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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I freely admit I like valks with boobs. I'd rather Yamato make a VF-11MAXL' than just about anything else. And of course, combining "Mylene" with "valks with boobs" with "M7 outfits" gets you this: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=770977
  2. Slipped off the front page, so I'm bumping it.
  3. Zartan looks good, but I still want a readily-available classic Dusty for my "desert" Joes first. Also want a Cover Girl that doesn't totally suck. There's still a lot of "missing from 25th" things I want rather than more RoC/Resolute rehashes of the same basic dozen characters.
  4. I only just now realized that I actually need the spacesuit Ahsoka fig---but I haven't found one in the 48 hours I've been looking---but I know I saw it recently enough that there SHOULD still be some out there among the many Admiral Pegwarmers. Is that Ahsoka still readily available? I don't really want to drive to the next town on Black Friday to figure hunt at various super-crowded stores for nothing. I don't want to order one and "risk random bad QC", as that fig has pretty complex paint apps on the face, and I really want a nicely-painted one.
  5. Yes, many outfits in M7 suck, especially Milia's mayoral one.
  6. Milia in a flightsuit in M7 looks better than Milia in a flightsuit in SDF:M though. (seriously, Macross should put as many chicks as possible in flightsuits--they always look good---even Sheryl did it a few times)
  7. They should have invited Grace to the pizza party. Excellent place to use her wrist-tentacle-things.
  8. I suspect the fact that everyone knew it was going to be a re-hash with recycled footage dampened the numbers a bit.
  9. That makes me ask: 1. How old are the "old farts" here? (since most of the long-term members here are all roughly the same age) 2. How old are you?
  10. While Pollyscale is my fave paint, I don't like any of their clears.
  11. It's kinda like a Deathscythe Hell Custom, but more ludicrously caped. And white.
  12. If nothing else, the Xenosaga series had some amazing boss battle themes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCTvSX4d-ck I still don't how to pronounce Metempsychosis; Ω Res Novae was at least mentioned in-game many times. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAF3k7ak55U (it doesn't get *really* cool until 2 mins in)
  13. LED backlighting seems nice, but I don't see a massive jump--it's still not implemented as well as it should be. Should basically give an LED to each pixel. THEN it'd be impressive as heck. OLED is still "5 years away"--which is what they said 5 years ago, and I think 10 years a go...
  14. What I'd really like is a brushable flat coat. Future brushes great--but I rarely have need for a gloss coat.
  15. A "knock less glossy" is a far cry from 'flat'. I could get a sort of satiny finish, but let me know if you can get a FLAT finish from Future. (I was mainly using Tamiya flat base in my experiments, as it's what's listed in Swanny's Future guide)
  16. I think the semi-gloss screens are the best compromise. Really gloss=reflections, but really flat=any light it picks up gets spread over a large area of the screen. Screen "shine" was a pretty big consideration when I picked up mine. (I don't like the glossy-black Samsung remotes either, but it's remarkably fingerprint-free---deals with them 10x better than a PS3 does) (Samsung changes their screen glossiness a lot lately--I think I got one of the last models with the "good" type of screen---even other models from that year had the newer-but-worse type)
  17. I'll try to recall/revisit some this week and see if I can find a "perfect example". Still, about the whole "at least something happens/character growth/small plot point" every ep comment--yes, but the rate is absymal. Many eps seem to be 50% reycled footage, with about 1 sentence of new plot or character growth. You could chop out groups of episodes, take the 90 secs of "important" stuff from them all, and make 1 good ep out of the bits. It is darn near "annoying" to watch a half-hour ep to only get a moment of "new" stuff about a character or the plot.
  18. Yes, Future brushes better than anything else on the planet--but it's not just "gloss-like" it is the glossiest gloss there is. New cars aren't as shiny as a nice coat of Future. Also, in my experience, "flattening" Future doesn't work well. You can cover it with flat coats, but mixing in a flattening agent to try to make it dry flat either makes it turn white or splotchy. (I tried many ratios, none worked well or consistently)
  19. Use a mix of radome tan and white, but use more white---and add a bit of yellow IMHO.
  20. It's matte? Hasn't looked that way in the pics. (I'm still on the hunt for one--seems to have been found in quantity in every city in the state but mine)
  21. I kinda saw something along those lines in one of the posts linked above. You know, I actually prefer the flightsuit...
  22. No, but I rewatched almost all of it a few months ago, as I hadn't seen it since the very first time with old, poor-quality copies. I found the opposite--it was more filler than I remembered. Entire episodes had "disappeared" from my memory as there was basically nothing notable. (and I like M7 more than most of the people here AFAIK, and am a big Mylene fan)
  23. Really, after the first couple eps, most could be skipped until the early 20's, then much of the 30's could be skipped, then watch the 40's. It'd have been a much better series if they tossed the many filler eps, and just made it a single season with the same storyline.
  24. I take it Grace showed up for 30 secs and looked exactly the same?
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