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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Yes, but at that point, you should have more money than you could ever need, and you can always just keep playing the game to max out stats/levels----for free.
  2. I believe it's basically a 2-hour arena fight. The reward is gear you probably already have. I read several comments that the voice acting sucks---so I'm guessing they didn't get the original cast back or something?
  3. That's just a sticker from CobraStickers, applied very well. http://www.cobrastickers.com/index.php?mai...p;products_id=8
  4. General consensus is that it sucks. Not surprising, reading further---it's not really Bioware's. Demiurge Studios made it, with "input" from Bioware. Demiurge is also the place that ported ME to the PC---and you know how well that went.
  5. Standing comment: I generally agree with everything myk says when it comes to cars.
  6. I've got most of the parts to do a very similar Baroness---haven't done it yet though. (after seeing how poor the official one is, this is about your only option) If anyone wants to know EXACTLY what's on that figure, I can tell you)
  7. Just need to rant a bit: MSIE 8 sucks. Back to 7 now. It's all the little annoying things that add up.
  8. Yup, it seems to track with IP in my experience. Also--do try erasing your cookies. This board is unique in my experience, with regards to log-in persistence and cookies. (and also in my experience, it uses multiple cookies---deleting the www.macrossworld.com one and the macrossworld.com ones aren't enough ---you pretty much have to delete ALL your cookies to catch them all for MW)
  9. If they had that, they should have had the Force Trainer thingy. (it's hard to describe, but it uses brainwaves)
  10. I'm thinking of passing on it too. 2-3 hours of pure combat? Kind of the antithesis of the game...
  11. New DLC is out, as well as avatar clothing.
  12. I've got more 135 pics, there were several there---IL ANG, and Grissom AFB.
  13. "Trying to get new toaster to work. Did not realize I need to say "make toast" in Celtic first." Did I mention how awesome Cobra Commander's twitter is?
  14. Castlevania+God of War+Shadow of the Colossus=Awesomeness http://www.gametrailers.com/player/54474.html
  15. I've never seen a valk-girl with the gear down... (or even in fighter mode, for that matter---how does she fit?)
  16. The line to get in the B-1's cockpit was insane. I stood there for about 20 mins, and moved maybe 6 feet. I literally estimated 2+ hours for the wait, maybe 3. Once in a lifetime chance pretty much, but not worth it. (and I was especially annoyed by all the people in line who didn't even know what it WAS---they said stuff like "this must be a really neat plane, because there's so many people in line"----they were in line only because other people were---I wish they would have charged for it---that would cut it down to "true enthusiasts who actually know what plane that is and drove hours and hours to see it") I could at least walk around it as much as I wanted. Did I mention the line was LONG? I couldn't back up nor zoom out enough to get it all. (I'm standing right in front of an E-6 TACAMO for this shot) The Shar brought pyro:
  17. And if we're really lucky, he'd do a 1/12 version too or something.
  18. If the "very human looking" aspect is due to studio interference, perhaps it'd have been better if Lucas did it? He's got enough money to do things EXACTLY how he wants. You've gotta admit, Lucas has no qualms about prominently featuring ugly, inhuman aliens.
  19. Re: FRS-1. There are no FRS-1's at all now AFAIK. All were converted to FA.2's. The one in the fleet air museum is a crashed FRS-1's nose grafted onto a GR.3 fuselage, so it looks like an FRS-1. And yes, I was quite tired from the show and long drive home. Re: F-22 noise. Hmmn. Louder than a Tomcat? Don't know about that, but I certainly felt the F-22 more. Regular Hornets are rather quiet IMHO, as fighters go. Super Hornets are notably louder than normal ones, and certainly "rip" the air much more. No fighter has as much a "ripping" sound as a Super Hornet. F-22 has a distinctive "whoop" sound at low power when it blips the throttle a bit. I honestly thought the AV-8B was louder than the Sea Harrier, opposite of what I expected.
  20. The Bandai -19 has a notable gullet---look at the GERWALK pic. The fighter mode pic is taken at the PERFECT angle to hide it--the gullet angle exactly meshes with the intake/LERX in that shot, but it's still there if you look. Now where's my Mylene valk?
  21. doodler7----what'd you use to make yours, outfit-wise? Did you use Triad's Baroness outfit?
  22. That would be the world's only remaining flying Sea Harrier. I'd love to post dozens of awe-inspiring Raptor pics, but the lighting just sucked and I already posted the best one I have.
  23. Re: F-35 load. Man, and I thought the Super Hornet had funky pylons. Middle one pitches up, outer one pitches down? PS---F-22s are loud.
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