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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. If I had any real confidence in that July 1st ship date I'd probably order the Leader Jetfire. Anyways---saw Voyager "The Fallen" for the first time today. Also found Dlx Barricade and Mudflap---just 1 of each---what else comes in that case/wave? Surely they don't just pack those two with Chromia and Smokescreen as a case revision?
  2. I'm using Avast!, and they're not false positives, (well at least 1 for sure was real) since Malware Bytes verified the hit.
  3. New topic: My virus software has been going nuts lately-----*3* encounters/warnings in the last 18 hours or so of "ie frame" trojan or something similar from various sites. Always an html file itself that's infected. Can't find anything recent about it on the net. Did a bunch of sites get hacked or something? One was a site about cars, one a site about military jets, etc---very "normal/clean" sites that I have been to before.
  4. Just read on a Camaro forum from someone who's seen an actual "Bumblebee package" Camaro (presumably the first one made): Standard striping. Not "accurized to match the movie". Thus, you can get far more accurate striping, cheaper, by going aftermarket. What a waste. (it does seem the insignia on the fenders are 3D, but you can buy pretty much the same things on Ebay)
  5. Hmmmn. I still haven't ordered replacement shoulders for my Roy, been waiting for "improved" versions. Try getting some Max arms, or keep waiting/hoping for newer, better Roy arms in the future?
  6. Shin--can the seats be removed from BB's arms? I keep asking, everyone keeps saying "maybe".
  7. I'm currently running 32-bit XP SP3. What are the options (and pros/cons) for Win7?
  8. Changing topics slightly---BioWare just announced specs for the PC version of Dragon Age. While I much prefer consoles in general, when it comes to RPGs etc, I often feel I miss out on all the mods etc that eventually come out on the PC, so I'm strongly thinking about getting Dragon Age for my PC. That said, I'm thinking about a cheap upgrade--memory: I have 4 DDR2 slots. Currently using 2 of them, with 1 gig of PC 6400 (800mhz) each, running an EPP at 4-4-4-12 timings. I could buy another 2 identical sticks, and have 4 gigs of 6400, for 35 bucks. Cheapest upgrade. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16820145034 Or, I could buy 2, 2GB sticks of PC 8500 (1066hz) and replace the 6400. My motherboard should be well capable of running them at their 5-5-5-15 EPP. Most are 55-85+ bucks depending on which version/brand. My motherboard is 1600mhz FSB capable, which seems to be "recommended" for PC 8500. Plus my motherboard is very capable/accomodating of sending extra voltage to memory---one of the reasons I bought it, so no worries there. So---is PC8500 worth the extra expense, or is it so subtle it's not worth it? Also---what's the difference between Corsair's cheapest XMS2 PC8500, and their Dominator PC8500, besides price? Both seem to have 5-5-5-15 options. There's several other 4GB PC8500 options---how good is G-skill? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16820231166 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16820145215 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16820104073 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16820145214 (recommended video card is 512MB version of 8800GTS---which is slightly better than my 8800GT---but I figure slightly overclocking my 8800GT should be fine, if it's not up to snuff as-is----even spending over $150 won't give THAT big of an improvement--a new card is definitely not worth it at this point performance-wise nor price-wise) But I should up my RAM anyways for Windows7.
  9. Presume said new PC is going to be far from top of the line, and be built using cheaper/popular components, for reasons of ease/compatibility. Will that help or hinder driver availability?
  10. That brings up a question I had: Can you build a new PC and use Windows7 (for a while at least until it's actually released at retail) and nothing else? Or must you already have XP or Vista with which to add 7 onto? (I know when Vista first came out there was a lot of rigamarole with XP, add-ons, etc, including many people who had to install XP just to upgrade to Vista then uninstall XP...)
  11. Ok, I'm lost. Why is the next YF-19 going to be called "Bird Of Prey"?
  12. Super Hornet=Rhino Growler=Grizzly http://www.navytimes.com/news/2009/06/navy_growler_061509w/
  13. Darn it, vehicle mode colors for G1-repaint Mixmaster suck. http://www.seibertron.com/transformers/new...r-g1-deco/16188 How hard is it to use the black/yellow safety striping everywhere, instead of introducing clash-a-riffic red-orange? Plus the lack of Decepticon insignia. And total lack of purple in alt-mode. The movie colors one has a much better cement barrel. (don't like the repaint's orange windows much either--if anything in alt-mode should be purple, it's them) So close yet so far. Think I'll pass on both versions. (annoying, since Mixmaster is my fave Constructicon, and one of my all-time fave Transformers---but I can't stand the large amounts of weird mis-matched beige on the movie colors, and the G1 repaint looks weird in alt mode with all the black, orange, and grey) ::edit:: Here, super-quick color replacement of orange with purple:
  14. My local Target has nothing but Soundwave. Dozens and dozens. Possibly 100. Not kidding. We ONLY have the preview wave deluxes, filling up peg after peg, and the endcaps too.
  15. Lifting doesn't help. I think I was the first person on the forum to propose that, and have done it every time. I spend multiple minutes each time just on the shoulders, very carefully and gently easing it up and over while holding my breath in fear of breaking it---didn't help at all, it cracked like all the others.
  16. Yup. I went from 'stress marks' to 'fully cracked' in only 1 transformation. (and you can imagine how careful I was when I noticed the stress marks)
  17. I'd merge the threads, but I don't feel like setting up 2 or 3 other threads to practice on first. (merging threads is weird with many subtleties that determine the final outcome)
  18. Is there a site dedicated to the real-life alt modes of G1? As in, pics of the EXACT model the toys are based on? I know I've seen a photo compilation of such, but never a site. I'm especially interested in the G1 Constructicons, as well as any pics of real lime green construction vehicles. (I know they exist, I've even seen 1 or 2). I'm wonedering if all six of the original existed in lime green in real life, or just some. I think Komatsu is the most likely to do lime green in real life.
  19. Yes and no. That vid clearly shows how the wheels themselves have to rotate 90 degrees to lay flat in the well. It does not show the locking strut that holds the main strut to the nacelle when the gear's down. See here:
  20. I cannot find ANYWHERE that lists the diameter of the F119, all I could find were comments from people saying they were more than the F100. Length-wise they'd fit, but I figured the diameter was greater based on comments and pics.
  21. VFTF1--did your sig-poem just get even longer? It's nearly double what the forum rules call for.
  22. Hey, that's weird. ToyArk finally let me sign in with my TFW2005 info. Tried HISStank just in case, but still no-go for the Joes. And I am *astounded* that they seem to have created working gear. Seconding Shin---how'd they do the rears? There's no way to "cheat", they have to rotate, and there's some very small doors/clearances for the main strut. (not to mention the locking link that goes into the nacelle itself) Heck, even the nosegear is fairly complex, with the forward doors being acute and the rear ones obtuse--they got that right when even Century Wings didn't. If they pick one of the GOOD Black Knights schemes, I'll have to get one. (they'll probably do the ones Century Wings already did though)
  23. Graham---No to all 3. But, we did recently see the new Sienar Systems helmet for F-22 pilots: PS to Sharky---see the YF-23? XB-70?
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