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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Yet again----I really only want a Wii for the retro games and remakes. (Still don't have one, still costs too much when I don't really want any actual Wii games)
  2. Hey, ugly FAST packs save me money. I sure hope the green VF-27 release isn't delayed for ugly movie designs though...
  3. False Sheryl being Grace would be awesome. Kind of doubt it though---more likely Grace-influenced/controlled/designed or something.
  4. Ironically, I think the Bishoujo Rogue is the most common figure here. (ironic since she's not anime). (and I've got one too)
  5. OMG, an F-22 that's not totally grey with grey markings and grey insignia. Check the fin flash: http://www.elmendorf.af.mil/shared/media/p...F-5929O-003.jpg
  6. Eh, I seem to recall some VF-84 planes that combined low-vis insignia with full-color markings. VF-111, too. May not be typical, but not without precedent.
  7. It looks "lessened" compared to the sketch. Every curve is more subtle, every arch flattened, every projection pulled in. Just a little, but everywhere, and it adds up to blandness. It's like if you took something very carefully and sharply ground with crisp edges, then sand blasted it for a while. The overall shape would be identical, but it'd be all smoothed over.
  8. IMHO the UAL 744 is the neatest thing there. Certainly the rarest to see do a fly-by. (actually, this weekend I was indulging in another of my interests)
  9. I thought the lack of 88mph speedo was due to "American laws from the early 80's". They weren't allowed to have one that showed beyond 85.
  10. Lego's making the TIE Defender. If we're really lucky, it'll be out for Xmas.
  11. 12 golds and nearly 200 bronzes, and that only counts for level 6? Sony must really ramp up the requirements as you go up. I'm at level 4, with only like 1/4 as many trophies.
  12. Nov 1, officially. But with no sightings/reports yet, I'm curious. "1 month early" is the defacto standard lately, and they were actually produced many weeks ago. I wonder if they're actually being held at the distribution centers for Black Friday.
  13. While we're (or at least I am) on the topic of MP seekers, more proof that I do actually make progress sometimes: PS---while there's been many MP-03 repaints into Thundercracker, I have yet to see an MP-07 made to look more G1-ish, except mine. Strange. Also, I can't imagine doing a full repaint, as the amount of sanding and scraping to get the parts back together with even a single thin layer of paint in small areas is insane. "Black over dark blue" covers pretty well, but even a super-quick "zap" of spray there prevented the shins from going back in. Sand sand sand, scrape scrape scrape. This mold has TIGHT clearances between parts. (plus, it relies HEAVILY on the flexibility of plastic---very evident if you watch the knees spread apart when you open the gear doors---any SLIGHT change screws things up) Now I just have to get the nerve to hack it all apart to do the sliding-hip-kibble mod. (I was planning on hacking, then painting the fins, but the weather caused a change in plans)
  14. At least a WS6 is "uncommon" plus desirable. I don't know of any Saturn that there's not a zillion of, and is there a following for any of them?
  15. Just had a thought---will a VF-11D's heat shield still work as a toy? It's quite different than the B/C---bigger, bulkier, and "double-humped".
  16. So where's US MP Skywarp? Haven't heard anything lately, and we're close to the release date.
  17. Darn it, I was gonna start the thread---seems I'm an hour late. I can post a new pic though: Decal sheet in corner seems to be gold, not yellow though.
  18. The line-art for the new pack looks 10x better than the models. They look "organic" and bulky, the drawing is mechanical and sleek.
  19. Thicker sheets of steel is how locomotives are ballasted. (that, and pouring concrete into voids) Plus, keeping the fuel tank full----5000 gallons weighs quite a bit.
  20. That's been the established VF-1 wing design for quite some time now. I believe even as of SDF:M the detail drawings showed such.
  21. Chevy's new police car is not a G8, though close---it's a Holden Statesman. They are calling it the Caprice though. http://www.gminsidenews.com/forums/f70/bre...62/#post1861556
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