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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Actually it was quite good, as "not season 1" eps go.
  2. I think the -19 votes are mainly for Emerald Squadron/Blazer valks, not Basara.
  3. Saw this, laughed, had to post. It's the abridged version of FF8: "Draw/Stock, Draw/Stock, Draw/Stock, Draw/Stock, Draw/Stock, CGI cutscene, Draw/Stock, Draw/Stock, Draw/Stock, Draw/Stock, Draw/Stock, Summon, Draw/Stock,Draw/Stock,Draw/Stock, repeat".
  4. I imagine that as simply being asymmetrical drag, which pretty much only induces yaw. Plenty of other/better ways to do that. (unless you're a B-2, and that's the only way you've got)
  5. Opening a nozzle asymmetrically would totally screw with the pressure and coherence of the exhaust.
  6. While I'd prefer a VF-4, I voted for 0D based on likelyhood of actually being made. C'mon, it's delta-winged---that's rare for a VF. I'm surprised at the VF-2----I still don't "get" why people like it so. Like the VF-0, it just seems to be a tweaked VF-1 to me. (the 0D though, is a practically a new design)
  7. A VF-19 (any version) from M7 would be more than a minor remold. It'd be 90% new. We'll probably see a VF-0D from them before a short-winged VF-19. Speaking of which--where's the VF-0D?!?!
  8. I'm a huge Milia fan, but I just can't justify what is essentially "another YF-21". (not at 200 bucks) The VF-1 is the only valk I ever have more than one of.
  9. I've always believed the VF-1's wing is very similar to an F-14's. Leading-edge slats, trailing edge Fowler flaps, and spoilers for roll. (technically the F-14 doesn't have Fowler flaps, but that's the closest term I know of for its presumably-unique flap design) In fact, I think nearly all swing-wing planes have a very similar wing layout. (F-111, B-1B, Tornado, etc) However, all of them primarily use the tailplanes for roll, with the spoilers being only supplemental, and usually (if not always) using spoilers for low-speed low-sweep flight only. VF-1 has no tailplanes. But then again---none of them have thrust vectoring. Still, vectoring as a primary means of control goes against most design policies/wisdom for 1:1 jets, even the F-22 doesn't allow vectoring to expand the flight envelope---merely make certain moves happen faster and to recover with more energy than aerodynamics alone would provide.
  10. IIRC most electrical stuff is designed for +/- 10%. +/- 5% is "tight" tolerance. Anything tighter than that tends to be medical/military-grade etc. (this is why 110v vs 120v is never a factor) So 11.1 vs 10.8 is only 3%.
  11. Any game with the spell "virulent walking bomb" has to rock. http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/dragonage/n...p;mode=previews
  12. Cool: (IMHO they look nicer than the equivalent 360 mygamercard ones)
  13. Question for those who have kept up on the latest HDTV tech: My parents are planning on getting a new TV for Xmas, and have asked me to pick it out for them. Now as I'm only familiar with the small-mid sizes, I only know LCDs. This new TV will probably be a 46in (maybe 40-42), and it will be viewed off-axis a LOT. Primarily in fact. IIRC plasmas deal better with off-axis, but I've also seen that even compared to my TV, new LCDs are better at off-axis than they were. Still---do plasmas still have a notable advantage in off-axis viewing? That is frankly the main concern with this TV, everything else doesn't matter. In short---what is the best 40-46in TV out there for off-axis viewing? PS---are all the "winter" TV sets out now, or will there be a big influx of new models in the next month or two? TVs were down to a 9-month model cycle last I checked, and I don't know when the last "reset" was in the stores.
  14. I like the locked-out theory. There's a really good explanation for them not moving all around in fighter mode. Because they don't have room--think about it---nearly every valk has the feet slide out, THEN open up and transform into feet. Even on the toys, you don't have lateral movement of the feet in fighter mode--have to slide them out first (with excessive force in the case of many a Yamato). Thus, 2D-only vectoring for most valks in fighter mode, due to the ankles being "shoved up inside the nacelles" in fighter mode. YF-21 is the only valk with 3D vectoring, as it's the only valk where the nozzles aren't the feet.
  15. My suggestion is to simply google the combination of "card you're thinking about and the PC you have". There's probably somebody who has tried that combination, and posted if it fit or not. That's how I know lots of the parts of my PC fit before I built it. No matter how "flat" a computer part may be, it's always a 3D issue of some capacitor sticking up somewhere that interferes with some HD bracket over there...
  16. Plus it's not actually clear in the typical sense---it's like transparent rainbow-chrome. With totally clear, you can at least say "it's like a cutaway drawing, showing the internal mechanics". But this? That's just plain girly IMHO.
  17. Even more specifically, it just means that it is so big it will block off the slot below it. It doesn't matter at all what the lower slot is---it's not going to touch/use it. It will however, prevent anything else from using it, as it'll be in the way. This usually means the card is heavily overclocked or something, and is thus demanding an extra-large (and extra-loud) cooler on-board.
  18. After months of my HDTV being only hooked up to game consoles (since I couldn't get anything with my previous antenna---I live in a kind of signal null-zone of no local transmitters), I got a nice little OTA antenna that pulls in stuff from 66 miles away. And it's mounted indoors, on a western wall, facing east. http://www.monoprice.com/products/product....=1&format=2 If you don't really have any "local" stations (anything within 20 miles) try it. It does much better than my previous $60 much larger antenna did. Note that it's directional---which is a big plus for far away things, but detrimental if you're "surrounded on all sides" by various towers. (of course, if you're surrounded by towers, any antenna should be sufficient) (I get nearly everything from Monoprice now--even basics like coax cable)
  19. So has anyone actually seen the movie and care to comment?
  20. I've yet to see a proprietary PSU in an HP, having bought several replacement PSUs for them. Either ATX or mini-ATX.
  21. You people are all "over-estimating" canted fins. VF-1 doesn't have a V-tail. It merely has canted v.stabs. They're rudders, nothing more. And they may work like an F-18's where they have a "fully inwards deflection to make a slight pitch-up effect", but they are not for pitch control--no more than an F-18's. Think about it---are you even going to have much effect in pitch when you're only 20 degrees or so away from vertical?
  22. Valkyria Chronicles is only 20 bucks at Wal-Mart. http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?...115860412449883 Slightly annoying, as I got my copy only a few weeks ago.
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