtgen

    1/60 SV-51

    Nora rocks. You never have to worry about "duplicate" valks with that scheme. (unlike the Roy-esque VF-0, VF-1, and every other Roy/Jolly Rogers repaint, or the many Max-esque or Hikaru-esque ones, etc)
  8. Still unsure how much of the lower arms, but I still say about 90% of the lower legs are kibble. Kibble=anything not present on a real SR-71.
  9. Is there a pic of the underside in plane mode? From what I can make out, the lower arms and lower legs (minus the fins) do not correspond to any part of an SR-71. Just because they're black and visually blend into the "real" parts, doesn't mean they're not kibble.
  10. I sure thought it was incredibly well set-up for a future series. That or it was part 2 of a 3-parter, and they just decided to end it, having run out of time/budget. (though that's par for the course now for just about any show---always leave the possibility open for more seasons, or at least a movie)
  11. Umm, even though that's a top view, I can see a lot of kibble under the plane's belly. See my pic of a real Blackbird above.
  12. What would the alternative be? Taxiing at high speed in the next lane over from Prime and Bumblebee?
  13. I'm willing to forgive most of it, due to being an SR-71. There's pretty much no way to make a "minimal kibble" transforming SR-71, due to the SR-71 being all area, with no internal volume: The only way it could ever work is to basically be a combiner of itself---some parts in each nacelle, and the head in the cockpit, then split off those 3 major sections, combine them into a small bot, then try to fold up a bunch of leftover black panels into a backpack. (or somehow have all wing and chine bits separate into individual plates and re-attach to form armor plating around the limbs--cool, but impractical) (admittedly, the Jetfire toy has nothing in its nacelles AFAIK, and it could have had SOME robot parts stored in them, and not under the belly----could have reduced the kibble at least a bit) Most obvious choice are his thighs--they are his engines, so if the engines were in the nacelles, they wouldn't be hanging under the tailcone in jet mode. Then you could move a bit of the "side" kibble back where they were, and so on.
  14. 2 valks a month? How much do you smoke?!?!
  15. I am so buying Leader Jetfire. He's just gigantic in jet mode. (and honestly, everyone on this forum likes big transforming jet toys)
  16. Mirromaru has posted a few more pics of her Macro Klan cosplay: http://www.cosplay.com/gallery/a45364/
  17. It's hard to explain, I drew it out when the first CAD of the new YF-19 came out, hoping they'd done so. I'll try to find my drawings. Or, just take a good look at the official lineart in battroid mode, especially the view from behind. Look carefully at the intakes/hips. Basically, if you look at the intake area in fighter mode from the side, the top half should split off and move forward, towards the cockpit. Or, in battroid mode---the intake itself (where the intake cover is) should stay with the upper leg/thigh, but not the area just above/ahead/around the intake. That area should split off and move forward and be part of the torso, not the legs. It HAS to be done that way on the VF-19F, S, and Kai. Thus, it should be that way on the YF-19 as well---it's just that you can "get away with" not separating those parts, and almost every YF-19 model/toy so far has done so. But if you DO do that area of the YF-19 like the VF-19F/S/Kai, you can get more line-art accurate intakes in fighter mode and more line-art accurate hips in battroid mode. (you also bulk up the lower torso a bit so it's not so skinny---and you could probably even incorporate a torso lock when that area slides)
  18. V3 YF-19? My wants: 1. Locking chest! 2. Locking tabs for the wings in the fighter mode, and multiple tabs at that. They're held in purely by pressure on one end--they don't lock or align, you just "push until they won't go in any further"--they love to pop out, always have uneven anhedral since they're just hanging in by one tab, and the left and right ones never go in the exact same distance. 3. Related to part 2---shoulders flush in fighter mode! Pushing them down pops the wings out. (even if you sand, and I've sanded mine a lot) 4. The codpiece. It could follow the other belly/neck curves a lot better in fighter mode, I don't see why it doesn't. 5. Completely redesign the intake/hip area. THEY SHOULD SPLIT APART. HIPS ARE NOT INTAKES, INTAKES ARE NOT HIPS. See the SHE VF-19S kit for how all -19s should be. Yamato cannot make a VF-19F/S with the current YF-19 hip design---that shows why it's wrong. (this also allows the hips and intakes to look right in both fighter and battroid mode, as you don't have to compromosie one shape for the other)
  19. Short version: Because it's from the future, because it's Romulan, and because he (according to the comic) raided some military installations etc before traveling back in time. And sheer size. One basic Trek rule is that Romulan weapons do more raw damage than just about anybody else's.
  20. I think we are getting way too spoilerly here. Keep it in the movie thread please.
  21. Mod-speak: Everyone shut up, and anyways: MAXL is obviously derived from XL, the F-16XL. The F-16XL is a delta-winged version of the F-16. The VF-11MAXL is a delta-winged version of the VF-11.
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