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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. No, I haven't ever modeled a D-model Hornet, and when I do it'll be the Bengals. (only D-model I've ever seen)
  2. Flankers as aggressors has long been suggested/rumored. Especially as there is now no F-14 for the F-15/16/18 to practice against.
  3. Almost all instructions for all transforming toys tend to "simplify" things. If what's REALLY required is to "pull out slightly to the side to disengage a post, then rotate just a bit to get past the hook on the tab, then you can pull the legs down"---the instructions will really just say/show "pull the leg straight down", and depend/hope on the plastic bending without breaking until the owner figures out EXACTLY what really needs to happen. The above is true for all toys from all manufacturers. The chest plate/forward fuselage joint on the V2 VF-1 is a great example of this. What they show and what really needs to happen are very different--I'm surprised there's no broken chest plates/tabs on MW AFAIK.
  4. No, this not the Black Aces. Also see: http://www.airliners.net/photo/USA---Marin...-18D/1488110/L/
  5. I'd appreciate that. And with Mass Effect 2 coming next week, I couldn't put many hours into it anyways now.
  6. Shorter version: There are a zillion different levels of how "reflective" a flat-screen is. Even similar models within a brand will differ. And it is purely personal preference---you may very well HATE the "latest and greatest" anti-glare technique on some models, etc. So LOOK at them in a well-lit store, don't go by what it says or what other people say. All screens look "reflectionless" in your typical "big wall of TV's in darkness" setup. Go somewhere like Sears, where they have often have TV's set up like they normally are in a living room, and see how they handle lights/reflections. (unless of course you always watch TV in a dark room with no windows, then it won't matter) As for VF-19's caution---Plasmas are like CRT's, in that long-term exposure to a static image will "burn in" the image--only it's a bit different and called retention in flatscreens. But plasma's tend to be much more sensitive to it, especially early in their life. You have to "break them in" first. And the black bars from any non-16:9 source count as "static". (even LCD's can get retention, but it's harder and it usually goes away in a day if it happens)
  7. Every beta key I find is gone 30 secs after I find it... (yes, I'd like to try it, but doubt I'd actually buy it)
  8. Everything I've seen covers quite a long list of available ships, time-wise. Also, the Trek universe has the longest-serving military ships around it seems---Excelsiors and Mirandas were front-line in the Dominion War. Surely by ST:O there's lots of Nebulas still around, and probably a few Ambassadors. If they're allowing CONSTITUTION class, then surely they should have newer, better ships like Excelsior and Ambassador. (also, I think it's quasi-canon that the refit Constitution was actually rather rare in the fleet, it's just uber-famous due to the Enterprise---but the Excelsior and Ambassador were common)
  9. Yeah, I know. Half those classes are fake and/or modifications. I don't want a bunch of stuff you'd find in the fan-art section of a Trek site, I want the uber-famous, canon, established ships that formed the bulk of the fleet. I'll keep with the Star Wars comparisons---if I buy a ship combat game, I expect the X, A, B, and Y-wing. Not the X, C, F, G, K, M, and S-wing. PS---hello, the Excelsior class has CANON modifications---notably the Ent-B and Lakota. It's the PERFECT ship for the game for that reason. Instead, we get rejects from Deviantart...
  10. Yeah, but those 3 are the exact top 3 I wanted. I wanted something other than "Ent-A, Ent-D, Ent-E".
  11. Because it's already been discussed recently in the "all things videogames" thread. Anyways-----no Excelsior, no purchase. (it'll probably be DLC later, but that just ticks me off---that's like making lightsabers an "optional extra cost" item in a Jedi game----it's so well-known it absolutely should be there period)
  12. The finish of the screen is important, and there's more than simply glossy vs flat. There's many levels, even within brands. A fairly big factor for me was the finish of the screen on mine, since it sits right next to a window (but always with the blinds closed and at 90 degrees to it). My TV was about the last one Samsung made with that particular type of anti-glare----others made the same year were different (can't remember if they were shinier or duller) but they were inferior IMHO. And too much anti-glare can be a bad thing, just like too little. It's a sliding scale. For light pointed at the screen----a TV can either reflect and show a clear image, or it can diffuse and show a blurry area of light. Extreme diffusion covers half the screen but is more subtle, but a very sharp reflection will be very small (but very obvious). Pick your poison, you can't have both. (my TV I think is actually on the more reflective end of the scale)
  13. Not much too it. Get a hair dryer, turn it on, and heat the plastic. You should see stress marks lessen.
  14. Using a hair dryer on "high" is an alternate method to above, that is much safer/easier. In my experience it works very well on stress marks from fitting/bending/tight pieces, but not on sprue cuts. (worked VERY well on my MP TC's legs--anywhere there's a screw, the plastic gets stressed and turns white) beatsing--to swap the chest pieces you have to completely disassemble the torso, including the pins. That means using a hammer and a punch. (the only pin you don't have to remove is the "master" one that connects the intakes to the forward fuselage, right around the head/neck area---that one is impossible to remove anyways) PS---if you do try the lighter method, and the plastic smells like butane or asphalt, you've got cheap plastic, and probably a knockoff. Actually, just sanding will make enough heat that you can get a sense of the plastic.
  15. Your thread and your post are opposing. The thread is titled "list of ones with smooth pins" but then you go on to list those with knurled...
  16. I looked at US Skywarp in the store---it's nearly flawless. But most of the production batch of Thundercracker has CHUNKS missing on the tailbooms. Not just sprue marks, but very obvious ones. As for reversed chest piece--yes, they ALL do. Nobody has yet to report one that didn't. I swapped mine around though.
  17. Smoothing out sprue marks with your thumbnail is often the easiest and best method. Just burnish hard. (assuming the marks are decently smooth, and not obviously chewed/ragged)
  18. Just google your intended cooler+mobo with the word "fit". Surely, someone's tried it and posted pics of how it fits. That's how I knew my mobo+cooler+case combo would work before I ordered parts. Another possible issue is RAM fitting under a cooler. A big cooler, combined with RAM that has large sinks, can be an issue.
  19. My Masterpiece Thundercracker would disagree.
  20. Long story short: I accidently way overvolted my E8400 for a few secs. 1.75v instead of 1.175v. Now, it only ran that high from "booting up to as soon as I can start CPUID" so it was probably less than 30 secs and unstressed. Would such a short period have hurt it? Or is that much voltage really bad no matter how little time? I use a MUCH bigger cooler than necessary (Scythe Ninja Plus) :edit: I'm starting a Prime95 test tonight and logging temps, will see how it does.
  21. Anyone thinking about White Knight Chronicles? http://www.thegameheadz.com/Games/Playstat...40/Default.aspx http://blog.us.playstation.com/2010/01/whi...nline-tutorial/ I first saw it like 2 years ago, and thought it looked kinda Xenogears-esque (what with the giant knight in battle and all), and it's *finally* coming out to the US.
  22. Well, it's popular enough (with a fairly distinct art style) that it has definitely influenced much recent/popular art of what a valkyrie "should look like".
  23. Just a quick note: It seems that ME2 will be like DA:O in regards to the social site, and you may be able to "show off" your Shepard, etc. Also, Bioware is going to close the current ME forums and switch them over to the social site prior to launch. (which will suck, as the social forum has godawful architecture and search functions, and likes to auto-post spoilers in the front page)
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