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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Maybe old news to some people but: http://www.compnine.com/vid.php VIN database, that can compare everything and see how many cars were built EXACTLY like yours, based on paint color, interior color, options, etc. My current car is 1 of 2, my last was 1 of 13. Also shows how many were built with each individual option.
  2. Yeah, I'll say it again too. LET US BUY SHOULDER HINGES. SELL THEM SEPARATELY. The Over-Drive method isn't nearly fast/efficient enough. I don't care about getting them for as "free replacements" etc. I just want some shoulders! Ship a bunch to HLJ and Rainbow 10 etc, and just let us outright buy the darn things. (and Over-Drive's paypal-only method has other issues too).
  3. Yeah, I saw it at Target right after I bought it at TRU. Still horribly overpriced. Either TRU isn't gouging as much as they normally do on LEGO, or Target is charging more than normal due to "new for Xmas". 300 pieces for $50 has got to be among the worst "price per piece" ratio from LEGO in a long time. (exclusions are of course made for motors, lights etc, but this set has none of that--it's all simple basic pieces) The Clone Wars Y-Wing is nearly double the pieces for only a slightly higher price--and it even includes "specific" characters (which generally cost more than "generics" like a trooper).
  4. Pink markings=awesome. (I like girly valkgirls---pink and purple when possible)
  5. Technically, I think all "orange" squadrons use the same shade of orange (the Navy doesn't have room for too many colors on board), so it'd really just be variations in the decals. VA-86 is another orange squadron if people are looking for similar markings---the Sidewinders have quite a cool tail logo, and are rather famous from being in "The Final Countdown".
  6. Sunliners! I'll assume they were picked due to their colors?
  7. Am I the only one that dislikes the new AT-ST? I had to check like twice to make sure the pics weren't mislabeled and that Wal-Mart didn't get in old stock. Compared to the models used in filming, it looks to me like the old toys are more accurate. Articulation be damned, the new ones look bulkier and simplified.
  8. Thanks much for the sprue photo--interesting, looks like the pilots are on separate sub-sprues, easily swapped out...
  9. I was just coming to this thread to ask---could someone compare those figs to the one in Brera's? I've never seen a good pic of the ones in the Brera kit.
  10. Interesting----Max's suit is actually mostly green, with blue striping. Also, Milia has pointy ears.
  11. 12 percent drag isn't small, when Boeing sells $250,000 packages that'll reduce drag by 0.1% on an MD-80...
  12. RedWolf--Gubaba has not seen the big "Ellen" episode. That's like 3 eps ahead. He's only seen the little 30-sec memory flashback where Saul says Ellen's the one. Nothing beyond that is known, especially the whole , etc. I think you think he's further than he is. Ellen has not had her big speech.
  13. I think the middle chunk was a spoiler. It can certainly be guessed at, but not confirmed until later. Don't know if I got to it before Gubaba saw it (he was listed as viewing the topic) ::Edit:: Gah, no he saw it. Yeesh, people, quit spoiling Gubaba! ::edit 2:: Actually there were even more spoilers. http://en.battlestarwiki.org/wiki/No_Exit That's where a lot of that stuff is revealed, and that's like 3-4 eps ahead of where Gubaba is. (Gubaba, don't click that link)
  14. I still wonder why the "wings" of the command-type head don't fold back flush in fighter mode. It'd be so much better both aesthetically and aerodynamically IMHO.
  15. With all this work on Basara's, with sound boosters even developed----they better make Mylene's!!!!!
  16. I'm one of the F-16-CFT-haters. Makes 'em look fugly IMHO.
  17. EVA-01 looks seriously undersized IMHO. I know there's no official stats, but just based on various images etc, I've always put EVA units at like 400+ft tall. (plus the fact that the plug unit seems to fit in their vertebrae)
  18. Ok, are these blind-boxed like every other recent small Japanese toy, and I'm going to have to resort to ebay to get Grace's green VF-27? (which could be very hard, as my Paypal workaround just stopped working, and I have basically no way to pay overseas sellers now)
  19. Oh yes---heat can remove stress marks, or at least lessen them. On "important" toys like a Masterpiece Transformer, I heat them up too to try to relieve some stress marks caused at the factory by assembling them. I generally don't do it to models, as they tend to be made of thinner plastic that's easier to warp.
  20. Just plain neat pics: http://www.network54.com/Forum/211833/thre...cise+in+the+UAE Mostly F-22 and F-16.
  21. FYI, a lot of reports of flimsy gear come from those who aren't aware of how the real thing works and locks to the fuselage, and don't lock in all the parts on the model (which JSI did do an amazing job in replicating). If you actually get all the struts extended and locked in place, it'll hold well (just like the real thing requires for a carrier landing). http://www.merit-intl.com/month/vf-84%20landing.htm PS---skyworks toys is apparently offering repaint services for 50 bucks, and they're even selling already-repainted-ones. They are also working on offering repaints into Black Aces and Vandy One schemes. http://skyworkstoys.com/f14tomcat.html Though they went for the "panel line" look, which I think is over-done. PPS--cheapest/easiest method so far is apparently using Testor's Model Master 36440 paint, and applying it with a makeup sponge. You get this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/maranatha_mod...934377/sizes/l/
  22. The new Combaticon Blastoff looks awesome. I may have to pick that up. I wonder if it's required to have their Barricade add-ons to use it, or it's all part of the same package, etc. I think it's pretty clear now from that and the silhouette, that they are going to make 2 new limbs, so that you can have 4 different molds. Since we already have a heli and tank mold, a jeep or humvee is the obvious choice for replacing the 2nd tank.
  23. I would have loved a nice Lumiya fig (cyborg redhead? Yes please) but that figure looks like it was designed 15 years ago. Far inferior to recent Clone Wars figs etc.
  24. IMHO, the whole "Face of the enemy" thing was pretty pointless. The New Caprica webisodes were far better. PS---yeah, dead earth still has a lot of big revelations to it.
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