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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Few movies AREN'T open for a sequel. You can always have for any movie: A. "He was only mostly dead". B. "Here's his evil brother" C. "They got back together" D. "They were brought out of retirement" E. "He got over it"
  2. I've never really found an explanation of how/why the transonic drop occurs--merely that it does. I know/understand how a wing drops in a stall. I honestly don't know if they're related. (based on how the Super Hornet's issue was cured, I'd suspect it only occurs in high-alpha turns, and is related to a stall-induced drop)
  3. Logically, there should be a Brera VF-27 with Grace art...
  4. Been photoshopping pics of MP TCs to figure out exactly how to paint mine---pretty sure I want the feet all-black. Adding any spots of silver to glossy black feet really makes it look like he's wearing wingtip shoes or something--blue(SS) or purple(SW) feet don't have that problem. I'd like to do the "waist" in blue to separate the chest and pelvis (and most depictions of the G1 seekers do it like that), but matching the factory color may be impossible. (I'd also like to touch up a few factory chips around the canopy and tailbooms if I ever get a match) Photoshopped a black waist band and a red one, but neither really looked right. (I saw an SW with a purple waist and it looked good--but SW is overall black so ANY accent color would really look decent there). Also considered black thighs (G1 boxart, and the toy if you really think about it) but didn't like the look with the all-silver pelvis and waist---too little color then. Maybe with a blue waist? These are really rough, but should get the point across. 1st is factory, 2nd is how mine is currently painted (assuming I get the intakes done tomorrow), 3rd is with a blue waist, black thighs, and silver foot accents. Any suggestions/opinions welcome, especially on waist/thighs/feet/lower legs. (also note that I have the stickers from Reprolabels and thus will have G1 wing stripes)
  5. Anyone else find that the most useful application of the beam weapon (F8!) by far was not to use it, but that it increased the total amount of energy available? Just divert all its energy to your lasers and shields---then you can keep them at "slow recharge" while maintaining full speed. (or on the basic TIE or INT, full recharge!) Honestly though, it did kind of "break" the game that way----just like the missile gunboat did. "Yeah, let's give them 4x the missiles, and a second load of missiles/rockets, and then allow them to outrun a TIE Defender!"
  6. MP TC update---got my new can of silver, have everything but the intakes painted. Also painted the "bare metal" parts of the plane and have removed all the navy blue from the legs and re-glossed the plastic to match the rest. Plan to do all my cutting/mods to the tailbooms before painting the tailfins.
  7. The same thing happened to Mass Effect----the cracked version runs better than retail for many people. Or, it's the only way to get it to run at all.
  8. Wing dropping in transonic turns? That sounds familiar: http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2009/...35c-flight.html ::edit:: LOL, right after I posted this, I found the Super Hornet comment in the article.
  9. Wing dropping in transonic turns? That sounds familiar: http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2009/...35c-flight.html
  10. Yeah---it doesn't specifically need to be *gloss black*, but it does need to be smooth and shiny----and gloss black is generally the easiest way to achieve that. Flat black would be about the worst choice. I personally prefer bare plastic for most metallic paint, assuming it's the smooth and shiny plastic like Hasegawa, and not the "orange peel" plastic that Italeri and Revell often have.
  11. I swear Fury's tracks are all 'simple' compared to the originals---all seem similar, mostly built for speed. (I was just playing a bit)
  12. How many people here own Wipeout HD? We could do an MW 8-man race some time... (now that the ad problem's fixed) (and I gotta stop playing Valkyria and learn the new Fury tracks)
  13. It's exactly that. Short for "military power".
  14. Did you apply it over gloss black? Alclad is not a 1-step process, it's VERY sensitive to what it is applied on top of.
  15. Amazingly enough, "Xenogears Id" (and all its variations) was taken, so after 20 more attempts including some M:Frontier references, I managed to snag "Alpha_Weltall". (those are all L's BTW, not i's) (some fonts have the capital i vs small L issue)
  16. Hmmn. I don't think I saw any ads when I played online the first night Fury was out. Was it a VERY recent update (like last 48 hours?). I won't go online again with it until something happens if that's the case. PS--do we have a list of "MW on PSN" names here, like in the 360 thread? My friends list is empty on my PS3.
  17. Shouldn't have said anything---it was fine right until that post! Haven't been able to get in again until now. IPS driver error on the last refresh, but "just hangs" most of the other times.
  18. Yeah, I need a copy of that NOW. (I'm an F-20 and YF-23 fan---Northrop makes the sleekest planes, period)
  19. I think it's beyond my ability to do red and white complicated striping over dark blue, but I was thinking something like the wings of the first pic (love the "fade" effect towards the rear, and the "overlap" design). H.stabs would be simple---just color the leading edge and use the "natural dogtooth" for the zig-zag. V.stabs would probably be totally G1, or a slight tweak to introduce a zig-zag. While I didn't like Classics SS design, I did like Classics SW a lot (especially the wings). I really wish Hasbro or Takara had tried to do a "modern" Classics TC design, instead they both went for G1--which we've seen many times before.
  20. For me, it's been noticeably better the last 2 days.
  21. Saw my first Jetfire at a store today. I'm half-heartedly considering doing a "revised" scheme for Thundercracker on the wings/stabs---slightly lighting-bolt-themed of course. Inspired a bit by these:
  22. Another edited clip of "Downfall"---this time for airliner-buffs! Hilarious if you know your pax planes. "Hitler's 787 order delayed again"
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