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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Found this: http://www.hisstank.com/forum/65662-post36.html Seems the Night Raven is pretty incompatible with 25th figures, and there's no real way to mod it to work.
  2. Have it list by year, that's the best way IMHO. You should know approximately when it's from.
  3. One thing about the new Night Raven does impress me--the cockpit. It looks like it actually works. I don't think it'd be possible to change the original to match though, it'd have to be designed from scratch to incorporate it. I'd also like to see the gear doors sequence better---half the time they're out of position and you have to fiddle around with them so they don't get caught up. PS, slightly OT. My Target Rattler has developed "gear collapse", but not quite. Basically, the right gear likes to fold in 10-15 degrees. The "bumps" stop the gear from collapsing further, but it is annoying since the left one is rock-solid vertical at all times, with no play at all. Large amounts of clear polish have done nothing. It'd help if I could figure out why the left one holds "fully extended", while the right one simply "gets past the bumps then flops around, never locking into the full extend position". ::edit:: I think I'll try clear polish in some other areas, maybe it's raw tension/friction, and not actually a physical lock/block that holds it in place.
  4. I'm thinking of adding a fan to cool the mobo northbridge. (I have no notable problems, I just keep reading that X38s run hot, and I want mine to last forever). Also, I just decided to do a tiny little overclock to my CPU (E8400) a few weeks ago, just to try it out. Factory is 333x9, I'm doing 400x8. So FSB went from 1333 to 1600. This also allows my RAM to run 1:1. (it was 5:6 factory) May go to 400x8.5 or 400x9, depending on how things run the next few months. (and how much noise turning up the fans makes) (going to add an intake fan, too) By setting voltages manually, I'm actually sending less to the components than by simply letting the mobo run everything on auto. RAM is down 0.05 volts, CPU is down about that much as well. Anyone know anything about "life of components" when overclocked very mildly, but actually running with less voltage than stock? However, I have read this particular mobo runs cool for an X38, possibly due to having a large heatsink and the entire mobo overall being designed to run with less power. So it may be pointless (noise/cost-wise) to add a small fan. Ideas/suggestions? This is my mobo, with a good description of the heatsinks: http://www.bjorn3d.com/read.php?cID=1227&pageID=4496
  5. What could be a bigger media tie-in than the new movie? What more could they ask for before reissuing the original Night Raven? Plus, the original would have looked a whole lot cooler and more realistic on-screen. Original Night Raven on-screen would have been the equivalent of casting Peter Cullen as Prime----goes a LONG way towards "taming" the fanboys, and frankly---there's no better option anyways, because the original is so perfect. As for parts--yes, I love moving parts, opening panels etc, on Joe toys. I pretty much demand them---it's why I had almost no "small" Joe toys back when. Heck, the main reason I got figures was to fill up the seats in the large vehicles! Cobra Moray was the best of the boats. I'd rather have one big, good, multi-part vehicle than several smaller simpler ones. IMHO, a good way to judge a Joe toy---how many pages of instructions it has. Ironic--I love gimmicks in Joe, hate them in Transformers. ::edit:: Ah, so that's what the red Strato-Viper's for. I may try to trade my coming 7-pack Range Viper for another standard Strato-Viper. Personally, here's my master wish-list for reissues: Night Raven Mamba Moray That's really all I want, but I desperately want a Night Raven. I really have no need for a Skystriker, or really most any Joe toys, or anything that'd cost less than 20 bucks today. Gimme Cobra. Maybe the X-19 Phantom, since I never had it and it looks cool--I'd buy a cheap reissue, but won't pay for a vintage on ebay. Random rant: The Rolling Thunder is over-rated IMHO. I had it, and the parts never fit well, I lost a part a day I think. (And I was like 10 when I had it, not 5, I was already quite careful with my toys then, and applied stickers carefully, etc----and that thing shed parts!) And it didn't "fold together" very well either--it'd close up, but it never looked QUITE right, as things were always a little off. Very fiddly overall. It's one of the few vehicles I really remember well, as I just remember a bunch of annoyances about it, and I think it was the last vehicle I ever got. ::edit:: Checking release dates, apparently I should have asked for the X-19 that year instead! PS---any chance of new reissues coming un-assembled? Sort of a direct-to-consumer-only line? I figure half the reason they don't reissue big things, is because they'd have to pay so much to have them assembled at the factory, and then pay even more to ship the giant, more fragile toys over here. A Rattler's about the biggest thing they can assemble and ship cheaply. If Hasbro would "allow" unassembled vehicles again, it may help get the big one re-released. (plus, for me at least, a HUGE part of the fun is the assembly process---a factory-assembled Joe toy is like pre-assembled LEGOs) Plus, I can do a much better job than the factory does.
  6. Erm, um, I don't recall a "Maia Sterling" in any Macross series...
  7. They had permission, it was a scheduled fly-by for a sports event.
  8. How many zillions does it cost to get custom wheels shipped to Hawaii?
  9. Pods detach. Honestly, the best way to get info is to read the instructions---they always point out every joint and removable bit.
  10. Mamba rocks, get one. Best chopper in the line. It still amuses me how every time the Mamba comes up, you're guaranteed to have someone chime in that the rotor arrangement is fantasy/impractical/impossible----never mind that some real choppers use it. It's an "intermeshing" rotor.
  11. Seems to be all TRUs. 1/2 off most anything but ROTF.
  12. Aren't those at least canon schemes though? YF-25 seems totally "pulled out of thin air" in both name and colors.
  13. We never saw or heard a mention of a YF-25. We did see a YF-24. I think the YF-25 is something Bandai just made up this week as an excuse for a recolor...
  14. Yeah, I found Universe Dreadwing(d?). Still not worth 10 bucks IMHO, despite the fact that I had the G1 and love the color scheme. It's a gigantic mini-con, transformation-wise.
  15. YoJoe.com has EVERYTHING for the 80's line, nothing comes close. Here's the Defiant page: http://www.yojoe.com/vehicles/87/defiant/ PS--the Sky Raven does NOT have a drone, so it's not missing. (it's just one of many ways in which the original is better) Night Raven: http://www.yojoe.com/vehicles/86/nightraven/ Sky Raven: http://www.yojoe.com/vehicles/90/skyraven/ PPS---I never really paid attention to the X-19, but checking it out, it seems VERY cool, probably second only to the Night Raven. Wish I'd have had that instead of an X-30 back in the day. PPPS---why are all the really big, really cool jets not reissued? Surely SOME of their molds are available. (I consider the X-30 and Rattler the "smaller" jets)
  16. VF-25 girl's done, and the VF-27 was done earlier. Does that mean Mylene's is next?
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