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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Hey, Grace needs more fans. Not a single piece of merchandise for her yet, and little fan-art.
  2. So instead of a Grace-Sheryl hybrid, a Grace-Nanase hybrid might be the most popular of all here on MW... (c'mon people, I know we have some artists here, start drawing!)
  3. Nanase and Grace both have glasses and purple hair/eyes...
  4. Hmmmn. If Grace is cooler than Sheryl and Ranka combined, would some sort of Grace-Sheryl hybrid be the coolest character ever? ::wishes I had some sort of art talent to draw such a thing::
  5. We're not talking A vs B vs D. We're talking 70's A vs 80's A vs 90's A.
  6. The bump ahead of the glove vane goes with the one on the left nose gear. The internal sensors are truly internal---they leave NO trace outside. All external sensors are "paired"----the ones under the gloves go with the one on the beaver tail, the ones ahead of the vanes goes with the one on the left nosegear door. If you see one type, you know it has the "matching" type as well. The fact that the gun vents seem to be molded integrally with the forward fuselage and how the nozzle shrouds are worries me---it really looks like this mold could ONLY be a late-model F-14A. Which pretty much means anything other than the Black Aces would be very inaccurate. Few things worse (or dumber) than doing all that research on a plane, making a mold---then having that mold be completely incompatible with your first paint scheme! Frankly, a Black Aces style Tomcat is the worst choice for a MOLD, as that really is about the only (desirable/famous)squadron that can use it.
  7. If you really want to, PM me your email and I'll send you the larger version.
  8. Is the J-10 doing a Cobra news? http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_3wZSwFvZzqM/Sitm...ra+maneuver.jpg Technically though, it's not proved until there's moving footage. There's no pics of the recovery section--that last pic of it flying level again could have been taken 45 secs later.
  9. Note to Shin (for ToyArk updating purposes): Those aren't B/D gun vents. It's true that all B and D's have them, but they are not exclusive to them. Any A-model still in service past the early 90's has them as well. Most famous example is the Black Knights while stationed in Japan----nearly every F-14A model/toy lately has been based on a Black Knights one from that era, since they were so well-photographed. Officially, they're NACA vents. "Early vs late" is often used but also leads to confusion, as there's actually 3 types of gun vents for the F-14. (what most people call "early" is actually the middle one---unless someone who knows all 3 says it, which really confuses people who only know the main 2)
  10. Compared to the missiles, those must be fairly small (long and skinny) bombs. Certainly nothing compared to a 2000-pounder.
  11. You can go by the production number stamped in the back of the packaging. Don't know if Skids follows the same set, but for Breakaway and Sideways: 89xxx, 90511, 906xx, are the older version 90961 and presumably everything later is the new version ::edit:: Found some skids numbers---90981 can be either painted or unpainted, so he must be a later change.
  12. Anyone gotten the new, fixed, non-knurled shoulder hinges as replacements yet?
  13. 9 is one of the best ever. It's more like 4 or 6 than anything else. It is "FF4, if it was made 10 years later".
  14. Ok, finally saw the FF14 trailer. Question: How, in any way, is that really a NEW game? That looks exactly like a high-res upgrade/expansion pack to FF11. "Now with better textures and another whole nation to explore!" I think I'll pass on "FF11, Version 2.0".
  15. Anyone else just now start having issues with WMV at Gametrailers.com? Trailers I watched just hours ago now look funky---like there's a "ghost" of the image in a different color an inch to the right. (also, a vertical shake) Looks the same as when trying to play something with a codec that "sorta works" but not very well. I'm having to use Quicktime for everything there now. I sure didn't do anything to my player or codecs between noon and now, so I'm blaming them...
  16. True, but IIRC part of the stated reason for not being as realistic/detailed was to make it playable online by as many PCs as possible. They seemed to be designing it for people with 5-year-old graphics cards.
  17. Seeing the trailer just makes me desire that style of artwork/proportions even MORE. KOTOR (along with most Bioware games) has such realistic people, but SWTOR is cartoony to the point of distraction.
  18. Dang it, my printer simply can't print that well. I've actually had my instrument panel decaled for weeks, but it doesn't look as good. Maybe I'll try again on photo paper...
  19. None that I can think of. The few model planes that can retract their gear, have inaccurate gear and gear doors to be able to do so---at which point IMHO, they are no longer models, but more like "very accurate toys". IMHO, there will never be an F-14 that could do that, due to the gear door that lies alongside the intake when the gear is down. That's hard to model correctly fixed in place, much less make it moveable.
  20. The game description alone is pure win: "Splosion Man™ (Twisted Pixel Games/Microsoft): Fools they were, to tread where knowledge should stay forbidden. For what emerged was not a man - it was a Splosion Man. "And all who saw him were sploded, for he was the fire and they were but meat." Able to splode himself at will, the Splosion Man launches his way through levels, an uncontainable force. From Twisted Pixel Games, developer of the award winning The Maw™, Splosion Man will keep you on your toes as you play through more than 50 single-player levels and 50 multiplayer levels."
  21. My knowledge of biplanes is nil, so I can't help. I couldn't even identify what Ransack was, other than "military".
  22. I'm a person who hates spoilers, and even I say that's not spoilerish. (what I read on some other forums WAS spoilerish though, which annoyed me as the biggest/best suprises in the first half were already spoiled)
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