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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Man, now I really want to paint my soon-to-arrive Jetfire like that. ::edit:: Seems he does just mainly use drybrushing----just LOTS of it, in multiple layers and colors in a single area. Hmmmmn. I rarely drybrush, and then only raised details, not areas. May have to experiment on something. (maybe my Animated Swindle)
  2. Leader-class molds cost a lot of money, and frankly "nightwatch Prime" variants don't sell that well AFAIK---people buy $10 repaints, not $45 repaints. They'll just wait a year or so IMHO, so as to avoid cries of "double-dipping".
  3. I'm still debating whether to buy a Leader Prime, take it apart and spray the grey parts silver, and everything else with clear pearl, or just wait for a premium version...
  4. You're not the first to make that comment.
  5. I think Long Bow may have a chance at a toy---Hasbro needs more than repaints to sustain 2 more years of toys, and that design looks far more "plausible" than most movie characters.
  6. Amazon got Jetfire in a day early it seems.
  7. Sorry A7, I had to edit the poll to allow multiple options, and add a very-requested one.
  8. Will Soundwave be a bigger peg-warmer than the first movie's "Protoform Starscream" was? My local Target and Wal-Marts seem to each have 50, he alone outnumbers many other waves and pricepoints..
  9. No, the pic I'm thinking of looks just like mine IIRC, and is worse. We're talking a gap, not just stress/hairline fracture. It's around the bottom edge of the hip joint, very near the black stripe.
  10. Sigh, major crack in right thigh of YF-21, very near metal hip-joint. Just like someone else had, but I can't find the pic of theirs. YF-21 plastic seems to respond well to Plastruct, will see how it holds.
  11. I remember it was red, but can't remember if they got the shape right. How exactly did Jetfire's drag chute look? Interestingly, one of the first pics I found online is that exact SR-71---probably landing at Dulles even. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/comm...F-1234P-050.jpg
  12. Do you like visible shockwaves? Do you like the F-22? http://www.news.navy.mil/management/photod...N-8290D-008.jpg http://www.news.navy.mil/management/photod...N-7780S-014.jpg And if you prefer thick vapor: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2610/366983...8948ec6e2_o.jpg
  13. B-1B, F/A-18F, Burke-class, Nimitz-class. (active roles, not just in the background).
  14. I think you've got it a bit backwards---the face artwork is clearly originally from NGE. They mainly just tweaked the hair.
  15. If they made some Frontier Revoltechs, you could pretty easily replicate half of those...
  16. New question. However, it's not allowing people who voted for the previous question to vote for the new one.
  17. I *really* wanted to see Jetfire in jet mode just flying along for a few secs---up high, low across the desert, whatever---just show us a Blackbird on the big screen. Fighting Starscream would have been a very cool bonus. First movie showed SS is quite adept at transforming, flying, and fighting all at once---surely Jetfire can too. Or at the very least---just have Jetfire simply out-run SS! Just show us the speed and power of a Blackbird at some point, in some way.
  18. Does anyone have a Haruhi fig that can compare scale to the previous Fraulein figs? Specifically---what (if any) parts are swappable? (even if scales are the same, the joints may be so different that you still can't mix and match anything)
  19. I could rarely get that to work. Though when it did...
  20. Notable for being (probably) by far the most "mis-transformed for a photo shoot" Transformer ever. ROTF Leader Prime: http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/1867/whyprime.jpg
  21. I'll second learning of the Go229 in SWOTL. That game taught me the difference between the B-17F and B-17G, too.
  22. wolfx---Jetfire rocked *because* he was old. Especially when .
  23. Awesome quote from a mocking review: <<<"What is the status of the Transformers at the beginning of the film?" The Autobots have joined the military to hunt down the Decepticons. We're told the Decepticons are "doing things," but they appear to be hiding peacefully when the Autobots show up and brutally murder them. What? Yeah. The Decepticons aren't apparently doing anything, then the Autobots show up, the Decepticons run for their goddamn lives, and the Autobots hunt them down.>>> http://www.toplessrobot.com/2009/06/bonus_...faqs.php?page=1
  24. You mean separate from the fact that A third toy would have to be bot-mode only. And a "add-on only pack" is a waste since that's what essentially already is, toy-wise.
  25. "It'll work, it'll work, it'll work". Anyways---any more/good pics of "as seen on screen" Devastator? His coloring is distinctly different from most early pics and the toys. His face is mostly red, not silver, and Overload has lots of white (maybe even mostly white), not all-red.
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