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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. After scanning everything and the bar fight, the Ferengi said "Take turboshaft 3 to cargo bay 6". Did that. Soon after arriving, science officer said something about plasma leaks, and we'll have to disable the forcefields to progress. Well, there's a forcefield further down the corridor. Fairly transparent, with thin vertical blue lines. And there's nothing to do, and I can't go back the way I came. All the doors are locked, nothing glows, and running around clicking on things does nothing.
  2. I already scanned everything in the bar---that's when they attacked me. I'm a bit past that. And again--Cryptic doesn't seem to believe in "low-level" enemies that die easily. EVERYBODY can take multiple sniper shots. Same for space--fighting 3-4 ships at once, circling around firing phasers-----yet never going below 98% shields and taking minutes on end to kill them----it may be EASY since you'll never die, but it's BORING because you just sit there firing phasers. Difficulty, and "time to kill" are very different things. See Ninja Gaiden.
  3. I think I'm going to stop now. Last mission just sucked, to the point that I didn't finish it. A. It shouldn't take longer to bring down a FREIGHTER than a Bird-of-Prey. B. Smugglers and bar patrons shouldn't have more HP and better weapons than high-ranking Klingons. C. There's a force field blocking my away team, but there is NOTHING to interact with in this corridor--and I can't go back the way I came.
  4. Not according to the official explanation, in that it came from "megaton".
  5. I just got a shipping notice for my collector's edition.
  6. New ship seems to be level 11, not 10.
  7. Actually, I'm kind of getting bored with it already. Missions are repeating. Last 3 space ones in a row were: "Circle around a planet. Eliminate the 5 groups of enemies. 1 group is a battle cruiser, 2 are a pair of destroyers, and 2 are a trio of frigates". Sometimes Gorn, sometimes Orion, sometimes Klingon. Ground missions are also all the same---"dispatch several groups of enemies---the leader of each group has shields, and most groups will also have some alien dogs to hassle you too". Klingons have targs, Gorn have saurs, dunno what Orions have. And I'm already running into missions that I simply cannot complete with a Miranda class. Like any with 3 Negh'var class cruisers at once... Yes, I realize it's an MMO, but these are "starter" missions I'm being given that are 10x what some of the other ones are. Again---early levelling is too slow. I don't want to do the same 4 missions another couple dozen times to get another ship. Also---is there a plot, or is the goal of the game simply to acquire a Sovereign class while reading tidbits of narrative?
  8. Need a used A320? Hit birds twice, Hudson once: http://www.aigaviation.com/aviationsalvage...px?faano=N106US
  9. It's always been that way. I mean, you STILL can't find any FemShep references for ME1, asides from maybe 1 official screenshot. Also, the "official" Shep is featured for a reason---it's pure marketing, they want a "face" for the brand that's iconic and consistent. Mainly to stick in the mind of the casual gamer who only sees the occasional ad and box art. That's why you also don't ever see any other male Sheps. Note that Dragon Age doesn't have an "official" player Grey Warden at all, but they do show Duncan a lot. (plus, they have a really cool blood dragon logo anyways---Mass Effect's logo is merely a silver font) Anyways--plenty of reports of street date being broken the past day, if you're out and about this weekend, may want to look around. (I won't be, as I'm waiting for my collector's edition) Also, I noticed that during The Plan, they showed ME 2 ads constantly---and now again during the Caprica premiere---they must think there's an overlap in appeal or something, as it's the only time I see ME 2 ads.(which I of course mute and close my eyes for)
  10. A lot of people just plain don't press the pedal down AT ALL and just idle away from the light. I mean, when I'm the 2nd or 3rd person at a light, and I'm the last one to get through---they're accelerating WAY too slow. (also, when you accelerate THAT slow, it's actually less fuel efficient than a more rapid acceleration----full throttle is of course the least efficient, but just like going 10mph instead of 50mph, a "moderate" rate is the most efficient, both for acceleration and cruise)
  11. FF VII was shorter, and once you bought it, you could take as long as you wanted. You weren't paying each month and feeling a need to "justify" the montly expense. Also, 10 hours in, you were proportionately much more powerful, compared to STO.
  12. Levelling up seems to take a while---I swear my missions are giving me LESS stuff, but taking longer. I may not get a new ship before the beta ends at this rate. (also, I'm getting real sick of the "find randomly located ships/anomalies/planets" missions--which is like half of them)
  13. New episode tonight. (I really don't get how they schedule---a week ago it was a repeat of what was new just 2 weeks before that)
  14. "More clicks than a school of dolphin telegraph operators". Epic.
  15. Took the back of a crashed F-18C, the front of a crashed F-18B, and ended up with what they say is an F-18D. Canada invented the franken-Hornet (they have a sorta-C model I think made from a CF-18A and someone's F-18D), but the US beat them all with the Franken-Prowler, which is made from THREE different planes! Franken-Hornets and Franken-Prowlers exist because they're desperately needed but out of production. (you really can't buy an F-18F to replace a B-model)
  16. Yeah, loading seems to be MUCH slower than the first time I played.
  17. Finland's franken-Hornet crashed. Hope it wasn't related to the "surgery". Both crew members are safe luckily.
  18. Fists? This is Basara's valk. Much like missiles and landing gear, those were almost never used in the show and so aren't really missing.
  19. I just started, then the 'net went out across half the state, so I just got to play again for the 2nd time for a little bit. Got the new patch, and ironically---THEN I started getting some big bugs, but the "bug" button is gone! Graphical, mainly. My character and ship keep getting switched. I've got a Miranda class skating around on the ground, and my captain swims through space... (and can fire phasers!)
  20. The internet was down across much of Iowa for the past 24 hours, so my connection went out very soon after I started trying out the beta. I'll play again tonight. I think I have the only Kobali captain so far...
  21. I'll have to agree---the V2 toys that I have seen, are pretty good as toys go for sprue marks. There's few that are better.
  22. Well, if you managed to transform a Yamato toy without breaking it, you should be able to transform almost anything now.
  23. Anyone else find it ironic that Bandai did so well on a small VF-19 which is generally considered to have the most "anime magic" of all valks with regards to shape/transformation-----yet they didn't do so well on a larger, more expensive, much simpler/realistically-transforming VF-25?
  24. They split the intakes off from the hips! No one has done that but SHE. (it's one of the 2 big things I complained about and drew illustrations for when the CAD for Yamato's came out). That makes a big difference to battroid mode appearance/poseability. (and that's how the line art shows it).
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