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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. ::yawn, tired:: Many more/better pics tomorrow.
  2. If they were going to spend millions making a sci-fi movie about cat-people, they should have just made Thundercats. IMHO, they're right at "uncanny valley" of weirdness as they are----they're so human, it's freaky. They even have human hairlines! I'm sure one will have male pattern baldness and sideburns. Actual "aliens" would work/look much better. Best examples of that in a while IMHO are Mass Effect----turians and krogans. Very alien, but still "humanoid" enough to empathize with.
  3. Just a shout-out for BBTS still having the best customer service there is. (had a little issue with my last set of Joes, but it's all OK now)
  4. If anyone's wondering, I've thought up a Macross equivalent for the errors: It'd be a Milia VF-1J----if they gave it a DYRL-style cockpit, DYRL-style armor (which can't be removed), and twin strike cannons (which can't be removed), and a male pilot wearing an Ex-Gear. Yeah, it's the right type of VF-1, a J model, but every other physical/molded detail which could be wrong, is, and it messes with the timeline.
  5. Been good for the past few days, but issues today. Mainly "searches never bring results" and "clicking on a thread never brings it up".
  6. It was proven many times that an UTTERLY IMMOBILE 360 could scratch discs. Heck, people filmed it happening----brand new-disc from a shrink-wrapped case that was opened while filming, utterly flawless---put in 360, run for 60 seconds, ejected---disc is scratched. If you had a "scratchy" 360---your discs were screwed.
  7. Oh yeah, BTW, with the most recent announcements of what scheme they'll do, the mold is "totally wrong" for the scheme, as opposed to "slightly wrong" or "sorta wrong". I'll be waiting/hoping for a 90's scheme or something.
  8. My Gunmetal PS3 doesn't attract dust. (It's quite remarkable, even my dull black PS2 controllers get dust 10x worse than my gunmetal controller)
  9. Seconded---making an SD Macro Klan makes it instead look like Chibi-Klan's head on Macro-Klan's body...
  10. No, more like "3 motorcycles stuck together, with heads". "Robot" would be stretching it IMHO, based on the descriptions and seeing what people have come up with the 2 existing ones.
  11. 1/3 smaller? Meh. The PS2 slim was like 25% as big--THAT was noteworthy.
  12. All info points to the combined mode being "3 bike-cycle-mutants stuck together". Don't expect much from it.
  13. Re: LEGO. Umm, that's not really news---they've been known about for months. And released for weeks. Home One review: http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=30415 Endor review: http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=29347 That said---the big/surprise set for the end of the year hasn't been announced yet. And it's supposed to be "not a scene/playset" like Endor or Echo Base or Home One. Here's to hoping for UCS B-Wing or UCS Nebulon-B. Maybe the Executor? (though scale is an issue--how could ANY size "look right" for that, compared to either of the ISD kits already made?) PS----there's a TIE Defender coming out later this year, or early 2010. Let's hope they go with grey/black like they finally did for the latest version of Vader's TIE, instead of black/blue like all the others... Lego 8083 – Star Wars Rebel Trooper Battle Pack Lego 8084 – Star Wars Snowtrooper Battle Pack Lego 8085 – Star Wars Freeco Speeder Lego 8086 – Star Wars Droid Tri-Fighter Lego 8087 - Star Wars Tie Defender Lego 8088 - Star Wars ARC-170 Starfighter Lego 8092 - Star Wars Luke's Landspeeder
  14. Quick question/poll: What color should I paint the chest missiles on my MP TC? Or should I even bother since I never plan to open the covers. I'm thinking purple (canon for SS at least) or red (since the backside of the fans when the covers are opened is red). Factory did black. They're silver at the moment, since the whole piece was sprayed silver.
  15. Yeah, I was looking through some pics today (yay for the weekend) and just noticed the yellow rings.
  16. Yeah---there's not nearly enough M7 Milia out there, it's all SDF or DYRL.
  17. Think I found what I needed--scans of the instruction and decal sheets for Fine Mold's kits. In case anyone's curious: Red 3 and 5 each have 2 "striped" cannons, and Red 3 is the one with the funky engine (upper stbd--shorter exhaust). Red 3 and 5 have much more "patchy" markings, Leader and 2 are quite "complete".
  18. Oooooh, Milia VF-22 girl...
  19. Slightly OT, but I think this'd be about the best thread to ask: I need somewhere that lists the differences among individual fighters---like Red 3 vs Red 5, Gold Leader vs Gold 2, etc. I'm mainly talking Ep 4 and 6. I know one of the X-Wings has an obviously different engine, one has a very differently-painted laser, etc. These things often come up in reviews of the toys (and especially the new Fine Molds models) but I can't find what I need right now. I need X-Wing differences more than Y-Wing at the moment.
  20. Sorry folks, just bumping the thread.
  21. Yeah, you'd be wrong. But hey, for many years I'd have sworn in court that I saw a G1 Arcee for sale at Kay-Bee once. (I do however, clearly remember my Bluestreak as being silver, not blue, so my childhood memory-accuracy averages out).
  22. Yes, but potential for catapults, and having catapults, are quite different.
  23. UK/RR stops development of JSF engine, likely to cancel orders for VTOL version of JSF. So what do they plan to do with the new VTOL carriers they're building? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics...ter-engine.html
  24. Well, it looks more G1-esque than it did this morning:
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