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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I like the weird. Same reason I occasionally play my PC copy of ME having replaced Shep with Liara.
  2. If she sounds like a bitch, then it's the voice director's fault for instructing her to do it that way. That actress is VERY talented and can do cute/sweet just as well. (though honestly she does a lot more "stuck-up/stern" roles overall) She's also: Naomi Hunter in MGS Sam in "Totally Spies!" Aayla Secura in Clone Wars Miss Keane in Powerpuff Girls Bastila in KOTOR and a zillion others
  3. Lots of pics of the LEGO TIE Defender. http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=411893
  4. The PS3 is one of the better Blu-Ray players out there. And it is said to be one of the best at upscaling DVDs. An important point to me is that the PS3 is the fastest-loading player. Some players (especially early ones) could literally take a minute or two to "get going" once you hit play... However, the PS3 is no longer the definite "best bang for the buck" that it used to be soley as a Blu-Ray player, as standalone players have had their prices plummet recently, while the PS3's price has only gone down a bit.
  5. Graham---you say you don't like remakes, yet said Galactica was the best show of the decade?
  6. Among early users, VF-32 and VF-124 are among the few that can claim wing stripes...
  7. I'm trying very hard to avoid spoilers, so Tali returning is about the ONLY thing I know. (kinda hard to avoid that, she was plastered all over every site last week or so--plus it'd be very surprising if she WASN'T back, since she's a popular character and couldn't die) For Bioware in particular, I like "not knowing" even basic companions etc. I bought KOTOR totally blind--didn't even know what it was, other than "SW RPG". That was my first Bioware game. I'd heard about being able to change classes, but appearance? Hmmn. Only if they actually expand the choices/options to fiddle with---my Shep is as perfect as can be with what was available.
  8. ME 2 important news, it'll be 2 discs. From Evil Chris Priestly: Ok some details for you. 1 - Yes, there are 2 game discs for both the PC and Xbox 360 versions, both the Collector's and standard editions. 2 - There is a 3rd disc with the Collector's Edition. This is a movie DvD containing making of and other bonus information. 3 - The PC version is a standard install. You install the information from both discs and then play with 1 disc in the drive. No swapping. 4 - You can install the game to your Xbox 360 Hard Drive as long as you have enough memory to do so and have the correct disc in the drive when you play. 5 - Even though there is a disc swap, it occurs at a carefully planned place in the game (that does not interfere with gameplay) and is done once. You do not swap back and forth. 1 swap and then done. 6 - Why 2 discs? Answer: Because you cannot fit this much awesome on one disc.
  9. Yup. Regardless of the whole "year 0" issue, nobody would say 1920 isn't part of the 20's, or that 1930 is. "The 90's" was 1990-1999. The current decade is thus 2000-2009, regardless of any mathematical issues deriving from "the very first recorded year".
  10. Yeah, VF-2 simply rocked during that era. They flew their full-colors CAG bird at low altitude into combat as much as they could, just to be defiant and say "F you" to the opposition. (VFA-105 did the same) Their CAG plane ended up with the highest tally of the squadron. Also, they were the first (and possibly only) squadron to load their TARPS planes with bombs (and they used them). Not much fits when you're carrying a TARPS pod, but they squeezed a few on.
  11. The prototype pic is just plain wrong in some areas---the chest isn't grey, it's green like everywhere else. Still, very hard to tell shadows from paint variations in this shot. I gotta go check Ep 25 again, and the first appearance of the green ones as soon as I figure out which ep that was (maybe 13?). This pic is as lightened and brightened as I can without royally screwing up the colors etc.
  12. Nosegear door bump goes with the "ahead of the glove vane" bump. If one's gone, both are. If one's present, they both are. No glove vane bump on that one, so no nosegear door bump. Anyways, I'd bet money that's 162702. http://www.almansur.com/jollyrogers/haynesf14atr.jpg As for me, I consider "gun vents" the most important detail an F-14 model can have, short of being an A/B/D.
  13. VF-27β http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-116224-1-1.html Is HLJ's description updated from before? http://hlj.com/product/BAN961937 Darn it, I'm can't preorder it because I may go with the DX instead. PS---they really should have used a pic of her in her flightsuit, not her "Sheryl's manager" outfit.
  14. 1/72 VF-25 gear part diameter: Nose wheel, 5mm Nose tires, 7mm Main wheel, 6mm Main tire, 8.5mm (the tires are very thin, only a little bigger than the wheel)
  15. Darn it, already 3 replies about Nicky. And man, looking back at one of Gubaba's earlier comments...
  16. Not an exclusive. In fact, I've only ever seen that one at Wal-Mart.
  17. Ack, Dobber replied before I changed my post---had to spoiler it, sorry.
  18. Gubaba---she's simply Apollo's "head-Starbuck". Hey, everyone else has a personal hallucination to keep them company, he should too! Also, don't miss on how very little the camera had to pan over to be able to zoom back in to Earth.
  19. Gubaba---I said your opinion of Tigh should be finalized by the end of Season 3. Well? His "that's the man I'll be" line is probably my fave in the series. PS---and for "things to think about"----how incredibly ironic it is that he killed Ellen because she was frakking a cylon.
  20. Have you seen the video? It's like US MP Starscream all over again. Caught fire then flew through a coal mine. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxVad0O1I0s...player_embedded
  21. I'll just wait until you finish Part 2 before saying anything. Too easy to spoil.
  22. No clear parts at all on Grace's? I'm going to have to go snag more screen caps to compare to... (there's definitely some fairly bright green parts in that area but they may be striping)
  23. Don't tell me that "thewhitedrewcarey" was already taken...
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