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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I think that's the point---it's like the YF-21, in that the canopy is a formality, and all info is delivered on screens and to the helmet from external sensors---thus the need for a cyborg pilot to interface with it.
  2. I (and usually Graham) feel the need to mention this every time a VF-19F/S/Kai is brought up: It can't be made from a YF-19/VF-19A. Nearly every part is different. It would take just as much time and money as making a valk from scratch. The nosecones are the same, and the landing gear, but that's about it.
  3. Whoops, I'm just too used to typing 1:72 when talking about planes and pilots. We desperately need a *1/60* pilot Milia figure. I'm aware of those resin pilots, but 1:72 vs 1:60 is enough that they'd look "off".
  4. Hikaru flew two valks--VF-1, and VF-4. Variants don't count.
  5. You can order parts straight from HLJ. Will have to order the entire sprue, but I'm sure even with shipping it'll still be a lot cheaper than a whole 'nother kit.
  6. Also, if 90% of them are "saved" in the first place---their lose their "rare value". Good example is the first Darth Maul figure---everyone figured he'd be desired/valuable later, and bought a few to store away. Well, now he's actually about the least-valuable figure of the line---because everyone already has their own mint example! The only people interested in buying one--already have one! Same happens to cars nowadays---all the rich people who want those cars--already bought one new and kept it mint. They'll never be rare and hard to find in good condition, if every single one is saved in mint condition to start with.
  7. But it's better because it's *Gamlin*. Kind of like a Roy Focker version of anything would be superior to the original.
  8. I still think Gamlick Kick! is possibly the best move in all of anime. Certainly all of Macross.
  9. I've never had paint THAT thin that it'd actually flow around to the underside of a round part, unless it was totally unstirred. Are you STIRRING the paint? Shaking does nothing for acrylics--you can shake all day, and it'll still be 90% unmixed, even if the color looks right. I'd suspect the cold garage at least partly---cold makes many things separate to the point that it takes MUCH more effort for them to mix again---they don't really mix, they just suspend themselves in much smaller particles, so they LOOK mixed, but aren't really.
  10. I like the look better than most M:F fan-art. Now do some Grace stuff! (seriously, do you take requests/commissions?)
  11. Jack Skellington is the neatest IMHO. New Asuka--is that from the "new" Eva series? Don't recognize it at all. Batman--neat, hope they expand the line beyond just the current movies. Fraulein Harley/Ivy/Batgirl would rock... Lack of human Macross figs----yeah. Zentradi in armor would be especially good---I need a Millia fig.
  12. Sigh. You know, that really doesn't strike me as a leader-class toy. Not compared to the new Prime, or even 2007 Brawl. That's just a really big deluxe, complexity-wise. If that. Kinda like ROTF Jetfire.
  13. The leg stripes have been grey on all previous Yamato Milias, I doubt they'd change it now.
  14. At least the YF-19 DOES snap together quite "definitively" in fighter mode, unlike the 3D puzzle that the YF-21 is. The YF-21 is more like "averaging out all the various gaps so that none suddenly split open really wide" rather than truly getting it together.
  15. I find Asuka(and Hwoarang) annoyingly cheap. Asuka's just a Jun replacement, and I liked Jun much better----she was the only member of the whole Mishima/Kazama group I ever used. I may try Lars now. Jun was my all-time best character for getting 10-hit combos, I knew almost all of them. I still miss that. Originally I was a Law/Jack player, but now more Law/Anna. Definitely going to learn Alisa--she's like KOS-MOS' little sister.
  16. I'd say Lars is the new Ken, but online it seems that's Asuka's role. (that, or Hwoarang).
  17. Egads! We need someone to sculpt up a 1/72 TV-suit sitting Milia right away. Anyone, anyone? And that could be used for a possible Milia VF-11, too.
  18. I've seen pics of YF-21s with perfect backplates in fighter mode, lots of them.
  19. logos--please show me the top of the plane too, when the belly plates are closed. On mine, the upper rear fuselage always "pops up" if the plates are closed fully. I know the knees are not the problem on mine. I am well aware of the "extra click and the little hole". (I have actually fully disassmbled the knees for repair, and am very familiar with their inner workings---same for the backpack). If anything I think mine's issue is actually the grey metal bar. I think once I got it fully clicked in. Every other time, it's only like 90% of the way in but will NOT go further. That or the shoulder. Though the part the nozzles are attached too, where the belly plates latch into at the rear--also always an issue. The plates often slip sideways out of position. ::edit:: Hunh. I just got this to happen, while maintaining "as good as mine gets" for the upper rear plate. (I seriously think my back plate has a mold flaw or something---it will NOT lay flush with the middle/forward section---I've got stress marks from forcing it)
  20. That's what I'm saying--you can close them, but you can't make them seamless/flush. If anyone can (while NOT popping the rear fuselage apart on top) please post pics.
  21. No pic of Milia herself? Did Yamato actually sculpt up a female TV-style pilot? Etc etc.
  22. In the rare occasions the belly plates come together at all, I've never seen them hold without a gap for more than about 2 secs. Not without other parts popping out. You can either have the belly gap gone, OR have the rear fuselage fit together. Not both.
  23. This thread has a lot more ranting than solutions, so searches aren't very productive. My YF-19 just got "floppy wing in battroid mode" syndrome, and was wondering what the suggested fix is?
  24. If the Gun Sniper is cheaper and better-fitting than previous Kotobukiyas, I might snag it. ('twas my first Zoid ever)
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