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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Anyone seen "Synergy green", the awesome new color for the Camaro? Well they just announced it'll be V6-only. And only for the non-RS models. Maybe they'll make Polo Green available for the SS model.
  2. Yeah but she'd need a blue-purple wig, too. And a "hacking into Frontier's computer network" necklace. Still, I was surprised at the price too---seemed cheap compared to most other costumes. Grace's costume is neat in that someone probably could wear it to an office, and not really attract any attention (unless a Frontier fan worked there).
  3. Yes, Romo Lampkin rocks. But the most important thing is that Racetrack is ok and she didn't get any scars from the explosion. PS---this is one of my fave moments in the series: http://en.battlestarwiki.org/wiki/File:Ada..._b-day_card.jpg
  4. Hey, Grace costume on Ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/Macross-Frontier%1AGra...121182010r21658
  5. Yeah but my name's not in the credits either, and I'm not dead...
  6. Just another quick shout-out that if anyone has a spare head-striping decal for Alto's, I could use it.
  7. Anyone who's ever built a model feels for that ship, and Adama. When the series was originally aired I often felt like I was the only one who realized just how much effort went into such a thing. (and model ships are probably THE most time-consuming of all, when rigged) (which is why I've never built a model sailing ship---too daunting)
  8. People who are even better at landing gear identificatio than I say the wheels look like an F-14's. (the idea is that they used as many existing parts as possible to get it up and running quickly, much like the YF-23 and X-29) Also, 787 first flight moved up. Keeps changing, 14-18-22-15. But sometime around 2 weeks from now.
  9. Looking at what I did to mine, actually, you can just cut the belts off and it won't make any difference really. It's the "chest clamps" that can only be removed via pin removal.
  10. Use a hammer. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/tutorials-ho...ins-rivets.html http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/tutorials-ho...rial-video.html Note that it takes a lot of "fiddling" with Jetfire to get everything shuffled around so that you can actually GET to the pins to remove the belts and have room to brace the parts.
  11. I'd go for that. (Still fake red, but it's a rather realistic fake red, and she has the coloring that it's quite convincing)
  12. ?? Your last comment was already spoiler-tagged before I replied to it, so Gubaba shouldn't know what I was referring to. But I went back and spoiler-tagged just in case, or there's something I'm forgetting. And sorry for not seeing it as a mis-direction.
  13. Don't cut the belts---remove the pins and get rid of the entire attachment point. It'll look a LOT better.
  14. Ah, from when WalMart "expanded" their online selection to include pretty much everything from everywhere. Didn't they stop that, and now they're "just WalMart's stuff" again?
  15. Megan Fox would look even more fakey than Scarlett already does, with red dye. (few things annoy me more than fakey red dye---thing is, 90% of red dye jobs look blatantly fake from a mile away due to either being an impossible shade of red, or done on someone who clearly couldn't be a redhead anyways---or both)
  16. How on Earth did that happen? Was it in a JP box? It shouldn't have even scanned into the computers if it was a return or something.
  17. Yeah, well, they won't look so hot dead. (Ha! At least one of them dies---maybe all of them---you *have* noticed BSG likes to kill off people on a fairly regular basis)
  18. I was thinking more along the lines of Alicia Witt myself...
  19. Gubaba--I was going to mention that you were heading into a group of "skippable" episodes (especially the Sagittaron medical one). But don't worry, the end of season 3 rocks, as does the beginning and end of season 4.
  20. Gotta wonder why they didn't just, you know, hire a redhead that can act, than someone who is neither...
  21. Well, Battle 7 is awfully colorful, probably has the brightest colors of any Macross. Of course, it's from M7, so anything less would seem inconsistent with the series itself...
  22. He may also have a thing for old expensive watches and the classics, and prefer to use IIII.
  23. Yes, but Bandai seems to have gotten the whole concept backwards---the ships are intentionally "over-saturated" in real life, because so much of it is lost on-screen. If you're going for "actual studio model under normal lighting" the kit is too colorful, and if you're going for "on-screen" then it's WAY too colorful. I too have never seen any good "original 1979 paint job" pics. I don't think they exist, or they'd have shown up on the numerous "how to paint the Enterprise" threads on the 'net. (side note, IIRC, the Ent-D suffers from "double" de-saturation----the one that naturally occurs from filming, and the one the studio does because the first time they filmed it they thought it was supposed to be a grey ship, not a blueish one, and so they took out all the blue----but they couldn't go and NOT do it for all the rest of the episodes once they heard back from the original modelers/painters, so they had to keep doing it, thus a grey Ent-D). (kind of like the infamous green skin paint tests, if you know that story)
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