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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. AFAIK the gearbox change is enough that it effectively creates 2 engine types--it's not easy to swap them around. DC-10 was like that. I think the engines were "left" and "center/right" on it. You CAN change them, but they really don't want to. And there's still 2 props---props which the plane itself can't carry inside. It's generally considered a really good idea for military cargo planes to be able to transport their own engines and props.
  2. No, that's how they're designed. They even have 2 different engines designed, for the 2 different gearboxes needed to accomodate the 2 different props. Logistics nightmare... (and no prop blade rotates THAT much for reversing)
  3. Latest A400M pic. Props 1 and 3 rotate opposite of 2 and 4. I'm unaware of counter-rotating implemented that way--normally aren't all engines on the same wing going the same direction? I'm thinking there could be some really weird P-effect going on if one outboard engine quits...
  4. 1-2-3 in order---which is chronological already. Skip 4. Play 5 if you want more. Just IMHO. BTW, Suik 2 has a glitch in the US version. No "strategic battle" music--you'll play in silence then. You'll only get the "desperate strategic battle" music---which is cooler, but doesn't happen very often. Konami never admitted to this AFAIK. If you own the Suik 2 soundtrack, you can hear the "normal" strategic battle music that the US never got. But possibly even more annoyingly, the soundtrack, which has multiple versions of the "cooking battle" and "inn" themes---is missing 1 song. The awesome "desperate strategic battle" theme! Coolest song in the game. Arrgh! Still ticks me off. It'd be like if The Empire Strikes back soundtrack had multiple versions of the "20th Century Fox fanfare" (which it does BTW), but DIDN'T have The Imperial March. PS---if you want all 108 stars in Suik 2, you'll hear the desperate theme a LOT, as one very hard battle must be won. (you can lose a desperate battle and continue the game---you just tend to have perma-death of characters if that happens) That battle is PURE luck, and nothing but. You just pray that the "random special ability of that character" kicks in a LOT. Reload, reload, reload... PPS---for Suik 2 at least---get the bad/normal ending first. IMHO it's up there with Valkyrie Profile 1, in that you don't "get" how much better/different the good ending is, if you see it first. You're not SUPPOSED to get all 108 on the first run. Suik 2 is sad, and is supposed to be.
  5. I'd love a Kotobukiya Genosaurer (my all-time fave Zoid, looks-wise) but every review goes on and on about fit issues, and the amount of work needed just to get it together. I've read low-production Russian resin kit reviews that complained less. For the price, I'm not putting that much work into it.
  6. IMHO, should have not bought all the others, and saved up to buy II.
  7. Mine are all packed away, and I got rid of about half, but here's what I still have: Gunsniper, JP, and CP-13 Genosaurer, JP Ultrasaurus, JP Gordos, JP, and CP-10 Red Redler (game) JP, and CP-09 (this one) http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/zoids/im...21Redredler.jpg Berserk Fuhrer, JP, and Sturm Armor Liger Zero, US, and Jager and Schneider Armor Dark Spiner, US Stealth Viper, US Salamander, JP Liger Zero X, US Seismosaurus, black, US Snipe Master, JP Death Stinger, JP
  8. You don't mention that you've played II. If you haven't, it's far and away the best in the series. Both 1 and 3 link heavily to/from it. 1/2/3 is its own big trilogy, really, with all the others being "separate little stories". And get all 108 stars in I before playing II---it's worth it IMHO.
  9. Leena's Gun Sniper used so many parts from other Zoids and custom sets it ends up being quite expensive---I've only ever seen it FULLY done once: http://hanegaru.main.jp/hp05_008.htm http://hanegaru.main.jp/hp05_009.htm
  10. Thread resurrection, but they're going to make Revoltech Zoids. http://ngeekhiong.blogspot.com/2009/09/rev...hers-under.html
  11. Yeah, I want Zoids more than a VF-1 too. Wonder if they'll make any of the characters from the anime----Reese and Feena (sp) are ripe for the Fraulein line... Now, a Revoltech Mylene valk, THAT I'd pay a lot for.
  12. Yeah. It's not a kit. It'll come in a HUGE box all painted and put together.
  13. I have nothing new to add. I said no Jolly Rogers scheme would be correct, doesn't matter which they pick.
  14. Eh, holding the ginormous gunpod out front may balance it out. Without it though, will definitely need a stand. Hmmn, pilots look like 2 Altos stuck in. Definitely not Brera and Ranka. (I of course, need them to make a Grace for the green version)
  15. Googling "female guyver" (which I haven't done in quite a while) I found the new one---seems to be called Guyver 4? (though that's like the 2nd or 3rd use of that term IIRC). But I could only find like 3 pics/scans, including the one posted. Not much to go on. I can't tell if it's fan art or official, that the new one seems to have an identical purple color.
  16. Yes, superglue does have to ability to "expand" when first opened. (as well as keep coming long after you stopped squeezing). Superglue in a bottle is better, but still won't eliminate that tendency. (plus, avoid using the glue directly--transfer it to a toothpick, then apply with toothpick)
  17. I got this on VHS years ago too---it's actually sitting in a pile of old movies next to my PC right now. Haven't watched it in a LONG time though. We need more female Guyvers... I'm surprised they've never done a new/updated action figure or model or something---there's just that one old re-re-re-re-cast kit.
  18. Yeah, make the title so people know it's "real". Not "What do you want to see?" but rather "Yamato is directly asking the fans what valk they should make next---vote here"
  19. Looks a lot more like the "standard" F-19 stuff of the late 80's/early 90's to me. Monogram's was cooler than Testors': http://www.ericksmodels.com/gallery/f19/f19.html Almost a perfect match for the photos above. (GI Joe's was based on Testors')
  20. Yeah, at this point I'm just trying to figure out what her(roommate's) power is. The whole "it's like I'm getting better at it every second" quote is either a red herring, or the most blatant tip ever. Of course, the whole episode was full of awkward exposition for those who hadn't watched the season 3 finale, so it may have been one of many awkward lines shoe-horned in there. My initial guess was that it's something like Eden, in that she can be very persuasive/commanding (she told to off herself), but that doesn't fit at all with her quote.
  21. I totally didn't recognize Claire's newest roommate as the youngest daughter from "The Nanny".
  22. "Pick 2" would have been the best option IMHO. I think that would have affected the leaders a lot.
  23. How do we have only 178 votes? We have more votes in the "is your v2 VF-1 broken" thread----I'm betting there's a lot more "people with opinions" on the forum, than actual broken-v2-owners.
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