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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Always is in a Bioware game. Helping people takes time and effort, just like in real life. It's quick and easy to ignore people and be an ass. Sadly, a lot of people choose the latter in real life, too.
  2. Too many websites rely on too much "junk". I've had periods where I've "locked down" a browser so that almost everything is disabled---but then half the websites of the world don't work right, and you have to click approve/allow on every single page. Wouldn't "no script" do a whole lot more than merely block iframe problems?
  3. I liked it--it was subtle. I wouldn't be surprised if half the viewers didn't even recognize.
  4. Dobber made me remember the only line that may be better than Tigh's. (Baltar's)
  5. Is there a way to specifically try to protect against/block out "iframe" attacks? 90% of the warnings I've gotten the past year are those. Including one tonight. They just seem to be EVERYWHERE. Tonight it was on the main page of GMinsidenews.com. A couple months back I got a warning from a British defense industry journal. Last week one actually got through for the first time and really messed up my PC for a day (it was in a pic from a year-old post in a videogame forum that had apparently become infected since then---and I was merely viewing the cached version through google). And so on and so on. Either a lot of sites have crappy admins and protection, or it's becoming more widespread. I wouldn't be surprised if Boeing.com gets one at this point. Also, I'm thinking about trying to just plain block off all of China (and the Ukraine) on my PC---more viruses than webpages, I swear. Anyone got a list of IP's for that? (I'd block Russia, too, but there's way too many military and aviation sites I go to)
  6. Some big ones for sure, and I was trying to spoilerize them, but I found it easier to just black out the whole post than rely on my memory of exactly what happens when.
  7. That's probably the funniest way to play. Smacked anyone upside the head yet?
  8. 1. Don't cut and paste someone else's entire webpage then ask for comments, you could have added in at least 1 word/thought/notion of your own. (and you shouldn't have quoted their entire article, period) 2. Wrong forum. Frontier is one of the key parts of Macrossdom, it certainly doesn't belong in "other anime".
  9. I think I'll let Azrael or Roy or even Exo have the honor/pleasure... But go ahead and keep posting, those who keep it up will be banned in addition.
  10. It only got as far as the photo. Now, the 777 did get airborne on one of its test runs immediately before "first flight", but Boeing denies it. Which is strange, as it used to be that Boeing would purposely get them just barely off the ground prior to the "official" first flight. The 727 was airborne for quite a while the day before its "first flight".
  11. I noticed that they also show normal colors with Wild Weasel. Is that combo going to be released too, or is that just showing what you can do if you own both and are willing to repaint a bit?
  12. Wow, 50% of the people reading this thread are mod/admin.
  13. Your avatar is real---you need a real hat added for it to look right. My avatar is animated, thus a toon-style hat. Your avatar has mis-matched realism now.
  14. Dang it, I simply can't afford my new 1/60 Milia yet...
  15. OT, but Prometheum used the same Santa Hat for his avatar that I did...
  16. He's "a" Star Trek guy for sure. I don't know if he's "the" Star Trek guy.
  17. It's not giving me 50% off, though I do seem to be getting free shipping.
  18. They'd be stupid to make it Wii-only. The Wii is like the antithesis of old-school, hard-core gaming. And old-school gamers make up 100% of Megaman 10's prospective purchasers.
  19. So.....any chance of a Night Raven toy that's *black*?
  20. First play: "Default" shepard--male, "official" face, lightside. Second play---exact opposite. Third play (which I've gotta get started soon if I'm going to do so before ME 2 comes out)---continuing from the 2nd play, mainly to get the "level 60" etc achievements.
  21. Anyone have a guess for how long we'll have to wait for a green VF-27? 2 months after Brera's?
  22. Any reviews on the new TIEs? My local Target has the new Fighter, but apparently TRU has an exclusive Interceptor? (not that I've seen one at my TRU)
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