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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I'd rather Yamato do Mylene's valk than any other at this point.
  2. Definitely far hotter than I go. I go "warm" at most usually.
  3. Today I just let them sit in the sun to warm up a bit. In my experience, how full the can is has a greater effect than heating up the paint. Or maybe people heat them up a lot more than I do.
  4. I think we all saw it a few days ago, since it was headlined at most of the major TF sites. Anyways---for 1/4 that price, you can get stripes that actually match BB's. http://www.vinylgraphics.net/shopexd.asp?id=4651 Then your yellow Camaro will look like this: http://www.camaro5.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26328 Then you can laugh at all the people who spent a grand to have their car NOT look as much like BB as yours does.
  5. Just got done. Overall--inconsistent. Some parts dried quickly to a very gloss finish with only a single light (yet opaque) coat. Some parts with 2 quite wet coats never got much beyond semi-gloss. I think it's more of a raw atomization thing than anything--droplets are too big. Generally---applying over bare plastic leads to a thinner and smoother finish, than applying over the factory glossy paint. I'm reluctant to re-do the nose cone, I plan to let it dry for a LONG time, then see how the tailfins match. I want the nose cone and tailfins to match, so if the tailfins (which have a factory finish much like the nosecone) turn out the same way as the nosecone did, I'll leave the nosecone as-is. But if the tailfins turn out very glossy for some reason, then I'll have to try another coat on the nosecone. I'd like ALL the black parts to have an identical finish, but if I must I'll have some parts semi-gloss and some really glossy---all I demand is that the nose and tail match in the end. Tailfins aren't ready to be painted yet--have some cutting to do. But when they are ready, I'm switching to my brand-new can, for max pressure.
  6. A lot of the new figs are "close, but not enough for me to buy"---mainly all the new planes. Give me either real planes, or totally fake (but cool-looking and well-proportioned) ones. Semi-deformed parodies of existing planes aren't very appealing. As for Mudflap--why couldn't Skids be that good? I just plain like Skids' colors a lot better. And WTF at putting Simmons with Mudflap---I'm pretty sure he drove Skids at the end.
  7. Isn't "Ninja Assassin" redundant?
  8. "IPS Driver error. It appears there is a problem with the database"
  9. Actually it's quite well-known in the US, due to Nickelodeon.
  10. I plan to try some Tamiya TS-14 with various techniques today, will report back.
  11. Thanks for making it easier to merge the topics!
  12. Was Phoenix ever declared the "official" name before this? I still like the idea that it's actually named "Zero" like the A6M... (and AFAIK, canonically, the VF-25 is still just *nicknamed* Messiah) This is all one giant "A-10: Warthog vs Thunderbolt" question.
  13. Cameras----rather than raw megapixels, compare "how many megapixels vs size of the actual sensor". In the quest to get "the biggest number in the ads" many companies are actually squeezing too many megapixels out of sensors that can't handle it. Sometimes, less is better. It's roughly akin to JPEG compression---sure, you can reduce the file size, but at what point does image quality suffer? Same for megapixels--sure, you can get more pixels--but if the extra pixels are little more than noise, chroma-errors, and dust specks? I'd rather have a bit smaller, but better, pics. The real short, simple way to pick a camera---glass/lens. Bigger is better. Period. Buy the camera with the biggest lens you can afford and that you're willing to lug around. Cameras, like eyes, rely on light above all else. The fanciest electronics and sensors in the world can't compensate for lack of light. Even on a sunny day, a bigger, higher-quality lens lets in more light, and thus, better pics. This also why binoculars rock at night---they have a bigger lens than your own eye, and can "see in the dark" better. Most insanely in-depth camera site: http://dpreview.com/ More "grounded" camera reviews: http://www.imaging-resource.com/DIGCAM01.HTM
  14. Depends on which Super Flanker version you're talking about, and whether you mean the "old" Su-35 designation or the "new" Su-35 designation. (Sukhoi is worse than MiG nowadays when it comes to re-using/re-assigning things----there were always a ton of Flankers, but at least they all had their own designation)
  15. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/tutorials-ho...ins-rivets.html Just a note--some pins are just going to be inaccessible, too "stuck", or "the parts around them are too fragile." Also, BM toys seem to all have very "stuck" pins--I have yet to be able to get a pin out of any of them. I use an actual nail punch, similar to but not identical to the one in the video. (I'd like one like that, but can't find it--that one has a constant-diameter shaft so you can go in deeper) I currently use a balsa-wood block, but am going to get a chunk of basswood soon--balsa collapses too much for many pins. (but by being so soft, the pins go right into it, and the paint/plastic don't get damaged)
  16. Quick poll: Should I keep the blue striping on my MP TC's chest? Or just go all-silver like G1 and the US MP SW?
  17. I assume one did the music, and one did the lyrics. Or something like that.
  18. My TRU had like a dozen figs---the same dozen they had 2 weeks ago.
  19. That's way better than my Decepticon cake...
  20. Oh, you gotta read the whole thread. It means little taken out of context. (I still like my vaseline suggestion--same effect, but far less nasty)
  21. Yeah, that's like the version of Boom Boom Rocket that you're forced to play in Hell..
  22. Hmmmn. I'm decent at shooters, but suck at any rythym/music game...
  23. I bet China can build a LOT of J-10s in the next 20 years, to sell to many countries... (the J-10 looks better every time there's an update---I don't know if it'll eat F-35s for breakfast yet, but it's developing into a serious threat)
  24. I don't believe either, really. In short, IMHO: The F-22 is everything it's supposed to be, and all around truly kicks ass. Expensive? Yes, but you get what you pay for, and its costs are now fixed. If you buy one now, you know exactly what you're getting and know exactly how much it'll cost. F-35? Doesn't seem to be nearly as good as it was supposed to be, and is costing a whole lost more that it was supposed to. And the price will only go up. Buy one now, and you can only HOPE it can do what you need it to, and you HOPE you will be able to afford the final price. And you're still paying almost as much as if you'd just bought a Raptor. (and a whole lot more than if you'd bought a late-model anything else) Stealth? Its internal carriage is piddly, so you're going to have to have external weaps most of the time anyways. So why pay for something you'll rarely be able to use? Buy 2 Block 60 Vipers instead. "F-35 will be weaponless and stealthy for first-day ops, then unstealthy when the skies are safe". Yeah? How do you plan on making the skies safe? Better have a bunch of F-22s to clear out the Super Flankers and J-10s. Then you could just send in masses of cheap F-16s... That brings up a point---SEAD. There's a huge need to take out the SAM sites early on in a war, but we really don't have any steathy SEAD platforms AFAIK---the HARM is too big to be carried internally. We need a smaller HARM that an F-22/35 can carry internally, to approach SAM sites undetected.
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