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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought her actual face was different, and it wasn't just the hair and glasses. (I didn't say anything for fear of people thinking I was nuts) I'd say the eyes (especially the upper outline), nose, and mouth are all different. General shape of the face/jaw is the same, but the tip of the nose doesn't angle up, her brows are different at the inner corners, and the mouth is just totally different (even ignoring lack of lipstick). Maybe the same people who did episode 8 did Grace in the movie...
  2. I don't buy expensive stuff from HLJ any more, mainly because of that rule.
  3. http://www.pspvideo9.com/ I know it works, but it took long enough (and I have a decently fast PC) that I didn't deem it worth it to do another two-dozen eps, and I don't remember the settings.
  4. I usually get SAL from HLJ in about 10 days---I never spring for EMS.
  5. Consider me weird if you want, but I actually prefer the flightsuit. Anyways---hair down is far more interesting than no glasses. PS--isn't the term "female Alto" redundant? PPS---is that pretty much the entire movie there? That's practically her only scene. Hope her role in the next one's bigger. (being the main villain at the end, it's kind of required)
  6. I wouldn't be surprised if pink and blue foam is now banned by California, especially SoCal. "Everything and anything contains a chemical known to the state of California to cause birth defects and/or harm"
  7. I got my package from HLJ today, it was sent via SAL on Dec 23.
  8. Tailcodes don't really mean much for the Navy when it comes to squadrons--just shows what carrier they're assigned to at the moment. (Marines and Air Force codes indicate what base and sometimes what wing).
  9. The VFX-2 scheme mixes elements of several. But the "thick horizontal yellow rudder stripes with yellow tops" and "yellow with black borders" forward fuselage stripe pegs it as VF-142's design, the Ghostriders. (whose callsign is NOT Ghostrider, and thus NOT who Maverick and Goose flew for) Also, AA identifies the wing, not the squadron. A wing will usually have multiple squadrons assigned to it at a time. And squadrons will change what wing they belong to every once in a while. In the Navy at least, almost any squadron can be assigned to almost any wing at any time. You can even have a reserve squadron "bump" a frontline Marines or Navy squadron from a wing.
  10. Not selling well from what I saw, though my local Wal-Mart was out when I last checked (after weeks of being packed full of them)
  11. It's one-half a step away from being a valk-girl.
  12. The Plan is going to be shown on Jan 8 on Sci-Fi (I refuse to spell it with a Y) according to an ad I just saw.
  13. New Jetfire (well, old mold in new colors), and ONLY available in that 2-pack.
  14. My fave line in season 4 is Baltar's last. "I know about farming." All his science and genius---he has no need for it now. But he does need what his father taught him.
  15. Yeah, I'd like a G8 too, but there's none for quite a few miles around, and having a Pontiac as a trade-in isn't worth what it used to be. (plus, no way I can get a new car now, regardless of how much they take off----I'll just hope that the 2012 etc cars from someone are awesome)
  16. You know, I read many reviews about trying to get Jetfire's engines in place, and I've never had trouble with mine, and mine LOCK in place very firmly. Either I have a marvelously better one, or everyone else is doing something wrong. As for a chromed-feet Prime----mine's never chipped, but I've also almost never had it on a hard surface. Man, I'd love to get the 2-pack, but just can't afford it now. (maybe if I sell my 1st-movie chromed Prime and US Jetfire, but they tend not to have any buyers with the better versions out now)
  17. There's simply no images of what you ask AFAIK. They're not really even clearly shown in the game from what I recall and I played through the game entirely like 5 times to unlock everything. I have nearly every M3 article and scan that's ever been posted to MW over the years---and nada. The lack of response isn't lack of caring---I just don't think anyone has what you need.
  18. No. Don't wait. End the series. Then watch the plan. If for no other reason than emotional impact etc. Same reason as Star Wars---don't watch it chronologically. Watch it in the order it was produced.
  19. Hey, blame Kawamori or whoever for them being pastel. Yamato matched the colors perfectly to their canon/on-screen appearance. I don't think anyone who's seen M7 expected them to be any different. That's just how they are.
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