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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I don't recall any other colors in the aztec pattern either, hmmmn. Also---are the markings on the front half of the pylons engraved? They're either WAY too deep or painted with contrasting accent lines or something. There's no grooves on the pylons, the whole hull is pretty smooth on the D, any raised or depressed detail is subtle.
  2. So, you have an LED color-changing tutorial for me?
  3. How hard is it to change LED colors? Would like a magenta/purple one for Mirage. (and Revan!) What exact shape/size is used? And super-detailed soldering, or just "basic" skills?
  4. Give me a resonably-sized/priced Unicron, with his iconic beard, and I'm interested. I'm not interested in a 30-in (deeper than any shelf or chest I own) $$$$$$$ square-chinned version.
  5. Saw my first F-35C today. The beefy nosegear looks better, I think.
  6. I noticed those were some big-ass GBU's under the wings when Maverick rolled inverted----not sure a Hornet (or any plane) can do that with that kind of load.
  7. Thread needs more pics: Anyone got a screen cap of Ian McKellan? That one's gold.
  8. I hadn't thought of it that way, but you're probably right. Makeup and costumes for the dozens of characters shown would add up quickly. They CG *everything* now, even for something as basic as "stock footage of a helicopter flying over a desert", because it's cheaper to CG it from scratch, than to license the actual stock footage... Is Taylor Swift the only one wearing shoes? That looked odd, when all the others were "naked"...
  9. Yeah, a LOT of people miss that the Refit Constitution has kind of a 2-stage deflector "light-up-sequence"---it glows dim yellow for a second, then "brightens up into a blue".
  10. I don't buy that adding some very small phaser strips right at their edge, required completely new pylons. Maybe if they were changing the pylons anyways, they could have taken the opportunity to add phasers to the design. But not vice-versa.
  11. I have a sneaking suspicion the back of the planet isn't all there, that it's flat/sliced off, kind of like the bottom of the old toy. Would love to be proved wrong, but a few angles seem like "I should be able to see 'further around the bend' but I can't".
  12. Eh, they intentionally altered the E, it wasn't "just because of the impossibility of making a perfectly correct CG from a real model". The nacelles were moved up and forward. In-universe, the only explanation would be that it got new pylons for some reason, that are slightly different, after the Borg battle. And considering how "built-in" the pylons are on the Sovereign, that seems like a heck of a lot of drydock-work for little/no reason. (that we know of---MAYBE it alters the warp field characteristics of the Sovereign class a worthwhile amount?) (The addition of the little saucer-fillets makes NO sense however--that almost seems like it was done to kill the saucer-separation feature, even though it'd been designed in from the start---it's like they decided "well, we haven't done it yet, so let's make it impossible by fusing the area together and retcon that it never could") Adding a few little extra phaser strips and torp launchers, are minor, practical, and expected mods done during wartime. But completely replacing the pylons with nigh-identical ones?
  13. Good, because it looked terrible. I think the ERTL 4in diecast one all those years ago had a better shape. Regardless of the actual lighting and DETAILS, just the raw shape of the ship was off, which is inexcusable. "Don't post direct side-by-side studio-model and screen-shots for comparison in your ads, when it's not very favorable to your product"
  14. Don't they know every TNG fan, the first thing they look for, is Ten-Forward? After the bridge, it was where most dialogue occurred... Anways---they do get big points for the proper copper-bronze colors, when powered-down. (Not that you ever saw it much, but that is correct)
  15. I just realized why the "Galaxy Adventures" Chewie design bugs me---no 'stache! Though ESB Chewie has best 'stache: http://b.fastcompany.net/multisite_files/fastcompany/poster/2015/09/3050826-poster-p-1-chewie-edm.jpg (too big to embed)
  16. Will do, once I get that case. My current setup mainly uses purple Corsair fans for light-color, (the ONLY purple LED I've ever found that looks good) but as they are simple "speed=brightness" fans, and I keep them low/quiet, it's pretty dim most of the time. I have learned some things from this build though: 1. Purple light over darker surfaces is nigh-invisible. Will have a LOT more white/silver parts inside next time. My second-to-last upgrade for this build was more RAM----and I bought white ones this time for that reason----and they look a whole lot more purple when lit, than my purple RAM does! 2. Purple objects only look purple with white light on them. I custom-painted a lot of parts purple (like RAM!), but you'd never know it. Thus, to have a "Decepticon purple glow" theme (think WfC/FoC)----it's very hard to do it in black, and you really need a decent amount of white.
  17. I would have liked the movie twice as much if that actually happened. (The "main" one with Anne Weying).
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