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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. IIRC, Beta was much more popular and long-lasting in Japan than the US.
  2. Horribly over-priced (even by SW Lego standards) but I'll probably buy it anyways:
  3. Heh heh. You will never guess the final cylon though. Well, about 30 secs before they reveal who it is, it'll be obvious. It's actually the last batch right before the very final one that's the most interesting/important. Really, the final cylon isn't that important. But the 2nd-to-last, 3rd-to-last, etc---THOSE are important.
  4. Did you fill the jug up before doing all the rest? That's what prevented me the first time. The jug isn't full by default. I don't recall kneeling, just praying, but I could be "misremembering".
  5. Yeah, don't worry about the Tomb of Athena etc. The rest of Season 2 and beginning of 3 is really good and far less "mythical". And Gubaba---be sure not to read ANYTHING on the net about season 4, or even most discussions about BSG at all---as the final cylon model reveals happened long enough ago that most places won't even list them as spoilers---but they're huge, and the show is SO much better if you don't find out until you're supposed to (trust me, the last group of reveals is really good and makes everything you've watched so far, "different"). Personally, I'd recommend only coming here, as we all know you're watching it for the first time and won't spoil you.
  6. Ok, 100% through a combination of "agreeing and encouraging" dialogue and a few gifts, as opposed to constantly ticking her off but showering her with gifts.
  7. How much contact did Brera and Sheryl even have in the TV series? I can't actually think of them actually meeting face to face. Brera was a link between Alto and Ranka, and really didn't interact with anyone else. (well, that one time he fought Ozma)
  8. For some reason I find it so much harder to catch after they moved it up an hour. I just watch it at NBC.com when I have time.
  9. The Target set with the model rings up at $25, despite the $30 sign---I think they just lowered it this morning. Also--that model is by far the best representation of that ship so far IMHO. And it works surprisingly well for holding the discs---it has a better latch etc than most official cases. I do need to find a 2-disc Blu-Ray case though now, as I will not keep them in there permanently. (and gotta find how to print up a case sleeve, too)
  10. I got that scene--I assumed it was because I got her to 100% liking me. (she's really easy to please---lots of gifts that she LOVES, and just talking to her gets big points)
  11. Those spells still have friendly effects though---cone of cold will freeze your guys solid too, so they can't go hacking away at the frozen enemies.
  12. Jiggle. With a J. (I *could* be such a grammar nazi online, but I'm not) (though I usually do point out affect and effect, that one bugs me, as I see lots of "professionals" get it wrong)
  13. Yuthura Ban is the most-interesting and most-clothed of them all. Coincidence?
  14. The tower did seem long and boring IMHO. Not that HARD, just too long. Also---yes, everyone and everything says that having a PC mage makes it easy--which is why my next game will be that. My party for most of the game was my dual-wielding rogue, Leliana, Alistair or Oghren, and Wynne or Morrigan. Usually Wynne, just to heal the other 3 while they were fighting. It worked, but wasn't easy. It's clear IMHO that the game is unbalanced, class-wise. Area-of-effect and stunning/stopping abilities are key---and most non-mages have few if any of those. Every guide and FAQ basically say "if you don't have cone of cold in your party abilities, you're totally screwed in this fight and every other one like it".
  15. Beat Dragon Age. For the final boss---RANGED attacks. Seriously. I even gave Alistair a crossbow. And common sense should tell you what type of attack you'll want to equip against. Another quick tip----there is no "final form" or "the REAL evil". Once you're there---that's it. Use EVERY item you've got, don't worry about saving them for a 2nd round or anything.
  16. They have made several versions to cover each appearance---if you want hover mode (and a Mr Fusion), you have to buy the BTTF 2 version. White-walls? BTTF 3. Lightning rod? BTTF 1.
  17. Make Marty in his yellow bio-hazard suit with the hood/mask on, and there'd be no likeness issues, and it'd be hard to argue that it's actually a "movie" figure at all. Be better than nothing.
  18. I swear my Wynne is bugged. She's pretty much maxed out for liking me, I've NEVER gotten a disapproval from her, I've done all of her conversations, and her personal quest---and she has still never offered to teach the spirit mage specialization. (and I went back everywhere and couldn't find the book that teaches it again---it would have cost a large percentage of my money at the time, but now I wish I'd bought it)
  19. Man, and I thought I'd found everything Leliana had to say, since she was always in the party. Guess I'll have to bring her along occasionally in the next playthrough (since I plan to have Sten in the party a lot) PS---Leliana does giggle a lot.
  20. One of the few (only?) flying EE Lightings crashed at an airshow in Cape Town (as in South Africa), killing the pilot.
  21. And the crash was caught on tape: http://jalopnik.com/5404403/exclusive-vide...into-texas-lake "I'm pretty sure it's a Lambo, dude".
  22. I think the X-31 was the first practical application of that. I mean, it is the smallest possible number to get 3D vectoring. (yes, I know what you're really alluding to)
  23. Now you get to tell me when you hear Cdr Shepard. Anyways---last I read there were 4 endings---really just 2, but 1 of those 2 had 3 variations. Based on recent conversations/choices in Denerim, I suspected there'd be a whole lot more---are some impossible to actually get, they just offer dialogue? Or will what happens there really not affect the ending, it only affects those scenes? (I don't want to be spoiled at all, but I also don't want to replay the last few hours a half-dozen times trying to achieve every little variation--though some could be fun to see). Still, even though my char is about as persuasive as could be without spending the entire game focusing on it, I failed a few there. ::late night edit--hey, it's the weekend:: I won't spoil it at all, but man, I'm surprised that last event choice didn't say "Alistair disapproves -100, and will hate you forever".
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