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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Shin--did you vote? There's still only one "multiple sets" vote.
  2. But .4 liters smaller and some forced induction added would be better though IMHO. (that pretty much goes for every car/engine in existence nowdays)
  3. Darn it, I did forget about that possibility. I'll see what I can do. ::edit:: New thread option added.
  4. I'll be ticked if they outshopped Grace's animation to an inferior group or something...
  5. Yup. It's very tight the first time.
  6. Trying to see just how many un-fixed VF-1's are still out there. Also, this is a poll strictly to acquire "numbers needed from Yamato"---if yours hasn't broken, don't participate. If yours have been replaced already, also don't participate----this is not trying to find out how many broke in total, it's trying to find out how many still ARE broken.
  7. We need to set up a poll for MW members who need VF-1 shoulders, so Graham can request the appropriate number---that'd also let Yamato know just how many more have broken than they are aware of. (I assume they're aware of all the ones that have been replaced).
  8. Could you use what influence you have to get some extra shoulder hinges for those MW members who are still waiting for parts? I.E, ask for a half-dozen or so when you ask for replacement parts for yours? (will that VF-1J match the early VF-1S releases?----white vs very light grey, etc)
  9. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/transformers...tml#post1733484 I plan to do it to my MP TC, but still haven't gotten enough guts to hack up my custom-painted $100 TF... I'm also still measuring/testing millimeter-by-millimeter to try to get as much clearance for the tips of the h.stabs as possible--even with the kibble "slid all the way up"---there's really still not QUITE enough room---you still have to really splay the legs and have him on his tip-toes, due to the stabs touching the ground. Even a few mm would help a lot, but the kibble can only slide up so far before it'll go past the bottom peg. The original version of the mold solved this by having the tailbooms actually slide up past the shin a bit, but with the changing of the peg position (there's still mold marks inside of the original location) you can't go quite as far now.
  10. It's no different from US animation, where most boys are voiced by women.
  11. Goody, because I don't think the HA one is THAT good. (yeah it's good, but it's not drool-worthy). Now if we can just get a Leader Barricade... (after Leader SS, I've pretty much given up all hope of Hasbro ever giving us a really good jet in the main line, the MP Seekers will probably be it for this decade----gimmicks over sculpts seems to be THE over-ruling thing these days no matter how much it hurts the looks)
  12. I really just want them to make some more figs using the best 25th Baroness mold, armored Scarlett, Helix, etc. A few new parts, variations, etc. Still really want a 25th-style Cover Girl. (they can call her whatever they want, put her in whatever line they want--but so long as she's got reddish/auburn hair and a leather jacket, it'll do) And a Techno-Viper.
  13. No comments? I really enjoyed the latest 2-parter. First time we've seen Grievous really USE his sabers/agility since Tartakovsky's.
  14. If nothing else, it utterly lacks the intake kibble. (and no extra-thick forearms)
  15. I'm pretty sure "stabilizer mode" is something thought up of at the last minute by the marketing team just to add a "feature" to the toy... It's kind of like when a DVD lists "chapter selection" and "trailers" on the box as special bonuses.
  16. I believe the explanation is that he wanted to make them look like samurai swords hanging from the waist. That, or he was thinking of the YF-19. It certainly has nothing to do with airplane aesthetics or aerodynamics. Remember that Megatron and Soundwave are just as agile in the air in robot mode as the seekers.
  17. HFH=Hory Froating Head=Shoji Kawamori. It's MW's own in-joke. Someone else will have to dig up the original thread/pics.
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