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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Gotta agree with uber-mod Roy here. Sheryl and Ranka are the new Tifa and Aeris. They're recognizable and popular, and fairly easy to cosplay. There weren't hordes of girls playing FF7 all of a sudden, and there's not a ton watching Macross now.
  2. MP Prime has a major cop-out in that his entire back half of vehicle mode has zero resemblance to a real truck. And the back half of the cab isn't much better. If you made an MP Prime and mandated that the vehicle mode actually look like it should, bot mode would be quite different. ROTF Prime emphasizes truck mode, MP Prime emphasizes bot mode. The G1 toy blows away MP Prime when it comes to vehicle mode.
  3. It doesn't attach anywhere---fiddle around with the straps to trap them between the plane and the legs, and it should be held in place through tension. The straps should pass just inboard of the peg hole that the foot/ankle goes into. Yes, it's godawful design, and I plan to remove the pins to remove the entire assembly (I will never combine mine with Prime). If you really can't get it, I'll photograph mine.
  4. I didn't really want any of the three, and of those 3 would have gone with Cooper, but I do rank Timberlake above Reynolds.
  5. Wheelie is more than just a shelf-warmer, he has entire endcap displays dedicated to holding the excess copies of him. And here's a game Aerialbot: (ironically, in making a non-licensed F-16 look-alike, they ended up making an F-2)
  6. The first movie series had a LOT of toys from the videogame. Not so many this time around, asides from Breakaway. Interestingly, there's a Thrust repaint of Breakaway coming out---which is strange, since there's a "Thrust" in the game, but he's an F-18, and there's matching Skywarps and Thundercrackers. Now, I've heard there's going to be a new Dirge mold coming---but Dirge is about the only one NOT seen in the game. I'm hoping it's this F-18 design anyways. I took some pics from the game, but I still don't know how to take decent pics off a TV, CRT nor LCD. This is the best I could do.
  7. Just call it the Commodore, because that's what it is. Has alliteration with Chevy, too. PS---I note the article says "scheduled to end production in 2009"---it's already over. Last shipment of G8s arrived in the US months ago. This photoshop is the best non-G8 front end I've seen for the platform--it changes ONLY the grill from the G8: I don't like the whole "square foglight insets" of the original Commodre and Mid-East versions. But odds are good GM will just use the Mid-East Chevy front end. Still, I hate the name "Caprice" more than I dislike any of the existing front ends. I wonder if there'll be a significant "freshening" and it'll really be more like a 2011 model, having taken an extra 6-9 months before making it for sale. Add a HUD, a blue interior option, new wheels...
  8. Yeah, but the canopy should fit pretty darn perfectly from the get-go----they're swapped between Hornets on the carriers all the time, and they don't spend days checking the compatability---they all fit between all the planes.
  9. Awesome! I want a G8, but simply cannot get one this year---but there won't be any Pontiacs next year! (and actually, most G8s this year have been sold, due to discounts etc). Still----the Pontiac front end looks the best of all of them IMHO. I imagine the new Caprice (god I hate that name) will use the front end that the Mid-East Lumina does, as it's a ready-made Chevy front end. Heck, maybe I'd get a "Caprice" and find some G8 that'd been rear-ended and swap noses...
  10. ??? I meant last choice out of the actors, not last choice out of the various GLs.
  11. Well, IMHO part of the problem has always been that cars seem to use aircraft terms for "things on the trunk" that are completely opposite or unrelated of the actual aerodynamic function. Mounting things upside down can actually "restore" their correct name-function link. I'm waiting for someone to mount something on a car's doors and call them ailerons...
  12. ??? It's the 11th. All 3 local Wal-Marts have no figs or vehicles. Also, Target/TRU have not restocked since the 4th. Did find an "exclusive"??? Firefly at TRU. Had a "Heroes" something sticker on it. Doesn't use the Beachhead mold, I recognized the arms as being those from the upcoming Target lavender-green AVAC (the ones with the shoulder armor, not the bicep patch). Neon green goggles. Pretty neat, and I still don't have a Firefly at all, but I've just never been a big fan of the character. ::edit:: Here it is: http://generalsjoes.com/wp-content/gallery...exc/firefly.jpg What mold are the lower legs from? Reminds me of WWI US doughboy look. Found this Barbecue too: http://generalsjoes.com/wp-content/gallery...xc/barbecue.jpg
  13. Hmmn. Debating buying one of those TRU F-22s for my Strato-Viper, or acquiring an original Night Raven. The F-22 is cool, and it's already black--but it doesn't really DO anything, while the Night Raven had more moving parts than just about any other Joe toy. I've bid on a few Night Ravens over the years, but never won one. What's the current price for a mint, complete Night Raven? (sticker condition doesn't matter, I'd re-do them regardless). It's hard to check since 90% of the "complete" ones on Ebay seem to be missing a half-dozen parts. People have a strange definition of "complete" sometimes...
  14. RAAF Super Hornet time-lapse construction video: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=be5_1247196550 They sure seem to attach and re-attach the canopy a lot.
  15. Just assume they're twins, separated at birth (thus the different last names), who both went into the military.
  16. Ok, the line's effectively over now (or, for at least a while), with the Cobra Island sets soon to be released. That said----what do you still want that wasn't made? So that we don't have giant long lists, please just list ONE from each category: A. Character that wasn't made at all. B. Character was made, but not the way you wanted---the wrong version, wrong color, or just done poorly. For me: A. Techno-Viper. B. Dress blues Gung-Ho.
  17. My copy of Avast! has been going nuts with various pages lately... (though 1 was legit for sure)
  18. I'd love a new Nitro/Moto-Viper, but I see little/no homage to the original in the new one. Silver visor? Pads? Two-tone blue? From pics I've seen, the 2 shades of blue are so close I don't even see it as intentional---I have Cobra troopers with more variation in shades of blue just between their arms and torso. The originals really had kind of a "Motorcycle driver" thing going on---these look much more like lackey troopers.
  19. I thought only Aussie ones had problems with non-existant, and were retrofitted to non-functional. AFAIK Spanish etc ones still have none.
  20. Land--yeah. Catapult off of--maybe. Launch-bars are a weird issue with the Hornet--there's "working, non-working, and non-existant" options.
  21. Yeah, but the scrim itself looks really fake... Anyways---I hope Australia does a more interesting paint job than this when it's actually on their soil: (I hate to link off someone else's photobucket, but Boeing recently changed things and made it impossible to link and hard to download media pics)
  22. E-hobby is apparently reporting that Buster Prime will have chrome. Don't know how much, but hopefully a lot.
  23. If they REALLY wanted to hide the shape, they'd have built some "misleading shapes" with plywood and cardboard around the edges, THEN draped it. This was done for the F-117 during moves IIRC.
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