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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Fad? No, it's a fulfillment of a decade-long attempt to get just the color I want. I don't use RGB to have "all the colors" or cycle through a unicorn rainbow show, I use it because it's friggin impossible to get "Decepticon purple" accents any other way. (Trust me, I've bought every "purple" LED in existence) Black/purple/silver or black/purple/red are my main combo/goals (With silver/red being very minor accents) That, and/or a TNG LCARS palette/look. (Cylon/KITT red sweeps also an option)
  2. My new build (coming when Win7 is totally killed off, support-wise) will reuse my 1080, as it's by far the newest (and most expensive) part of this build. Maybe re-use PSU. Everything else new though. Been leaning towards the Corsair Spec Omega RGB, in white, for the case:
  3. Any truth to the rumor that they're leaning towards Melissa McCarthy as Ursula? Because I'd go see that if for no other reason than to see(hear?) her sing with Hailee's voice... (assuming they keep the core elements of the story)
  4. I'm sure it'll come right after the white Sv-262...
  5. Likelihood of kits from the new Gundam Breaker Mobile game? I kinda want the purple Wing Gundam. (Honestly it's TOO purple though---needs an accent color---would need to kitbash with a regular HGAC Wing to look good).
  6. I was expecting more like Countach vs Testarossa, but I'll take it. However--most of those aren't "cars". It really needs to be like KITT vs General Lee vs Ecto-1 vs Doc's Delorean...
  7. I'd be surprised to see any other HiRM from G-Gundam. I think something like an HGBF Rain is more likely. (Honestly I'm surprised they haven't done Rain--she's got to be a more popular character than most of the ones they HAVE done as kits)
  8. Yup, decal decal decal. Panel lines are sparse, and deep. Fit's not too bad, *by AMT standards*. (this is going by the previous 3-packs, not the newer 7-pack). They'd probably actually look better with the panel lines etc puttied in. Just dunk the whole ship in Mr Surfacer, sand smooth, spray light grey (some more bluish, some more greenish), then decal away.
  9. The Deagostini "Build the X-Wing" is going on right now. At least a year to go, it's still fairly early on.
  10. I didn't know Deagostini was re-releasing the Falcon. Wonder if it'll have different (read:more) paint----the original is un-weathered, and looks very bland as-is. You usually only see pics of built-up ones that have had countless hours of additional painting/weathering done, not often do you see "out of the box" builds. One of the big things they changed/promoted for their X-Wing, is that the X-Wing is pre-weathered. (the X-Wing is gorgeous, asides from a fatal flaw---the wings have 2 pivots, a left and a right, at the sides of the fuselage---they do not properly "cross in the middle" and this affects their positioning/angles.
  11. It's bugged me to this day, that they rearranged the decals to make "NCC-1017" instead of "NCC-1710", which screwed up the whole registry number system, when there was a super-easy blatantly obvious alternative staring them in the face... (or, if the budget allowed---buy TWO kits, then you could make 1707, 1711, 1717, etc)
  12. Pretty much---I read some more on that story this morning, and it seems they "went all serious" to the point of making the script robotic and lifeless. So yeah---uber-serious now, to the point of sounding odd, stilted, and "not the way real people talk". As in, sounds like a bad translation, due to how "awkward and literal" everything is now. Even if, technically, it's a "very accurate translation". It simply "doesn't work/flow at all well in English any more". PS---and yeah, apparently people liked the previous dub when it premiered. How dare people have fun and enjoy an OVA on the big screen, and not "be all serious all the time about a serious film". I wonder if people weren't supposed to cheer during EoE, when it's Asuka vs the mass production units? "Sorry, that's not supposed to be exciting, it's supposed to be a visual representation of the futility of life, against such severe odds---be meloncholy and morose, please, while viewing".
  13. Hmmn, maybe I should just do my re-watch in raw Japanese, no subs, and just "try to remember what the original VHS subs said". (yes, I last watched it on tape)
  14. See, that's the only reason I'd buy it---but will wait until it's actually released to decide/confirmed. Violet/lavender+black=awesome scheme on any robot. But Bandai seems to abhor true purple, even when that's the suit's color---they always switch to "purple-ish blue" at the last second, on WAY too many releases. They'll SHOW purple, but almost never actually mold it...
  15. Us airliner fans have already BEEN saying that. Twin-engine widebody? Twin-engine narrowbody? T-tailed regional jet? There's 100% of the current production. (asides from the last few 747-8 and A380's to trickle out...)
  16. Basically---a ton of minifigs and "misc" parts are made in China. But the core plates/bricks/slopes/cones/tiles, all the "normal" LEGO pieces, are not made in China----there's many other factories (Denmark, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, etc) that do that----LEGO keeps most of the essential bits "close to home".
  17. Should have gone with the Star Trek: Excelsior series back when it had a decent chance of happening. (hey, they got the whole ST6 cast back for VOY...)
  18. LEGO has reissued like 0.001% of their sets. And that's not one of them. There are no "factory extras" from LEGO. As for quality--varies. Some are awful, some are 90-95% as good as the originals. None are equal to the real thing. Check out the many "Lepin" reviews on Youtube, for some comparisons. (They are/were the main direct KO of Lego sets--assume that a lot of the sets on ebay are from them, even if not named as such). For that price/seller rating, I'd be concerned that it's not even a KO, but more likely to get "beads in an envelope" when/if your package arrives. Bootleg sets are cheaper than the real thing's MSRP, but not THAT cheap.
  19. Decaling 101: Do not apply a decal over a matte surface.
  20. The latest pics I saw (looked like actual test-shot, not painted sample) of HG Sandrock looked REALLY blue. Terrible, IMHO. I'd have accepted most anything from "Deathscythe navy" to "Tallgeese dark grey" (though would of course prefer pure black, but Bandai pretty much doesn't ever mold true black)----but it looked almost purple-indigo to me. Will have to paint the whole thing if that's the actual molded color.
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