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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I saw my previous car (not mine, but similar make/model/year) very riced out last week. When you're ricing out an American 4-door sedan...
  2. Ice-Viper so should have come with a snowboard. I've re-named him Boarder-Viper for his pants alone.
  3. If they don't even know what the overall configuration is, then it's a LONG way from flying. It'll be another MiG 1.44......
  4. We must set up a fund to pay that guy to go to AgentOne's house...
  5. Yup, saw the Peterbilt on Ebay last night. Blue's a bit too dark and it's missing the tool boxes, but it's very nice. (tool boxes could be added fairly easily--I'd swap out to smooth-sided battery boxes, too)
  6. The new figs do have Joe and Cobra-specific stands (look underneath). While it's nice Cobra finally got a 2-peg stand, it's almost useless---the pegs are quite far apart.
  7. People should have voted what they really thought, and not try to out-think the "it's too obvious" factor. Then we'd probably have like a 95/5 split...
  8. First Australian Super Hornet to be handed over Jul 8 in St Louis. Not sure when it'll actually be delivered to Australia (or even how)----it's quite possible it'll be disassembled and flown over in a C-17 or something.
  9. cent---spray can, don't remember the number. It's not X-22. (and X-22 isn't flat) wm---I never skrimp on modeling materials--quite the opposite. It's just that Future self-levels better than anything on the planet, and people are always talking about using flattened Future as a final coat, so I figured I'd try it. So---what's the best ready-made rattle-can flat coat money can buy? (that won't eat decals).
  10. FrenzyRumble can be found at TFW2005, and FrenzyRumble.com. And that Jetfire is actually one of his less-impressive customs---there are some AMAZING things he's done. Namely Leader Prime--repainted ALL of it. Even the flames, from scratch, to be more accurate. And chromed it. Also be sure to see his custom Menasor--yes, it combines, yes each one still has a robot and car mode. I think he's "beyond backlogged" with commissions---best bet is to watch ebay---he ebays a lot of his work. :;edit:: Here's Menasor: http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/radicons-cus...word-added.html http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/radicons-cus...-wildrider.html http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/radicons-cus...ler-9-11-a.html And here's Defensor: http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/radicons-cus...part-6-6-a.html http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/radicons-cus...obot-group.html
  11. I've been trying to remove the big "JTFR" markings, but I can only "severely fade them". Any more chemicals/rubbing applied will end up having discoloration/hazing/gloss on the plastic itself. The final effect works pretty well---looks like they were painted on 50 years ago, and they've worn away to almost nothing. (I'd still prefer them totally gone though). I may intentionally do the same thing to the Decep logos on the wings, to go along with the "scratched-out" motif they have.
  12. Hmmmn. My experiments with flattened Future haven't gone well. It's either not very flat at all, or starts turning opaque. I've tried MANY different ratios, and as you add flat base it starts turning white long before it starts getting decently flat. My newly-bought Tamiya spray flat clear---says not to use over decals! So my VF-25's been stalled for a while---I can't go any further without attaching the wings, but I need them clearcoated first to protect the decals.
  13. Isn't this already part of the Macross FAQ or something?
  14. Ha! So much for no "premium" figures. Buster Optimus Prime. I will buy it for sure if the final version is chromed or something. Nigh-impossible to see in the pic, but it apparently also has a new head mold with the face-plate retracted.
  15. Target has pegs and signs for new stuff. What's "Figure A" vs "Figure B"? Same price, but there's fewer pegs for B, and they have "vertically larger" space.
  16. If that's 1/8 scale, then they're dwarfs. Or something, I don't know the official term for "proportionate limbs, yet incredibly short". 14.5cm/5.75in tall or so.
  17. The Audi is Sideways. (yes, they had to use 2 similar names for new guys on opposing factions in this movie, of the dozens of names to choose from)
  18. Yup, definitely time to sell my 1/48 now...
  19. I've never owned a Hikaru of any sort, or I would have used that as a more appropriate VF-1. Maybe Milia with armor would be better?
  20. A quick measurement of Rei and Asuka gives me 1/10 for those two. Maybe moving towards 1/11--depends on hair and canon heights...
  21. I'm waiting for an HA Sideways or something--mainly for (hopefully) more car-mode accuracy. Ironically I passed on Dlx Barricade due to robot accuracy.
  22. Leader Megs was a shelf-warmer last time around. Why Hasbro thinks he'd be any more popular this time around, I don't know. He's not even the main villain this time around. At least he transforms into something resembling a vehicle this time. Leader Megs---always overproduced. Jetfire's going to be under-produced.
  23. There's a "design your own figure" contest at the official movie site----grand prize is to actually have the figure made, using your headsculpt! Only open to ages 6 to 12 though. Which is really weird when you think about it, since the figures use existing parts for the bodies, and there's no 8-year-old Joes... You can save what you make though---I quickly made this, it's basically armored Scarlett with Helix's head, in Techno-Viper colors. (since I'm still waiting for a 25th Techno-Viper) http://hasbro.promotions.com/gijoecobra/ta...S6WGpj3gdZhUksa
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