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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. The vast majority of the world's decals come from cartograph or microscale. They're among the few companies with the high-end silk-screen printer required to make the "really nice" decals.
  2. I meant more like a figure/stature/toy or something. What where? I haven't heard of this at all.
  3. Now if they'll only sculpt a flightsuit Grace for the green one... (sadly, that'd be the first piece of Grace merchandise ever AFAIK)
  4. ::sarcasm:: Yeah, because there's just not enough VF-1 toys in every scale yet... How about something we don't already have more than enough of?
  5. So are you testing out the adage that anything will fly, given enough thrust?
  6. Honestly I'm trying to decided if this thread should be closed. We already have a 1/60 DX thread that discusses the VF-27, and this is not actually a review.
  7. You think I was talking about Cally specifically? There's so much more to come... And just a note to everyone---remember that the final cylon still hasn't been to revealed to Gubaba, so make sure not to mention that person.
  8. No, that's the other Billy. The OTHER other one was an unactivated "sleeper" cylon.
  9. Slightly OT again but HLJ just charged me for my Fei-Yen, so it must be out/available.
  10. In all honesty Gubaba---would you have expected something different from the show? That they'd find Earth and it was paradise, and they'd all go and live in peace and happiness in a new golden age of humanity? But don't worry TOO much---while it is a huge spoiler, frankly----you should have seen it coming and expected it well before it actually happens---there's more than enough foreshadowing in the episodes leading up to it. And there's still a lot more things to see and experience in the series. I'd say more, but I shouldn't. Or in short "when you get to 1 to 2 eps before you actually find out, you really should have expected it by then, so while it may be a huge spoiler now, it's less of a spoiler later in the season"
  11. Yeesh, someone should have PM'd me or another mod so I could go in and edit the post...
  12. First the 707, then the DC-9, and now the C-17. <<<<<<<<<<<<Back in 2005 two Flight colleagues -- Brendan Sobie and Andrew Doyle -- broke the story that China's Xian Aircraft Corp was developing a four-jet freighter sized between a C-130 and a C-17, and based upon some IL-76MD technology. Its max payload was expected to be around 50t and max TO weight >200t. The prototypes and the initial batch may be powered by Russian D-30KP-2/WS-18 turbofans, later by the modified WS-10. Well, four years later, the always fantastic China Military Aviation site has posted the first images of the Y-20. Does anything about this model strike you as, you know, familiar? It's perhaps worth noting that a California jury in July convicted Dongfan Chung, a former Boeing employee, of selling secrets about the C-17, among other things, to ... guess who? <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  13. Walking LEGO AT-TE: LEGO purists will cry out that the mechanics are not of LEGO parts, but the fact that he designed the parts/engineering from scratch and milled them with a LASER more than makes up for it. (7-speed automatic transmission is still probably the most impressive "all-LEGO" mechanism I've seen)
  14. Slightly OT, but one of the more annoying facts about SDF:M to me is that a disproportionately large number of Milia scenes/episodes, are the poorly-animated ones. She looks bad most of the time you see her!
  15. Yeah---it's a ton of paint APPS, even if the actual surface area covered is small. Will be interesting to see how the final 1/60 DX compares in the "painted details" category. Personally, I think the lavender mis-match between plastic and sticker is far more obvious than the maroon.
  16. I don't like brush-painting Tamiya, but they have the best spray cans by far.
  17. Burnish with your fingernail after sanding them smooth. You can make them nigh-invisible. That's the best way when dealing with unpainted plastic.
  18. Depends which kit, but basically for anything made in the last couple of years: If it's Hasegawa, it cannot transform at all, and requires glue and paint. If it's Bandai (this mainly means only the VF-25) it can transform, doesn't need glue, and is molded in multiple colors and will look fine with little to no painting.
  19. A LOT of the pics have a 2nd view if you roll over them with your mouse. I'm curious as to how the ultra-shiny chrome-gold at the base of the wing-mounted nozzles was done.
  20. Exactly. Their -22's don't match their VF-1's. And if you go by M3, their VF-4's seem to be the same "pale" colors as well.
  21. Heck, my Wal-Marts are still charging $60 for MP SW.
  22. Re: the third pic. All the modeling essentials---sprue cutters, q-tips, toothpicks, and a big bottle of tylenol.
  23. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Unobtainium http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main...liedPhlebotinum http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HandWave
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